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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hey Lady: "I'm NOT a Bluebird"

This little guy pictured above and his mate have INVADED the Bluebird Nestbox. The nestbox contains moss (which is what Chicadees use) instead of grass and small twigs (which is what Bluebirds use). There are no eggs in the nest.

The Bluebirds were at the nestbox on Thursday--but I have not seen them on Friday or Saturday (but I wasn't around too much). Hopefully, they will come back and claim their nest back.

This is a new nestbox this year which we bought for our BLUEBIRDS. I like Chickadees --but would prefer them to use another nestbox (which I do have nearby)...

I have been reading and listening to my bird friends ---giving me their thoughts and suggestions. If anyone else has any ideas, I would appreciate your thoughts. I like Chickadees but the Bluebirds are my favorites. Below are more pictures.

Can you imagine how surprised I was at finding this peeking out of the nestbox???

Here's the little Chickadee coming out of the nestbox.. They are much harder to photograph since they dart in and out very quickly. Where are my BLUEBIRDS????? Sniff Sniff!

Here is a cute little visitor to our feeders this week. This is a Chipping Sparrow. I pictured him once before in March --but he's so pretty that I took more pictures this week.

Isn't this a great picture of the Chipping Sparrow?

I love this new little picture of a Tufted Titmouse. Look at the tuft!!!!!

Hope you all are having a wonderful spring weekend. We luckily missed the bad weather ---so I hope that winter has finally left us for this season!


UPDATE: The Bluebirds are back this morning ---'fussing' with the Chickadees over the nest... I hope the Blues can take it back!!!! It's fun to watch them!!!!