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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sunday Ride to Lilly Bluff Overlook

If you missed Part I of our little hike to the Lilly Bluff Overlook on July 25, please click
HERE. Even though it was hot, I enjoyed my first hike in a long time. Here are more pictures from that fun day. Above is a close-up of the swimming area in Clear Creek, taken from the overlook. You can see people swimming down there. Below are more pictures from that day!

Oh My!!!!! Look at the SNOW on the top of the mountain!!!! HA HA HA--in my dreams!!!!! (It was only about 90 degrees that day!) When we were leaving the overlook, I noticed this interesting lichen (or moss) on the nearby rocks. Interesting, isn't it???

As we hiked back to the car, I loved seeing the sun's rays coming through the trees.

When we left Lilly Bluff, we decided to take a country road home, one which we had never been on before... Can I tell you how much fun it is to just get in the car and RIDE--not knowing where you are going???? There's so much to see. Look what we saw!!!! We saw gorgeous farmlands ---with a view of the Cumberland Mountains (near Frozen Head State Park) in the distance.

There are so many things to see in the country. Don't you just love this old fence?

Guess what else I saw in the country???? This is Potter's Chapel!!! I love little country churches.

Finally, when we take a drive in the country, I also usually find a home which I would love to have.... See that home in the distance????? I'll add that to my 'wish' list!!!!! ha

Hope you enjoyed our Sunday afternoon drive!!!!

Have a great Tuesday.