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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hey Lady: "I'm NOT a Bluebird"

This little guy pictured above and his mate have INVADED the Bluebird Nestbox. The nestbox contains moss (which is what Chicadees use) instead of grass and small twigs (which is what Bluebirds use). There are no eggs in the nest.

The Bluebirds were at the nestbox on Thursday--but I have not seen them on Friday or Saturday (but I wasn't around too much). Hopefully, they will come back and claim their nest back.

This is a new nestbox this year which we bought for our BLUEBIRDS. I like Chickadees --but would prefer them to use another nestbox (which I do have nearby)...

I have been reading and listening to my bird friends ---giving me their thoughts and suggestions. If anyone else has any ideas, I would appreciate your thoughts. I like Chickadees but the Bluebirds are my favorites. Below are more pictures.

Can you imagine how surprised I was at finding this peeking out of the nestbox???

Here's the little Chickadee coming out of the nestbox.. They are much harder to photograph since they dart in and out very quickly. Where are my BLUEBIRDS????? Sniff Sniff!

Here is a cute little visitor to our feeders this week. This is a Chipping Sparrow. I pictured him once before in March --but he's so pretty that I took more pictures this week.

Isn't this a great picture of the Chipping Sparrow?

I love this new little picture of a Tufted Titmouse. Look at the tuft!!!!!

Hope you all are having a wonderful spring weekend. We luckily missed the bad weather ---so I hope that winter has finally left us for this season!


UPDATE: The Bluebirds are back this morning ---'fussing' with the Chickadees over the nest... I hope the Blues can take it back!!!! It's fun to watch them!!!!


eileeninmd said...

Wonderful photos of the birds, Betsy! The bluebirds can be very fickle in the boxes they choose.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

great photos, do you have a camera that can zoom in? I have lots of sparrows that come to feed, but I don't have a good camera.

amelia said...

I love the nest box. Did you buy it or make it like that, it's lovely!
We have had snow this last week and it's still very cold. I feel for the birds but I know they cope well with the cold...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like that little chipping sparrow. I am suffering from blog clog and no inspiration for bloggin, I am not ignoring you. if I am not here every day I will be back.

Connie said...

Maybe you'll have to put up another nestbox for the bluebirds, Betsy! I love that first picture. He looks like he has such a funny expression on his face.

June said...

We have two bluebird boxes and every year they're taken over by tree swallows. The bluebirds are still around, nesting in places other than our boxes.
Still.... :-\

Chipping sparrow is kind of tiger-stripey, isn't he!

From the Old InkWell said...

Hi Betsy! I have a bluebird house and have never got a bluebird, only sparrows! I have seen bluebirds checking it out, but I guess it wasn't good enough for them. :)

Dorothy said...

The first Chickadee is precious! I guess they are the ones who build in our Bluebird box! I peeked in and it is made of moss! First it was the Brown-headed Nuthatchs,then Chickadees and then we thought the Bluebirds were going to use it, but haven't seen much of them lately.

Small City Scenes said...

Excellent photos, Betsy. I love the first one and the captions says it all. teehee.
You and your new camera are getting along fine. MB

Sunny said...

Your bird pictures are always so enjoyable to look at.
I have only seen one bluebird in my life, but we have a lot of Chickadees.
Sunny :)

Deb said...

Oh,dear. I hope your Bluebirds return.

The Retired One said...

Other than emptying out the nestbox, I have no other ideas..
love that tufted titmouse...wish we had them up here..they are adorable.
We have about 50 chipping sparrows at our feed this week..they are busy little guys!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Glad to hear the Bluebirds are back.I hope they win and the Chickadee moves on to another box.The Titmouse is so cute,I wish we had them at our place.Have a beautiful day.

Bill S. said...

Chickadees are aggressive little folks - and they think they are bigger than they really are.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a cute picture of the chickadee peeking out of the box instead of the bluebird! If I'd been drinking coffee at the time, I might have choked! You'll need to keep us informed who wins the turf wars. But I adore the chipping sparrow picture!! We used to have a very few around here, but I haven't seen one in many years, so this brought back memories. They are so adorable and tiny.

Love Of Quilts said...

I love seeing your pictures of all the birds.I don't know one bird from another unless its red or blue or black.I do know my hummingbirds I feed them.You are helping me to learn.God Bless Trish

Kelly said...

...I love chickadees...bluebirds...I love them all. Maybe another bluebird box for the bluebirds? Or maybe they will take the box you hung for the chickadees! I hope you get your bluebirds back...

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that your bluebirds have returned. I bet it would be fun to capture some of 'fussing" on video. I liked most your second picture of the chipping sparrow and the tufted titmouse.

I haven't been photographing our birds; too busy taking pictures of flowers!

Naturegirl said...

Betsy the birds here are also busy nesting! So much song in the air! I adore the image of the Sparrow and the Titmouse!! These surely were Joyful reflections!
Happy Spring to you!

Cheryl said...

GO BLUEBIRDS!! How dare the chickadees move into THEIR home?? I do love chickadees but I would much rather have the bluebirds in my yard for sure.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

ooh such beautiful pictures, you can count the feathers...
I'm with you, Bluebirds are my absolute favorite, I wish they were our State bird, but sadly the naughty Mockingbird is.
Your garden is so full of flittering, and twittering ;)

Diane AZ said...

Your chickadees look so sweet! Can you have both bluebird and chickadee nest boxes in your yard?

pam said...

I think chickadees are pretty cute, but I think I'd prefer bluebirds too.

Tipper said...

Oh my goodness-a fuss over the nest-I bet that is fun to watch. I'll be pulling for the Blues too : ) The tufted titmouse-made me smile-so thank you : )

penny said...

Oh were, oh were have your beautiful pair of Blue Bird gone. Maybe they off to find another nest box just like this one. Buy another one and put a sign on it that reads 'Blue Birds ONLY'.

Elaine said...

So glad your bluebirds were back this morning. Don't want to be partial but the bluebirds were there first. :) Sounds like you're enjoying your weekend!


Rose said...

I would try to buy another birdhouse...anything to keep the peace.

Anonymous said...

You always have the best bird photographs! I am amazed at the sights you have brought us! You inspired me to recently start a blog of my own.

I also hope that your Bluebirds start using their nest and have another family in your yard.

Glad you care so much!

Glenda said...

I'm with you, Betsy! Hope the bluebirds win the argument! But those feisty little chickadees will put up a fight, I"m sure. Once again you have some super shots!

Have a wonderful week full of simple pleasures!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I must have been a tufted titmouse in my last life. I look like one each and every morning. :0

Lola said...

Love the pics of those cute little birds. I love to watch them here.

Diane said...

I don't know what to tell you, Betsy. I can understand your frustration - where did the blue birds go? Maybe they moved somewhere else. Diane

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Hope you get your bluebirds back. I love the sparrow picture. You get the best pictures. I love coming over and looking at all your photos. We got the frost but luckily I had covered a lot of my stuff. Have a good week!

Catherine said...

I wish so much I could be there beside you Betsy watching all those sweet birds. Sitting with our cameras, perhaps sipping a nice hot mug of tea? Lovely!

xo Catherine

Mary said...

LOL! Are you sure that is a Bluebird box? The hole looks perfect for a Chickadee, to me :-) I would dearly love to have him at my house. Great bird shots! My Chipping sparrow is hanging around, too.

SquirrelQueen said...

I hope the Bluebirds win the 'fussing' match and reclaim the box from the Chickadees. I want to see the little Bluebirds when they hatch.

The little Tufted Titmouse is so cute and I love the shot of the Chipping Sparrow.
