Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Gorgeous Blooms from Biltmore

Last week I showed you some pictures from the Italian Water Garden  (chick HERE),  so today I'll share with you some of the beautiful flowers in the Walled Garden.  Above is a picture of one part of the Walled Garden.   I've shown this garden many times before--but they add new flowers and plants every season.   (Please click on these photos to see a MUCH larger picture.)

Look at this HUGE red Hibiscus.  I'm not sure I have ever seen one THIS large.

Here's a row of Cone Flowers.  Aren't they beautiful?

I liked the look of this Zinnea.   I have never grown them,  but my mother did.  SO--when I see them,  I think of her.

Here is a pretty group of Canna Lilies.  (Sorry --I first said these were Bromeliads.)

I was thrilled to see one of my favorite little succulents (which I have many of in my yard).  It's the Autumn Joy Sedum.  These little flowers change colors as they mature. At the end of the Fall,  they are a beautiful Fall rust color.

Here is the little beauty which I saw growing inside the Conservatory in the Winter.  I posted its picture then.   Someone may have told me its name,  but I cannot remember.  Whatever it is,  I really like it. Do you know????  (UPDATE:  It is a Castor Bean!  Thanks Ruth and Steve.)

Finally,  here's another gorgeous Hibiscus... Love these colors also,  don't you?

Hope you enjoyed seeing more of the "Biltmore Beauty".... 

Have a fabulous day!!!

