Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 21st---Special Day!!!

George and I started dating on March 29, 2001. Our love for each other grew very quickly.. It was a very special date on April 21, 2001 when George took me to Fall Creek Falls. That was where I got my FIRST KISS and where we both told one another that we were falling in love with each other. It was also the beginning of our love for visiting all kinds of different waterfalls!!!

SO---almost every year since 2001, we have revisited Fall Creek Falls on this day. Bet you can guess where we are going today?????? YES---to Fall Creek Falls, and I'm sure we will share our pictures from this wonderful place soon.

Today I will show you a few pictures from some of the previous April 21st trips to Fall Creek Falls. The picture above is of two of the six waterfalls there, Fall Creek Falls (on left) and Coon Creek Falls (on right). This picture was taken on April 21, 2006. It was pouring rain that year, so we didn't get any pictures of the two of us. Below are more pictures.

At the Cane Creek Cascades at Fall Creek Falls, April 21, 2001

At the Cane Creek Cascades at Fall Creek Falls, April 21, 2002

At Fall Creek Fall (near lodge) on April 21, 2007

Taken on April 21, 2008 at the overlook at Fall Creek Falls, with Rockhouse Falls in the distance

Taken at Cane Creek Cascades on April 21, 2009

Finally, here's Cane Creek Falls from the side---along with rainbow, which I'm sure was there JUST for us on our special day, April 21, 2009.

For your information, IF we have pictures from 2003-2005, they are unavailable at this time. We did visit Fall Creek Falls during those years though.

Hope you have as wonderful a day today as I'm sure we will have!!!!!
