Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Oh that Gorgeous Grand Canyon

Out of all of the posts I have done on our 3 week trip out west this past June (this will be the 22nd post),  I realized that I haven't done any posts on the Grand Canyon  (other than the sunset ones).  AND--the Grand Canyon was one of the main reasons we took that long trip...

SO---today I will share a group of photos taken on June 14,  our FIRST views of this amazing place.  We entered the canyon from the East Entrance ---and stopped at the Desert View area for our first views....

These first views were the ones we remember the most.... Hope you enjoy these photos --taken on the eastern end of the Grand Canyon.   Click on the photos to enlarge.

You can see the Colorado River below.  I love seeing all of the colors in the canyon.

This is the Grand Canyon Desert View Watchtower.

Isn't this just awesome????   PLEASE make a trip to the Grand Canyon at least once in your lifetime...  (But--don't go in the hot and very CROWDED summer like we did!!!)

I don't think one can EVER take a bad picture here.  The colors are amazing!

We want to go back to the Grand Canyon ---and visit the north rim... We also want to come back to the south rim in a different season!!!  Another word of advice:  Stay in the canyon.  We stayed off-site --and even though they have a shuttle,  it wasn't as nice as staying in the 'village'.....

Here are two happy people who are so glad to be here!!!!!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend, and please stay WARM.  A cold front is coming --and our low on Saturday night is going to be 34... Yipes!!!!   I will see you on Monday.
