Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, September 28, 2015


Double Delight Rose
Today I am featuring our YARD in September of 2015.  I keep talking to friends and family about how gorgeous our ROSES are this month... Roses bloom here from May-October (or first frost)... The first blooms in May are usually the prettiest --but the Fall blooms this year have been fantastic!

Today I will share with you 10 of the September blooms (photos taken on 9/27/15)  PLUS a few other surprises... Hope you enjoy!!!!  You can click on them for enlargements.

Malibu Rose

Veteran's Honor Rose

Hypnotized Rose

Melody Parfumee  Rose

Crescendo Rose

Gemini Rose (getting near the end of its life --but still gorgeous)

Brigadoon Rose

Octoberfest Rose

Welcome Home Rose (with a bee enjoying lunch)  


Autumn Joy Sedum NOW  (9/27/15)
Remember the blog post I did on 9/14/15????   Well---if you missed it,  you need to go back and look at the difference in the colors in the past 2 weeks.  The Sedum is a gorgeous reddish/burgundy color now... It will gradually get darker and eventually will be brown.... Amazing how these change colors.

Pink Dogwood leaves changing in Fall  (9/27/15)
We still don't have much Autumn Color here on the Cumberland Plateau --but the dogwoods are beginning to turn... Pretty,  isn't it?

Four DEER in our Back Yard  (9/23/15)
I was standing on my back deck taking pictures... We have had quite a few deer around this time of year --trying to fatten up for winter  I guess... We saw 6 or 7 recently--but most of the time,  we only see 3 or 4 together.  As long as they stay away from our flowers (front and side yards) ---they can munch in the backyard....Deer are so pretty --and we have enjoyed watching the younger ones GROW up quickly.

Buttered Popcorn DAY LILY  (9/27/15)
Finally we are enjoying some of our re-blooming Day Lilies blooming this Fall.  This one is just gorgeous ---and stands above the rest as if it is IN CHARGE of the WORLD...  Don't you love seeing Day Lilies blooming NOW?????????

Well--hope you enjoyed seeing the Roses and the other 'stuff' today!!!!!   I do have a question if anyone knows a good answer.   For the FIRST time since I started putting out hummingbird feeders several years ago,  I am having trouble with BEES at the feeders.... Does anyone know how to get rid of the bees since they scare the little hummers away????  Thanks!!!!

Have a wonderful day/week.
