Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, January 7, 2011

2010 Best Of...: WOODPECKERS

For the next several weeks,  I will be posting my '2010 Best Of' pictures.   I have fun going back through all of my pictures,  making a list and then choosing my fav's... I'll tell you though-----it is NOT easy!!!!!  There are so many that it's hard to choose just a few as favorites.... But---here is my best shot at my favorite WOODPECKER photos.

Above is a favorite bird of mine since I named this one (Pete) ---and he loves to squawk at me from the trees when I am outside.  This is our RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER.  This picture was taken on 3/6/10.  Below are more!!!

Here is a gorgeous bird, the RED-HEADED WOODPECKER.   He doesn't come to the feeders very often --usually only during mating season.  This picture was taken on 6/1/10.

This little woodpecker,  the DOWNY WOODPECKER,  frequents our suet feeder several times every day.  He's the smallest of our backyard woodpeckers.  This picture was taken on 5/11/10.

This woodpecker looks alot like a Downy,  but is a HAIRY WOODPECKER.  He's ALOT larger than the Down,  and has a much longer beak.   This guy doesn't come to the feeders very often--but will come when the weather gets bad.  This picture was taken on 12/12/10.

One of the most beautiful of all of the woodpeckers which come to my backyard is the NORTHERN FLICKER.   He doesn't come to the feeders every day --but I do see them quite often in the trees, and in the yard.  This picture was taken on 3/25/10.

And --I'll close with two (of the many) pictures of my favorite LARGE woodpecker,  the PILEATED WOODPECKER.   These birds are at the feeders ALOT ---and I probably have more pictures of them than any other bird.  I cheated a little with this picture because it was taken on 12/30/09---but it's one of my favorites and is filed with my January pictures....  Let's just pretend it was taken on 1/1/10... ha ha ... I love the way they hang onto the suet feeders.  In this picture,  you can see the BITE he just got.

And finally,  here's one of my favorite pictures of the PILEATED WOODPECKER, taken on 11/25/10.  This time,  he was giving me the "look"....  Has anyone ever looked at you like that?????  He should be thanking me for giving him all of that delicious suet---but I'm not sure that is what he is thinking.....  What say you?????

Hope you enjoyed my Favorite Woodpeckers from 2010.


On another note,  look what came in the mail to me this week????  Thanks to friend AMELIA,  I now have a heated birdbath on my deck.   She 'reminded' me how important it is that the birds have water in winter in addition to food.  SO-since I always listen to my good friends,  I found one which will work for us.  George is going to balance it a little better for me--but I just 'had' to share my new toy with you...

Have a fabulous weekend and enjoy life to its fullest.   See you on Monday!

P.S.  We heard on TV last night that they have found some dead blackbirds in Tennessee now.  They have found about 500 in Lebanon (southeast of Nashville). This is just SO sad.... Wish they could find out what is causing this..   They have been found in four states now (Arkansas, Louisiana,  Kentucky, and Tennessee).


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Betsy, John and I enjoyed your photos of the woodpeckers so much today. We have been watching a Northern Flicker with binoculars in a tree just off the deck. Your photos are so extraordinary - we love seeing the beautiful details of each bird. Hope you have a lovely weekend. I love the heated birdbath.

Arkansas Patti said...

My you have such a variety of woodpeckers. I rarely see one here.
Know the birds will enjoy the your heated bird bath. I put a heater in my fountain and the birds love it. Mine doesn't keep it warm to the touch but warm enough to keep from freezing.
You are a good steward.
Me too on the bird kills. Lets hope it doesn't spread to the song birds.

Dorothy said...

Good Morning, Betsy! I loved seeing your woodpeckers, especially since I don't see them at my feeders. The one looking straight at you is saying, "You've made my picture, now let me eat in peace"! He gave me a chuckle! The Flicker is my favorite of these! Have a happy day!

Beth said...

I'm drawn to the red-headed one and the northern flicker in your pictures.
As far as the bottom picture, I've gotten that look before. It's like when I give them the small suckers and a student becomes indignant that I didn't get Tootsie pops. He does seem a bit perturbed with you. :)
Enjoyed yesterday's pics of the beach too---such beautiful scenery, sky, (and people-ha!).
Have a great weekend--blessings!

