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Monday, July 28, 2014

Lilies in our Yard ---Part II

We didn't have many PINK PERFECTION LILIES to bloom this year due to a late Spring freeze where several plants got damaged.  Last year, it was this lily which bloomed the most... Many of you will remember Pink Perfection from last year!  (Photo taken on 6/22/14)
In June,  I published a post showing you 12 of the LILIES which were blooming in our yard... IF you missed that post,  click HERE to see it,  or look at it again!  Today,  I'll show you the remaining 11 different LILIES which have or are blooming now.  SO--as you can tell,  we had 23 different types/groups of Lilies to bloom this year.  Most are gone --or almost gone now!!!!  Sigh!

As I have mentioned before (MANY TIMES I am sure---ha),  we have a huge chipmunk/squirrel problem here.  AND those cute little critters LOVE to dig up lily and tulip bulbs and try to eat them (thinking they are 'special' nuts for them)... Sometimes they just move them to another place --and when we get a flower growing in an odd place,  we know who did it!!!!!  Sounds like fun to them I'm sure,  but it drives us bonkers --as we have to work so hard in our yard --while sharing it with the wildlife around... Fun fun!!!!  WELL---to make a long story short,  we have lost many of our Lilies  (and Tulips) through the years due to this problem!!!! Oh Well--tis LIFE!!!

I'll show you a variety today (some as singles,  some in groups,  and/or both).  Hope you enjoy our Lilies... Besides the Roses,  I think Lilies are my second favorite of all of our flowers (especially the ones with fragrance).. BUT--as you know,  I love them all--and love to have something blooming most all seasons!!!! Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements....

GOLDEN SPLENDOR LILIES --taken on 6/28/14;  I LOVE the YELLOWS of Summer.

GARDEN PLEASURE LILY (taken on 6/26/14); 

AMERICAN ORIGINAL LILY (taken on 7/2/14);  I captured this photo with the afternoon sun behind it...

Here's a double of AMERICAN ORIGINAL LILIES.. (taken on 7/5/14)

STARGAZER LILY  (taken on 7/3/14);  This is a popular Asiatic Lily which many people have or know about.  It is such a beauty!

A Group of STARGAZER LILIES  (taken on 7/9/14);   I love seeing the lilies individually--but ADORE them in groups like this... Do you?

SIMPLON LILY;  Taken on 7/14/14;  If you love WHITE,  this one is for you!!

Group of SIMPLON LILIES;  Taken on 7/17/14;  This was one of our latest to bloom --and there are still more blooms to come!!!!  This one is gorgeous in a large group.

A Lily named DIZZY!!!!  (Taken on 7/6/14);  Like Stargazer,  Dizzy is another Asiatic Lily.

Group of DIZZY Lilies;  Taken on 7/10/14;  I absolutely love this lily.. It's guaranteed to make you SMILE ---or should I say,  it will make you "Dizzy" with JOY!!!

Lily named TOUCHING;  Taken on 7/5/14;  This cream-colored lily with its reddish insides is just so pretty.  As you'll see from the next photo,  this is the lily which bloomed the MOST in our yard this year...  AND--it's fragrance is FANTASTIC.  After Pink Perfection got damaged,  Touching decided it was her time to SHINE--and she DID..

Huge Group of TOUCHING LILIES in our yard;  Taken on 7/6/14;   I have probably taken WAY over 100 different photos of these Lilies ---so you have and will see them featured on other blog posts I'm sure!!!! 

CANNA LILIES are NEW to our yard (and to me) this year.  A great friend gave me some --and since we have no more sun areas in our yard,  we put them in containers along the front of the house... MAN--those things are HUGE... I am so excited to have them...Right now,  four of the five are beginning to bloom.  I love their brilliant red color.   (Photo taken on 7/20/14);  Do you have Cannas????

An up-close and personal view of one of the CANNA LILYblooms (taken on 7/18/14);

BLACK BEAUTY LILY in our yard;  Taken on 7/20/14;  Until I did some research,  I thought this was another 'tiger lily' with a different color---but it is not.  It is an Oriental Trumpet Lily.  (The Tiger Lilies are orange with black spots --and we used to have them... Guess the Chipmunks and Squirrels really enjoyed those bulbs!!!)

LOMBARDIA LILY;  taken on 7/1/14;  Along with Stargazer and Dizzy,  Lombardia is an Asiatic Lily.  I absolutely LOVE the color of this one... Do you?

LOMBARDIA LILIES (taken on 7/5/14;  I saved this one until LAST today since it truly is my favorite Lily of this season--even though several others are a close 2nd...  You almost have to see this Lily to appreciate its color.  It is VERY unique --and almost looks as if it would glow in the dark!!!!!!  Such a beauty!
Hope you enjoy seeing the remainder of the Lilies in our yard...  I was talking to George about my love for Lilies ---and he expressed his love for Daylilies... WELL--I too love the Daylilies... AND --since the critters don't bother the Daylilies much (except for deer which will bother most everything IF you let them),  we have many more Daylilies than we do Lilies.  (I counted 55 different varieties of Daylilies as opposed to our 23 varieties of Lilies.)   SO---SEVERAL more Daylily posts are upcoming sometime....

NOW---let me know your favorite Lily featured today!!!!!  I'd love to know!  Thanks.

Have a wonderful Monday and I'll see you on Thursday.