Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

More from Ocean Isle Beach in December

As you know if you have read my recent blogs,  George and I went to Ocean Isle Beach in North Carolina for a few days before Christmas.  If you didn't see any of my other pictures from there,  go to my sidebar and scroll down to Labels.  Click on the label named 'Ocean Isle 12-2010'...  This is my 4th post from that trip.

Today I'll share with you a few more pictures around the Islander Inn where we stayed.  Above is a picture of a very happy woman --to be at the beach on a sunny afternoon in December!!!  Below are more.

The sun was setting ---and I loved the color it produced of the area around the Islander Inn.  Isn't this a gorgeous picture?

George was happy to be at the beach also, even though the sun was in his eyes...

I took this picture of George as he was walking back from the beach on a COLD day to take some pictures.  Can you see him down there --with his red hat and his camera bag over his right shoulder?

George took this picture of me ---standing on our balcony (right after I took his picture).  See me up there in my Christmas sweatshirt????

And--here's one more picture of George walking back to our room at the Islander Inn.  Obviously,  there was nobody swimming in our pool (HA) and nobody even sitting in the little gazebo.   Did I tell you that it was COLD there,  especially when the wind blew?

I still have about three more sets of photos to share from this little trip...  MAYBE I'll catch up someday!!!!! ha

Have a wonderful Thursday!!  Today is Epiphany---- which is when the three Wisemen (Magi) visited the Baby Jesus.  Yesterday was the end of the official Twelve Days of Christmas.  Many people think that the twelve days are BEFORE Christmas --but they are officially the 12 days after Christmas ending on January 5.



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I am enjoying these beautiful beach pictures. I love the setting sun on the gazebo. Thinking of you today and sending my love.

SquirrelQueen said...

The Inn where you stayed is gorgeous, I am in love with the view in your second photo. I would be a happy woman to be on that beach right now in January.

Snap said...

You had a lovely time at Ocean Isle ... even in the cold!

Valerie said...

More great shots from the beach! Oh how I miss the ocean. Thanks for the reminder about the Kings. I have to put up my flag "Wise Men Still Seek Him" on my front porch. Most people (if they have that one) put it up during Christmas - but I always wait for January!
I have a big rehearsal today with my 4th grade chorus. Our concert is next week. January's are always so hard - with the concert and report cards within the same couple of weeks. I know ... I know ... One Day at a time!!

Happy Thursday!

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, this inn looks like a great place to stay. I love the beach. Great photos of you and George.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Wow,those are spectacular pictures.You said it was co;d,yet the color gives it such a warm look.

diane b said...

And I learnt today that you don't take decorations down until today. I love the lovely warm colour of the afternoon sun. A pity the weather wasn't warm too.

Catherine said...

You are George always have such a good time! You are two peas in a pod! So sweet! :)
xo Catherine

Kathy W said...

Love all the shots but those are great shots of you and George. I bet it is chilly with the wind coming in off the ocean.

Arkansas Patti said...

The cold couldn't take away from the beauty. Of course I say that in my nice warm house.
Looks like George only had to share the beach with one person.

Reanaclaire said...

Happy Thursday to you Betsy.. hope you had a wonderful trip!!

Karin said...

That does look like a fabulous place to stay! Love the idea of nobody around, while in the summer this place is probably quite crowded. Beautiful shots of the two of you and that gorgeous scenery!

Have a fantastic day today and God bless!

Anonymous said...

I love that first picture. The view of the sky and deep blue color of the ocean water has me thinking summer, until I see you standing there in your Christmas sweatshirt!

Sunny said...

The ocean and beach takes on a whole different look in the winter, a very quiet beauty.
The pier reminds me of a giant centipede marching out to sea! No, I'm not crazy, LOL!
☼ Sunny


Very beautiful place!
Wonderful photos!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Betsy, you and George look so happy in these photos...the photo of George on the balcony is a super lovely photo!!!

I Am Woody said...

I love, love, love the beach!!

Dorothy said...

I love the beach, especially when you have it all to yourself! Beautiful pictures and I know you enjoyed it there!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

That does look like a nice place to vacation. We went with friends to Myrtle Beach for New Year's several years ago. It was COLD! But it was fun and something different to do. You and George do seem to have fun no matter where you go or what you do. That's a good quality to have and a better one to share.

Diane said...

Nice shots, Betsy.

Pat - Arkansas said...

What a beautiful place to vacation for a few days! I particularly like the photo you took during the "golden" minutes when the angle of the sun seemingly performs a magic trick, enhancing the colors of everything. It's my favorite time of day.

Anonymous said...

When I clicked on your blog I thought I had clicked back on mine. We have almost the same picture on the header! Loved the pictures. I love looking at the ocean anytime. Hope your new year is going well.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Love the pictures! Everything is so deserted! The pool looks like it is full and clean, it was not shut down for winter? Could some nut have swum in it?

From the Kitchen said...

You remind me of the beautiful red cardinal from your previous post. I love the look of your photos as the sun goes down.

