Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, September 28, 2015


Double Delight Rose
Today I am featuring our YARD in September of 2015.  I keep talking to friends and family about how gorgeous our ROSES are this month... Roses bloom here from May-October (or first frost)... The first blooms in May are usually the prettiest --but the Fall blooms this year have been fantastic!

Today I will share with you 10 of the September blooms (photos taken on 9/27/15)  PLUS a few other surprises... Hope you enjoy!!!!  You can click on them for enlargements.

Malibu Rose

Veteran's Honor Rose

Hypnotized Rose

Melody Parfumee  Rose

Crescendo Rose

Gemini Rose (getting near the end of its life --but still gorgeous)

Brigadoon Rose

Octoberfest Rose

Welcome Home Rose (with a bee enjoying lunch)  


Autumn Joy Sedum NOW  (9/27/15)
Remember the blog post I did on 9/14/15????   Well---if you missed it,  you need to go back and look at the difference in the colors in the past 2 weeks.  The Sedum is a gorgeous reddish/burgundy color now... It will gradually get darker and eventually will be brown.... Amazing how these change colors.

Pink Dogwood leaves changing in Fall  (9/27/15)
We still don't have much Autumn Color here on the Cumberland Plateau --but the dogwoods are beginning to turn... Pretty,  isn't it?

Four DEER in our Back Yard  (9/23/15)
I was standing on my back deck taking pictures... We have had quite a few deer around this time of year --trying to fatten up for winter  I guess... We saw 6 or 7 recently--but most of the time,  we only see 3 or 4 together.  As long as they stay away from our flowers (front and side yards) ---they can munch in the backyard....Deer are so pretty --and we have enjoyed watching the younger ones GROW up quickly.

Buttered Popcorn DAY LILY  (9/27/15)
Finally we are enjoying some of our re-blooming Day Lilies blooming this Fall.  This one is just gorgeous ---and stands above the rest as if it is IN CHARGE of the WORLD...  Don't you love seeing Day Lilies blooming NOW?????????

Well--hope you enjoyed seeing the Roses and the other 'stuff' today!!!!!   I do have a question if anyone knows a good answer.   For the FIRST time since I started putting out hummingbird feeders several years ago,  I am having trouble with BEES at the feeders.... Does anyone know how to get rid of the bees since they scare the little hummers away????  Thanks!!!!

Have a wonderful day/week.



Ms. A said...

Perfume Delight and Octoberfest are my favorite shots of these!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Betsy Your Roses are all wonderful.Glad you did not ask for a favourite as I would have struggled in wondering which one to pick. I also like the way the sedem is now in itsful glory. Have a good week ahead.

Andrea said...

Hi Betsy, wow, it's time for the beautiful roses again. My favorites are that first one and the purple, how so endearing. I can almost smell them. I wish you take the shot of the rose garden in wide angle, haha, love them that way. Regards to George.

Jeevan said...

Awesome roses and quite delightful to watch in variant colors and shapes! The sedum shows great coloring... i love watching deer and how many times we look they never seems to bore. Hope they stay away from your yard :)

Have a wonderful fall this year

Ann said...

Those roses are all so pretty and I love the shade of red that the sedum has changed to. The Dogwood leaves are very pretty too. They look like they are ready for Christmas with their red and green coloring.
How fun to see all those deer in your back yard.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, your roses and the sedum are all lovely colors and blooms. I love watching the deer, I hope they do not eat your plants. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

From the Kitchen said...

I love the fact that we can count on roses to give us a last "hurrah" in autumn. All of yours are so lovely it would be hard to choose a favorite.


linda m said...

Wild Birds Unlimited told me to put straight almond extract on the holes on the hummingbird feeder to keep bees and wasps away. You need to re-apply every time you add new food or every couple of days. Tried it and it worked. Your flowers are gorgeous.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Beautiful roses! Love the sedum too and your daylily looks so cheerful.

Happy Fall ~ FlowerLady

Beatriz said...

Hi Betsy!
Your garden must be with an amazing scent.... I almost can smell here!!!

Have a great week


Rita said...

Betsy, about the bees. I do not know if this will work and is somewhat temporary. At an out door Boy Scout carry in they put sliced cucumbers around on the table and it kept bees away. You could use a mesh bag near feeder or small plate on deck railing. Might be worth a try.

LV said...

I never tire seeing your lovely flowers. You two live in a heavenly area of beauty. I gave up having hummingbird feeders. We do not get many here and the ants took them over. My you both have a good week.

George said...

You did a great job of showing our beautiful autumn roses. I only hope they'll stick around for a few more weeks.

Big Dude said...

Gorgeous as always Betsy and I'm really enjoying your header shot

MTWaggin said...