Harriet said...

Thanks for sharing your favorite woodpecker photos from last year.
Maybe that last one is saying "Get that camera out of my face."
Hope you stay warm with all the bad weather that is headed our way.

Ruth Hiebert said...

GORGEOUS pictures.I love the last Pileated one.I do see these birds here,but not very often and not for good photo ops.I have heated bird bath and it is used regularly by the birds.

floweringmama said...

Oh, Betsy, those photos are spectacular! I may have to take your idea about posting the "Best of"!!

I do think the theory about fireworks being to blame for the bird's death is insane. I hope they find out soon what is causing it.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

We are talking about adding a bird bath in the Spring.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

who knew they made heated bird baths, i sure did not. love all the woodpeckers and did not know there were so many diferent ones until I started following your blog. i especailly like the pileated woodpecker hanging upside down and theone with the "attitude"

Tipper said...

You take such great pictures picking out the best will be hard : ) Love the snowy background!


Thank You very much for so beautiful photos!

Sunny said...

That's quite an assortment of Woodpeckers. You have captured them all so well!
We used to put heaters in our bird baths at one time. Don't forget to put out an itty bitty bar of soap and a towel :)
☼ Sunny

Busy Bee Suz said...

I suppose that heated bird bath is similar to a hot tub for us? Now, you are spoiling them...but they deserve it!!!!
have a great weekend.
xoxoxo Suz

Closer to Lucy said...

Oh Ms. Betty, Where on earth did she find that heated bird bath??

My lil Ms. Ma'am is a bird watcher herself and would love to have a lil piece of warmth (we're cold in TN too) to offer her lil friends.

Out for a little hopping, following you now.

Come by Lucy's when you get a chance. http://closertolucy.blogspot.com


~mel said...

I too have a lot of woodpeckers by me. My favorite is also the pileated. That is an awesome picture you have of him. I had one give me the same look just like that one day. I think what's so fascinating about them is their size and don't you just love watching how they fly? The way they bob up and down while in flight... and it seems like they flap their wings in slow motion. AWESOME gift you got ~ the heated water pan ~WOW~ You're going to have some happy ... I mean HAPPIER birds in the neighborhood now once the word is out of the heated pool at George and Betsy's!!

ratieh said...

i loooooovvveee all of your pictures! they're AWESOMEEEEE!! =D

Velvet Over Steel said...

Georgeous pictures, Betsy!!! You should publish a calendar AND a book of your pictures. Seriously!! I have some contacts if you would like. :-)

Hugs & Lots of Love,

P.S. So, so very sad about the birds!!! & Scary for all the beautiful birds!!!

Sharon said...

Really nice shots! I envy your camera and your steady hand!

I can't imagine what is happening to the birds, but I bet it has nothing to do with what "they" are blaming it on!

imac said...

"Feed me woman" thats what he's saying.lol.
Neat pick from 2010.

Karin said...

Your collection of bird photos is stunning! I think the Northern Flicker is my favorite - it's so hard though because each has its own beauty! The one with attitude wants to know whether he's going to be famous some day - like featured on a bird calendar!

I do hope they find out soon what's causing the birds to drop out of the sky. Those 4 states however do have more flocks of birds than we do up north - I think!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

These are all beautiful. I confess that I didn't know there were so many varieties of woodpeckers. That flicker is beautiful. But nothing beats the look you captured on that Pileated's face. That's an amazing shot.

Diane said...

Nice shots Betsy. I can see how they're some of your favorites. I DO like the one of the woodpecker with "the look". I hate to say it but my mother can look at me like that! Sometimes it means something and sometimes she's trying to remember something. One never knows!

Out on the prairie said...

Your last pileated shot gave me a chuckle. I went through for the two posts I did and tried to narrow it down to 4 each month. I have over a hundred I keep, and 3-4times that I shoot each month.They become like a friend and I share a lot when I speak, just keeping a slide show thumbing at some places.

Joe Todd said...

My wife Linda often gives me "The Look" LOL.. have a great weekend. Linda says your photos need to be published..

Tabor said...