Now I'm off to figure out what RSS means and see if it can help me not miss any of my favorite blogs in the future.


Fred Alton said...

I think it's great that you and George love the same things, like the mountains, waterfalls, and the beach. Your pictures show two happy people enjoying life together. The nicest vacation I took for the last ten years before retirement was at Myrtle Beach - the whole month of November! We loved waking up and being able to look out onto the Ocean from our apartment and seeing the calm and almost deserted beach. There's something majestic about it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, You both look like you had a wonderful sea-side vacation. I enjoy the beach myself but have never been on the Eastern beaches except for Florida's Atlantic coastline. Have a wonderful day today!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Your beach photos are wonderful, Betsy. I have to confess that I prefer the hills/mountains although the sunset/sunrises over the water are hard to beat!

An update on the birds...I did see a few at the feeders yesterday afternoon. But the cardinals haven't been back yet!

Have a great day! ~Cheryl

amelia said...

I love the colours the sun makes when it's so low in the sky except when it shines in my living room and shows up all the dust!!

I'd love to be on that beach in the cold...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love the reflection of the winter sun on you and george on the balcony and really love the reflections of it on the steps and beach. beautiful

Becca's Dirt said...

Looks like a cold day on the beach but the photos are beautiful. Love your Christmasy sweatshirt.

imac said...

Looks a nice place, hope it was'nt too noisy with all those flats.

imac said...

Looks a nice place, hope it was'nt too noisy with all those flats.

imac said...

Looks a nice place, hope it was'nt too noisy with all those flats.

imac said...

Looks a nice place, hope it was'nt too noisy with all those flats.

imac said...

sorry, just wouldnt post, then bang bang bang.

Connie said...

It looks really pretty there, Betsy, even in December. :-)

Unknown said...

Nice views. And very very nice photos!

LV said...

With all this cold weather, it would be nice to be back at this beach. At least your pictures make us think warm and sunny days are coming.

Neal said...

That picture when the sun was setting is really beautiful. Like you say, the colors are fantastic.

However, you didn't get my bikini pictures. :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: I love your header, we had a break from the snow but it is back today. The beach scenes look wonderful.

The Retired One said...

Love seeing these pictures of the beach, especially when we are having a blizzard warning here in Michigan tonight! And, it makes me happy because we are heading down for a visit in Florida in about a week!! I can't wait to dip my toes in the Florida ocean..we'll be visiting both the east coast and the Gulf, so I am READY. ha

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Love the second picture--so pretty! You and George look like you had loads of fun, even though it was cold. I wish I was at a warm, tropical beach right now! I know it's only been winter a couple of weeks, but I'm already tired of being cold! :)

Kay said...

Check out my "Hiking" blog for my hike to the Whitney Canyon Falls.

Janie said...

The beach looks pretty, even if the December weather was chilly enough to need sweaters!
Love your header with the snow and the red cardinal, Betsy!

Kay said...

That is really a pretty beach.

Unknown said...

Oh Betsy these are really nice shots! I love the clarity of the first one. Love the cute little condos too. The beach looks so cold! (never thought I'd say that about a beach lol)

mudderbear said...

Hi Betsey, I love the pictures, especially the ones with the sunset..lovely colors. It would be so nice to be on the beach in cool weather I think. You are such a lucky girl. Take care.....Rosalie

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I would like to be there! Such beautiful pics. It does look like you had fun.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy Epiphany Betsy! I had my Christmas tree lights on while we had dinner but after dinner we took down the tree...I'll miss it!

Your Ocean Isle Beach photos are wonderful! I love how you and George take photos of each other all the time like newlyweds :)

Kirigalpoththa said...

I remember this place. You two go there every year right?

Lovely place!

EcoRover said...

What a happy place to spend the holiday, Betsy. Has your Tennessee white Christmas continued into January? All good wishes for the New Year!

carolina nana said...

A Christmas sweatshirt on the beach,hmmmmm, I'm trying to imagine what Christmas would be like if I lived at the beach.
Did you see any beach front house decorated with Christmas lights. Now that would be a cool thing to walk on the beach and look at Christmas lights !!
Have a blessed tomorrow.

Love Of Quilts said...

Great place to be in december Betsy....I guessed it was a little cold for the pool lol....beautiful photos. Trish

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I always like to see piers and marvel at the engineers who made them.

Both of you looked very handsome.

I went hiking today, my son and husband walked very fast as I cautiously walked on the volcanic rocks and sounding at them to wait for me. I was thinking, I hope I will continue to hike when I get to your age.

Shall show you the photos in my Sunday post.

The helicopter here was a remote controlled one.

KathyA said...

I love the beach -- these photos are great.

Twilight Man said...

What a lovely Islander Inn with all balconies fronting the ocean. Reminds me of the sea front million dollar homes along the coasts of Malibu in California. That's always my dream to own a home or spend my honeymoon at the balcony and watch sunsets with a cold beer in hand. You both are so blessed everyday!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy,
My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
I was looking for blogs about Ocean Isle Beach to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
Hope to hear from you soon!