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Friday, January 7, 2011

2010 Best Of...: WOODPECKERS

For the next several weeks,  I will be posting my '2010 Best Of' pictures.   I have fun going back through all of my pictures,  making a list and then choosing my fav's... I'll tell you though-----it is NOT easy!!!!!  There are so many that it's hard to choose just a few as favorites.... But---here is my best shot at my favorite WOODPECKER photos.

Above is a favorite bird of mine since I named this one (Pete) ---and he loves to squawk at me from the trees when I am outside.  This is our RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER.  This picture was taken on 3/6/10.  Below are more!!!

Here is a gorgeous bird, the RED-HEADED WOODPECKER.   He doesn't come to the feeders very often --usually only during mating season.  This picture was taken on 6/1/10.

This little woodpecker,  the DOWNY WOODPECKER,  frequents our suet feeder several times every day.  He's the smallest of our backyard woodpeckers.  This picture was taken on 5/11/10.

This woodpecker looks alot like a Downy,  but is a HAIRY WOODPECKER.  He's ALOT larger than the Down,  and has a much longer beak.   This guy doesn't come to the feeders very often--but will come when the weather gets bad.  This picture was taken on 12/12/10.

One of the most beautiful of all of the woodpeckers which come to my backyard is the NORTHERN FLICKER.   He doesn't come to the feeders every day --but I do see them quite often in the trees, and in the yard.  This picture was taken on 3/25/10.

And --I'll close with two (of the many) pictures of my favorite LARGE woodpecker,  the PILEATED WOODPECKER.   These birds are at the feeders ALOT ---and I probably have more pictures of them than any other bird.  I cheated a little with this picture because it was taken on 12/30/09---but it's one of my favorites and is filed with my January pictures....  Let's just pretend it was taken on 1/1/10... ha ha ... I love the way they hang onto the suet feeders.  In this picture,  you can see the BITE he just got.

And finally,  here's one of my favorite pictures of the PILEATED WOODPECKER, taken on 11/25/10.  This time,  he was giving me the "look"....  Has anyone ever looked at you like that?????  He should be thanking me for giving him all of that delicious suet---but I'm not sure that is what he is thinking.....  What say you?????

Hope you enjoyed my Favorite Woodpeckers from 2010.


On another note,  look what came in the mail to me this week????  Thanks to friend AMELIA,  I now have a heated birdbath on my deck.   She 'reminded' me how important it is that the birds have water in winter in addition to food.  SO-since I always listen to my good friends,  I found one which will work for us.  George is going to balance it a little better for me--but I just 'had' to share my new toy with you...

Have a fabulous weekend and enjoy life to its fullest.   See you on Monday!

P.S.  We heard on TV last night that they have found some dead blackbirds in Tennessee now.  They have found about 500 in Lebanon (southeast of Nashville). This is just SO sad.... Wish they could find out what is causing this..   They have been found in four states now (Arkansas, Louisiana,  Kentucky, and Tennessee).