These are all great photos. Remember to keep the bird bath full of water as I am told they may recycle on and off and eventually burn out if they are not in water.

Ginny Hartzler said...

WONDERFUL!!! You know I am a birdwatcher! My favorite picture is the red headed! I have never seen one!! Except on blogs, of course. That last picture, what a scream!! What do you make of the dead birds? I never...they had a special on the news with end times experts, but I don't think it's that. They did autopsies on one flock, and found heart and other health problems. I am as excited about the birdbath as you are!!!! Because now you will have your camera set on fast motion and be showing us not only eating birds, but bathing birds!! I can't wait!! I have some photos of bathing birds to post, but they are from far away or I scare them. Yours will be up close and much better!!

From the Kitchen said...

I've never heard of a heated bird feeder! Honestly, your blog is better than a bird feeder and I don't have to have my bird book in hand to know what your feathered friends are. I'm going to tell our birds where to find you before they head south next winter. Send address please!!

So sad about all those birds dying. I hope it can be explained and remedied soon.


Jo said...

Wow Betsy;) what a collection of best-of photos of your woodpeckers. I love the Northern Flicker but of course, I love the Pileated Woodpecker. You said once that he was the Woody Woodpecker of the cartoons? Thanks for your continued support to my blog. I love seeing you there. Blessings and (hugs) Jo

amelia said...

In the last pic of the pileated, he resembles a turkey looking at you!!
I have taken pics of my heated bath now I just have to download and send! I have found the best way to empty and clean it is to sweep out the water with a soft little handbrush, the kind that come with a dustpan! Putt a little water in after and swish around again then refill. I do mine every second day.

Neal said...

Those are good pictures Betsy. Have you got those birds trained to pose for you? :)

Kay said...

Great shots. They sure are colorful.


Tracy said...

Okay, Heaven's to 'Betsy' :) (this is one of my favorite sayings and when I use it at school my kiddoes think I am off my rocker and they laugh!

Anyway, I got my e-mail on all the choices..goodness gracious, I have some thinking to do and will sit down and look at my options for feeders this weekend. I WANT birds like you have because I do love birds...that Northern Flicker is gorgeous! and I look forward to your 'Best of...'series!

Fred Alton said...

Your pictures of the wood-peckers are truly amazing! Reading your posts about these and other birds is making me want to go out and buy a real feeder. Oh I feed them - but usually with table scraps like rice, left over crackers, bread-crumbs, field peas, etc strewn on the ground or on the roof outside my office window. They seem to hang around for any hand-out. I love the beauty of the Northern Flickr best. And the cute pose of your Pileated bird takes the prize for character.

Kelly said...

I'm soooo jealous of your Red-headed Woodpeckers. You're so lucky!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, My favorite of these selected pictures is of that jewel-like Red-Headed Woodpecker! Stunning shot & beautiful bird. Our weather will be hit and miss snow, slushy rain, and clear for the next day. Big (maybe) storm Sun. night to Mon. We will see... Have a great evening and coming weekend!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

Your header is beyond words beautiful. Thank-you so much for all the beautiful things you post for us....m...

LV said...

I never knew they made heated bird feeders or watering. What a great idea. When you get tired of some of those colorful woodpeckers, send one done here. I do not see many.

Elizabeth said...

Oh, Betsy, I'm enjoying this 'best of' post series! Your photos would make an excellent field guide...thanks for putting in the date the photo was taken. Oh, the Pileated is saying, 'if you take ONE more picture, I'll throw a piece of suet at you and you KNOW how big a bite I can take!!!'

A birdbath spa. You'll have geese wintering over..LOL!

Your header is just beautiful. A Cardinal against the snow is awesome, isn't it?

Hope they discover this bird disease, I haven't heard anything about Mississippi yet.

YOU have a full and wonderful weekend, dear friend!


Glenda said...

My vote for most beautiful is the Northern Flicker! You really got a great shot! And for Least Congenial, I cast my vote for "The Look"!

mamahasspoken said...

My neighbor has one of those heated bird baths. The raccoons use it every winter as their jucuzzi ;o)

Pat - Arkansas said...

Love your peckerwoods! That last photo, of the woodpecker stare down is unique. The others are wonderful -- I like them all. ~XO

Connie said...

