Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, April 13, 2015


For about 2 1/2 weeks between February 15 and  March 5,  2015,   our area had SIX winter storms... The worst one by far was the horrible Ice Storm on Feb. 21st.  I have blogged about all of them except the last one (March 5th)....    Luckily,  this 6th storm was not nearly as wicked as most of the others.. We did get some ICE and SLEET and a tiny bit of snow,  but luckily,  it didn't last long...   And the good news for us (and hopefully for you) is that this was a pretty storm with no damage, and we got some great pictures to share..

SO--today I'll end my Winter 2015 posts with one I think will make you smile.  George and I both went outside off and on during the day getting pictures of the sun (at different angles) as it was shining on those icy trees --making them look as if there were jewels all over the branches.... Hope you enjoy!!!   Click on them for enlargements.

Now---how's that for the END of a Wicked Winter?????  As I said,  we took these photos at different times of the day when the sun was in a different location... I love the ones that have a goldish tint.. Those were taken in the late afternoon...

Hope you enjoyed my LAST (thank goodness) WINTER post from 2015.... It was a hard winter --but nature is AWESOME....  Giving us these beautiful glistening trees --and then bringing us a marvelous spring is just tremendous... At one time during all of those storms,  I was not sure what --if anything---we would have living and blooming this spring.  BUT--things came back!  Thanks be to God.

Have a wonderful day.