Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Ocean Isle Beach Trip--January 2015

The SUNSET from our balcony the day we got there,  1/25/15
Hello Friends,   First of all --let me welcome all of you to FEBRUARY.  Let's make this entire month a month filled with LOVE.   I added new quotes on my right sidebar of my blog--so check it out for many quotes about LOVE.  I think you will enjoy them!!!!!

George and I just got home the end of last week from several days at Ocean Isle Beach in North Carolina... Most of you know (if you have followed my blog for several years) that there are two places we absolutely love.  These two places are the Islander Inn at Ocean Isle Beach,  North Carolina, and Mt. Nebo in Arkansas... We go to Mt. Nebo once a year and we go to Ocean Isle twice a year.  However,  this year,  our December trip to Ocean Isle got cancelled due to my knee problem.

After taking care of me for two months (while I sat on my backside doing nothing except hurting) ---I knew that George definitely needed a vacation after my knee surgery.  (Actually,  I needed that vacation also!)  SO---we went this past week and had a marvelous time.

Some of you may also remember that George took me to Ocean Isle Beach after my gallbladder surgery last May...  That (as was this past week) was 'Just what the Doctor Ordered'.... Hopefully,  I have had my LAST surgery for a long long time... ha

Today I will share 11 photos from this latest trip ---and will show 11 more on Thursday... Hope you enjoy this latest trip of ours!!!!!! Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.

Dockside Seafood Restaurant,  Calabash,  North Carolina
Not only do George and I enjoy the beach/waves/sky, etc.---but we also LOVE LOVE LOVE the seafood from Dockside at Calabash.  The plate contains our two favorites,  fried scallops and fried shrimp... They also have the BEST hushpuppies in the entire world.....  This year though we were smart!  We took an extra cooler and some containers ---so that we could take some of that wonderful seafood home with us for more meals!!!!!  YUM...

Us on the Beach,  1/26/15
There were almost NO people around while we were there at the beach --so most days we had the beach all to ourselves.  However,  we met a lady who was also walking on the beach that morning and she offered to take our picture together.   You can see our inn where we stayed (Islander Inn) behind us.

SUNBEAMS on 1/26/15
This picture shows you how different one day can be from another.   We wanted to see a sunrise (1/26) ---but it was VERY cloudy.   We didn't get any rain (until about 5 p.m --and even that wasn't much) ---but when we went outside to see if we would see a sunset (like we had seen the night before) ----God gave us SUNBEAMS instead.... I love sunsets --but I also love clouds and sunbeams...  Isn't this a neat photo?????  Wow---thanks be to God.

On 1/26 ---we did get to walk on the beach despite the weather.
I love clouds ---and we had them only on one day when we were there (1/26).. The waves were also stronger that day ---which made for some great pictures... Speaking of waves,  we love to leave the door to our room open at nights -so that we can sleep while listening to the waves... VERY peaceful!!!!

The Beginning of a gorgeous day ---1/27/15
On the VERY early morning of 1/27,  we stood on our balcony to see what the sunrise would provide for us.  Even though there were still lots of clouds around,  we loved all of the colors which this one gave us... Wow----again I say,  Thanks be to God.

Walking on the beach on 1/27/15
As you can see,  the beach looked very different on this day compared to the day before.  The clouds were disappearing and the waves were fairly calm.   Look at all of the shells!!!!!!!

One of George's Creative Photos
I know that George will share his terrific photos on his blogs ---but I just had to share one that I love.  He was standing behind one of the palm trees at the Islander Inn  at sunset.... Don't you just love this one?  I certainly do.

Betsy is SO happy to be there!!!!
On 1/27,  we enjoyed walking on the beach.  You would be proud of me that week.  I was really exercising the 'bum leg'....  We took walks on the beach every day --and most of the time,  twice a day.  I also made myself take the stairs (instead of the elevator) most all week --since going up and down steps is good exercise for my knee... I did fairly well!!!!

A gorgeous sunset on 1/28/15
After seeing the Sunbeams the night before,  we enjoyed gorgeous sunsets (with almost no clouds) both on 1/27 and 1/28.

The beginning of another gorgeous day on 1/29/15
We were leaving that morning --and didn't have time to wait to actually see the sun pop up.  BUT---we did enjoy seeing the sky at sunrise just before that sun rose.

Hope you enjoyed these photos from our trip.  I will share another group on Thursday,  Feb. 5.   Please stop back by then!!!  AND--don't forget to check out my quotes this month on the right sidebar.  Thanks!!!

I also have a short blog post on my Photo Blog (click HERE)...  Check it out if you have time.   And---if you want more information on the Islander Inn in Ocean Isle Beach,  NC--click HERE.