I love the one giving you the "look," Betsy! HA HA! Have a good weekend! :)

NCmountainwoman said...

I turn green with envy every time I see one of your Red-headed Woodpeckers. I do so love them and that's the only one we haven't seen around here.

Elen Susan said...

That looks like a great memory of 2010. All the wood peckers are just brillliant.The one eating, is just beautiful. I weren't so found of birds nor did I know there kind but after visitng your blog it seems like I love birds and know the name of most of the birds I see around me.
Have a good day

Lynda said...

I know how you get the beautiful pictures. You have the bird feeders. But how do you know what kind of birds they are? Do you just love to read bird books or has it always been a hobby? I didn't know there were so many different kinds of woodpeckers in "our" area.
LOVE the birdbath/drinking dish. Have they discovered it? Do they like it? We will need those pictures, too!

Unknown said...

Your woodpecker pics are just gorgeous, Betsy. You capture everything so beautifully. TY for sharing.

Enroute to Mass one Sunday in this old leafless tree we saw (2) prehistoric birds ... about had a wreck ... tried to get pics of them but they flew away. I was so durn excited, I couldn't tell you one thing that happened in church. At breakfast Harold pulled out his Droid & pulled up woodpeckers & we found it was a Pileated ... when we got home I pulled them up on the computer ... I have NEVER been so excited to find a bird, ever. They are awesome.

Happy Pink Saturday weekend ~

carolina nana said...

What great pictures,My favorite is the Flicker,I think they are so pretty. I have seen 1 around my suet feeders a couple times but never got a good picture.
It is snowing here tonight but I don't think it will amount to much but they are saying we are gonna get buried Monday and Tuesday !!
Hope you have a Blessed weekend.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I think you woodpeckers flew to Singapore in winter. In my garden, I see the ones with red head pecking away.

Re: Helicopter, it was a remote controlled helicopter. It was quite small about two feet long. In New ZEaland, our rescue helicopter os very important because of our beaches and rugged terrain.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I think you woodpeckers flew to Singapore in winter. In my garden, I see the ones with red head pecking away.

Re: Helicopter, it was a remote controlled helicopter. It was quite small about two feet long. In New ZEaland, our rescue helicopter os very important because of our beaches and rugged terrain.

diane b said...

Number 50 I am. I love your woodpeckers. Some look like they have red bike helmets on. The look is from a typical grumpy male. We have heard about your bird deaths...that is scary.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, you've taken some beautiful pictures! They really are so professional looking. I love the woodpeckers.

Am getting really concerned now about all the news about the birds in different locations that are found dead. Just read about 8000 doves in Italy found and they seem to have some kind of blue stain on their beaks.

Didn't aim to end this comment on a sour note! Just worried about our feathered friends! Have a good weekend.


SquirrelQueen said...

Betsy, I love all of your "best of" woodpeckers. We have a lot of Flickers but I rarely see any other woodpeckers. Love that last shot of the Pileated woodpecker, that is quite a look.

How cool is that heated birdbath, your little feathered friends will love it.

I can't believe there are so many states effected, I hope for the birds sake someone figures this out soon.

Have a great weekend,

Love Of Quilts said...

My hubby said he saw the biggest woodpecker he had ever saw this morning in one of our pear trees he tried to get the camera but it flew away when he was coming back outside...he said it had a red head and black wings....when I saw your I showed it to him and he said that was what it looked like...I have never seen one...gona start watching for him. Trish

Kathy W said...

I had not heard about more birds being effected. Hope you and George have a wonderful weekend. =)

Lola said...

Betsy, I really enjoyed your pics of your birds. That last pic of the woodpecker sure is a winner for me. It's really cute. Wonder what he was thinking?
Do wish they could find out why all the birds are falling out of the sky like that. And now in Germany {I think} the Dove's are doing the same thing. Wonder if the space shuttle has anything to do with it? I can't remember but didn't one just go up?

Barb said...

Hi Betsy!

I love birds, and your pictures of the woodpeckers are gorgeous! You have such a wonderful variety of beautiful birds in Tennessee. Most of our birds fly south when it gets too cold here. I do love the "look" of the bird in the last picture, very funny!