Your roses are amazing and the cedum is so pretty. I've never seen any like that. I too have oneeeeee daylily that is trying to hang on but the front flower bed is already cut down and covered up with the leaves from the tree. Love!

Linda Kay said...

Beautiful flowers!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Your roses are so amazing...all of them! The Sedum have turned a beautiful fall color, and I didn't realize how pretty the dogwoods became in the fall. Some gorgeous images here.

Janice K said...

I "Deerly" loved all your flowers and furry friends. These last couple of weeks have been so great weatherwise. Sure hope it lasts for a while.

Connie said...

Your blooms are all so beautiful, Betsy. My favorite is the Octoberfest. So neat to see the deer too.

Fun60 said...

What stunning roses you have blooming in your garden.

Arkansas Patti said...

You have totally sold me on the Sedum. Wonderful colors.
I am so envious that you are still getting such beautiful blooms. That Crescendo Rose really popped out at me.
I love the roses but am even more envious of those lovely, movable, 4 legged lawn ornaments you get to enjoy.

Betsy said...

Your "Veterans Honor Rose" is stunning Betsy. The deer are so peaceful looking in your yard. We have lots of them at the lake too, and it's always sad on the drive to and from home because it's rare we don't see one that has been hit by a vehicle. I had the same trouble with my hummingbird feeder this year. In fact, I was stung last night by a bee for the first time since I was 16 years old. My finger is still swollen and sore today. The bees are getting very aggressive around here in the past couple of weeks.

Rose said...

I could never pick a favorite of those roses...two or three are just simply glorious. And I also always love yellow roses.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Hmm I haven't had trouble with bees in mine. Gorgeous roses!

David said...

Betsy, Beautiful flower photos as usual! We have lots of deer too but no stress re: them eating our foliage as we aren't as ambitious and dedicated as relates to our plantings. Of course...we don't have all that beautiful color either... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

BB said...

Each picture is more colorful than the previous. I just love these roses and I love the little bee. We need our bees!!

Chatty Crone said...

Is this the time of year for roses? They are gorgeous - I like them all but I think my favorite one is the Veteran's Honor Rose - I just love the red. Hope all is going well for you!

Sally Wessely said...

Beautiful photos. As always, I am in awe over your roses and all the other lovely flowers you grow.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Thanks for the bouquet of beautiful roses. Each one is gorgeous. I did enjoy the other surprises as well.

Small Kucing said...

Good morning Betsy

Lovely roses. I love the dual color roses. I wonder what you add into the soil to make it bloom so nice. Heard from gardening groups that Fish Bone meal helps but so fat I have never tried before

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Betsy

I am having the same problem with my hummingbird feeder--it is attracting bees. I hope it does not mean that there are not enough flowers for the bees to find nectar? Most of the hummingbirds here have begun to migrate south.

Your roses are gorgeous! It is like summer is going to remain in your area a little longer--enjoy it and all that beauty!

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous roses!

Gail said...

Fantastic photos.

I had yellow rose buds in my wedding bouquet with daisies.

Rambling Solo said...

Love the roses, Betsy, and enjoy seeing the deer.

Janie said...

The roses are gorgeous. We haven't had much of a fall bloom this year, maybe because it has been unseasonably warm. I've had trouble with bees at the hummingbird feeder, but I don't know how to solve the issue.

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely post Betsy, your flowers are stunning and the deer, so cute.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I like your surprise! I miss seeing deer. I have only seen one deer in Florida although my husband has seen three (all in different places). I like your Yellow rose and also the Sedum. Enjoy your beautiful yard! Have a super good Thursday!

HappyK said...

Your yard is a delight to behold. : )

Shug said...

Love the header.....love the gorgeous roses....and enjoyed seeing the beautiful deer. You were certainly on my mind while we were on the cruise.. Saw some gorgeous waterfalls! hugs....I have a lot of catching up to do!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Yes, this does it! I'm definitely doing to have to get some Sedum planted. It is so pretty! And your roses and the lily are so gorgeous. I couldn't possibly pick a favorite this time.

Stay well and have a nice Friday and weekend. I'm still trying to get over this nasty virus. It's a doozy.

Lux G. said...

What a magical yard you must have. I love this time of the year when colors of nature change. It's just so spectacular to witness.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

it's roses time. i love them all. so lovely. are you guys having rain? it is pouring like a wild man ...i feel it will flood but i wish or really hope it wont ... at least it sounds like the hurricane is headed the other direction but i guess we could still get rain from it any way. are you reader? book reader i mean? hope you are well. stay happy & healthy. i love the new profile picture. take care. have a happy October. ( :