Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, October 2, 2015


MY HOMETOWN:  Big Stone Gap,  Virginia;  The movie  (BIG STONE GAP) comes to theaters everywhere on October 9th ---so make sure you go and see it!!!!!!!

 It's a comedy/romance, and the cast includes Ashley Judd, Patrick Wilson, Whoopi Goldberg, John Benjamin Hickey, and Jane Krakowski.

Writer and director Adriana Trigiani brings her best-selling novel Big Stone Gap to the screen in a heartwarming tale of family secrets and self-discovery in a small coal-mining town during the late 1970s. Shot entirely on location in the real Big Stone Gap, Trigiani’s hometown, the film captures the joys, the tribulations and the rewards of life in the Appalachian Mountains.

I lived in Big Stone Gap for 18 years --until I went to college. My Dad worked for the railroad, and he and Mom lived there most of their entire lives.  I loved (and still love) that little town --where everyone knew everyone.

Unfortunately,  I left before Adriana and her family moved to BSG,  so I do not know her.  But--I know many of the locals who were 'extras' in the movie... I can't wait to see it.  Looks like a fun-loving movie which reminds me of something like "Fried Green Tomatoes".....  Go and see it --and think of ME......



George said...

I look forward to seeing this, even if you're not in it.

Sylvia K said...

Sounds like a great one!! I'll try to see it over the weekend!! And I hope you enjoy your weekend!!

Lola said...

Sure hope I get to see it.

Betsy said...

It looks like a good movie although this is the first I've heard of it. Thanks for telling us all about it!

Susie Swanson said...

Wow, that's awesome. I have got to see this and I'll think of you the whole time. Hugs and much love, xo

Chatty Crone said...

Sounds like a great movie. I like Ashley Judd. So I will try to go see it and think of you!

Nellie said...

I want to see this one, Betsy! Hoping all is well in your "corner of the world!" Lots of rain here! xo Nellie

Ruth Hiebert said...

They should have at least asked you to play some part in it. :)

Liene said...

Betsy, I just finished reading the Stone Gap trilogy - how is that for a coincidence? I got the first two at a used book sale and was immediately hooked... Can't wait for the movie!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, How exciting for you! So glad. Even though you are not in the movie, just knowing some of the people who were your acquaintances and neighbors are, is nice. Thanks for the movie recommendation. It looks like a good movie to see. We have 3 large multi-plex theaters here where I live so I am sure I can get to see it. Have an outstanding weekend and enjoy your golf-course "Surprises".

Big Dude said...

After seeing the movie, it will be interesting to see if there is any resemblance to BSG.

Shug said...

Fun!! Makes me excited to see the movie!! Thanks for letting us know... Now we can view your old stomping grounds. Hugs

LV said...

Glad to see you. Have not been to a movie in years. Tihs sounds like a cute one. Hope you and George are well.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

It sounds like a good one. Hope it comes to our local cinema grill. It's our favorite place to have supper while watching a movie.

Gail said...

Sounds like a wonderful town and a good movie too.

Arkansas Patti said...

I read that book several years ago and enjoyed it a lot. What a great cast. Wish I had a movie theater nearby. What a treat it will be for you. You might want to buy the DVD when it comes out. I'll look for it when it does go to DVD.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I did not know you were from there. I have read all her books. I didn't even know a movie was coming out.

Ann said...

I'll keep my eye out for it

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

I'll definitely go see it, Betsy! That will be so interesting to see your home town through the eyes of another and in a movie -- while maybe seeing familiar faces among the extras! So exciting!!

It IS fascinating to see one's childhood home or hometown from another's perspective. I had the pleasure two days ago, while driving back to Arizona from a visit with my friend Mary in California, to stop by my childhood home in La Canada, near Pasadena, to visit with the current tenants -- my friend Tim's actress daughter Mary Kate and her boyfriend Matt. While I remember pain and fear within, they see wonder and infinite possibilities and their joy in that place is somehow healing to my soul. I love the happiness they feel there.

David said...

Betsy, Its always fun to see a movie or a TV show that is about someplace you've lived or spent time in! Sounds like Stone Gap VA is a place for us to visit sometime... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Dorothy said...

Sounds like a fun movie. I think they should have given you a cameo appearance :)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Thanks for letting us know. It certainly looks a great movie. You mentioned FAceBook to me and although I link my blog to it, only for those who are not bloggers, I myself do not use it often, only occasionally as I do not have the time for all that chit chat but prefer the more serious and interesting topics of bloggers. Hope you and George are well. Have a lovely weekend.

Jarka Panci said...

Betsy, definitely beautiful and interesting movie ... I beg you-I can copy your quotes right? I wish you the most wonderful October! Jarka

Latane Barton said...

this is a definate see for me. I love movies like that and yes... I will think of you.

Jeevan said...

I want to watch this film to know more about your hometown! I knew how glad u should be :)
Enjoy watching the film when released. And do write about it for us to

Fun60 said...

I'll have to look out for this one.

diane b said...

That is quite amazing to make a film about your little home town. It will be fun for you to watch.

Margie's Musings said...

How interesting that your hometown is featured in a movie! I hope it comes to a theater around here.

Connie said...

I hope I get to see this, Betsy, and if I do, I'll think of you! :-)

Jeevan said...

Seems like a wonderful place to watch and capture wild species... must be great excitement and thrill to venture Bison herds. Here, in the Western Ghats Mountains of our, getting near a bison or passing a herd is dangerous and there are many incidents bison attacked humans. But the way u captured them seems awesome and the bison’s also seems pretty calm grazing. Glad u able to capture the Moose and its horn are very beautiful! I think there’s always surprise at the end going without planning and anticipation things to happen.

Enjoyed the post :)

Unknown said...

I also am from Big Stone Gap :) I went to school with Adriana. I also have a sister in law whom was an extra in the movie. Pretty excited to see the movie!!!

Unknown said...

I'm also from Big Stone Gap and know the Trigiani family. I'm excited to see the movie, I have a sister in law whom got to be an extra in the movie :)