Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, February 17, 2012

Best of 2011: Western Trip --Part II

As you probably know (unless you are new to my blog),  George and I took a three-week trip out west this past June.  This was a fabulous trip ---and we loved every minute of it.  We hope to go back again and again!!! It's like a whole different world out there!!!

If you missed Part I of my favorite pictures from this trip,  click HERE.  Today I will share with you Part II from this trip.  Above was one of our very favorite places,  BRYCE CANYON.  We loved Bryce so much that we even went back a second time.  If you want to see more pictures from Bryce Canyon,  click  HERE.

This was another small canyon are that we visited and loved,  KOLOB CANYONS.   In order to see more pictures from this gorgeous place,  click  HERE

We spent a very hot day at the ARCHES.   We want to go back there sometime when there aren't so many people and also when it is a little cooler.  Above is one of many great pictures from the ARCHES ---showing the unusual rock formations.   In order to see more pictures from the Arches,  click HERE.

We were near Estes Park, Colorado when I took this photo.  Isn't this a gorgeous place?  In order to see more pictures from the Rocky Mountain National Park,  click HERE.

We drove UP UP UP into the Rocky Mountain National Park... The farther up we went,  the more snow we saw...  AWESOME!!!!  I think this picture was taken at about 12,000 feet in elevation.    Isn't it beautiful?????

Finally,  here's one more picture of one of our very favorite places,  BRYCE CANYON.  If you ever get to Utah,  please go and see Bryce Canyon.

Hope you enjoyed our 'Best Of' pictures... It was a fabulous trip --and we probably have many many 'best of' pictures from that experience.

On another very troubling subject,   I am very very upset at what Blogger has done now with Word Verification.   I cannot read the gobbly-goop they are now using.  I have never used WORD VERIFICATION on my blog --and have had NO TROUBLE.  Blogger has a great spam-filter...

To tell you the truth,  I  have enough trouble getting to all of my commenters' blogs ---and now,  with the new Word Verification,  I just cannot do it.  If you choose to continue to use Word Verification on your blog,  I will probably quit leaving comments.   I just cannot do it... Sorry!!

My good friend,  Theresa (Texwisgirl)  wrote an excellent post last night about this... IF you want more information,  please read her post (click HERE)...   OR ---if you need help getting rid of the Word Verification,  contact me (betsyadams@mac.com) and I'll help you.  Thanks so much!!!

Have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you on Monday.