My favorite bird is the Red Winged Black Bird, it make me very sad to think that I may not be hearing his beautiful song as much this year, I sure hope they find out what is killing them . . . kind of scary.


Catherine said...

That's a lot of different woodpeckers ~ and they are all so beautiful. A heated birdbath? How fun is that? What birdie isn't going to love a nice warm bath? :)

xo Catherine

mudderbear said...

Hi Betsey, It was so nice to hear from you again. These are such nice photos and I think you are so blessed to be living where you see such lovely things everyday. I have to say that the last Mr. Pileated looks rather intimidating to me. I think I would walk the other way.
We have some quail that live down the road. One day as I sat at my kitchen table they actually walked past my window. I so wished I had a camera that would take wonderful shots. I wonder what I might set out to coax them over this way again. It is frightfully cold here this year and I wonder if they're doing alright. Anyway, Once I saw a bluebird fly up into a tree. It was the most incredible flash of blue that I have ever seen.
And I don't mean to go on and on for so long, but I really enjoy your posts. Thanks for sharing. See you later. Love, Rosalie

Pain SUX said...

Hi Betsy,

First, you take gorgeous photos, I will certainly back to see more!!

Second, I do enjoy a variety when it comes to a blog, so I'll will be back for that as well.

And finally, I think I read on another blog that you have fibromyalgia. I have that and many other ailments :) So we have something in common. So we have quite a few things in common :)


Chad said...

Great pictures Betsy. What a great group of birds, the Woodpeckers. What is also great is that you were able to catch so many great shots. The very last one of the Pileated is an awesome shot with allot of personality!!!

Carletta said...

Wonderful shots Betsy! I'm a little jealous of all the different ones. Love the heated bird bath.
Hope you're having a wonderful start to the New Year!

Carletta said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Those are the most wonderful woodpecker pictures! I think I get that same look from my kids. A heated bird bath is so cool!

The Retired One said...

Oh Betsy, these are fantastic photos...I am in LOVE with pileateds and they NEVER come to feeders here...just wonderful shots, honey!

Unknown said...

Oh I love the Northern Flicker! This is one bird I have never seen visit the yard. Love that heated birdbath too!
I've been reading about all these weird bird/crab/fish deaths lately too and it's really mind-boggling and scary. I feel like we're being prepared for the end of days.

Pedaling said...

How many pecks could a woodpecker peck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Janie said...

Your woodpeckers are all gorgeous. Love the one of the pileated staring straight at the camera.
All the dead birds are scary, I agree.

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, wonderful series on the woodpeckers. I love the pileated and the redhead. I also have the heated birdbath and believe me the birds love it.

Anonymous said...

Woodpeckers are beautiful birds but can often be very destructive little critters. At a campground we go to in the summer they have pecked hundreds of hole in the sides of the park building. I guess they have the right to peck holes where ever they want to, after all they were there first! :-)


KathyA said...

Thanks for sharing all your feathered friends with us! I think my favorites are the Northern flickers as well.

Chris said...

Hi Betsy, sorry I havn't been by for so long due to gremlins in my computer, I love your woodpeckers, your shots are great. Happy new year to you.

Valerie said...

I love the red headed woodpecker! Probably cause we don't have them here. But I also love that last pileated shot! He does look like he is looking right at you with something important to say!! Reminds me of the old "Different Strokes" TV show and the comment: 'Whatchu talkin' 'bout Willis.?"

Maybe this one is saying: "What chu lookin' at Betsy?"

Love the shot!!

Elenka said...

We get some woodpeckers at our feeders, but I think they are always the same species....I have never noticed any varieties, so it was real interesting looking at your photos.

Shelley said...

I loved your selection of birds Betsy! The pileated looking at you is my favorite! He almost looks like a turkey w/ that funny face! So sad to hear about the blackbirds in Tennessee. Birds already have a tough time w/ us humans destroying their habitat.
Wishing you and George a wonderful New Year!

Twilight Man said...

I think we have our own woodpeckers in Malaysia too and they all look very brownish with no red heads. Maybe the American ones wore helmets! Ha ha ha!