Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Oh the Beautiful Rocky Mountains

On June 25th,  after we visited a very HOT Arches in Utah,  we drove to the Rocky Mountain National Park  in Colorado.  What a wonderful change in climate!!!!  Wow---I love cool weather and SNOW---and got the joy of seeing both of them while we were there.

I have a 'scrillion' pictures from that ONE day...  We saw as much as we could possibly see in one day --but want to go back again.  It was incredible!!!!!  Here are a few of the pictures we took when we entered the park on the north side (Fall River entrance north and west of Estes Park).  The picture above was taken in Estes Park.  I loved seeing the reflections of the mountains in that lake...  Below are more! (Please click and enlarge these pictures for a larger view!)

Our first stop after we entered the Park was the Sheep Lake meadow.  We were hoping to see some bighorn sheep (and even checked out that area twice, again on the way out of the park)---but we didn't get lucky on that day.  Beautiful meadow though ---which you will seen later in this set (after we get up on the mountain).  YES---we headed UP (way UP) those mountains!!!!!

Next, we drove to the Alluvial Fan area and hiked to a gorgeous waterfall which cascaded all the way down the mountain.. I'll save those pictures for another post.  Then we drove to the Endovalley area (end of that road) ---and had hoped to head up the mountain on an old road, the Old Fall River Road.  However,  due to all of the snow they received this year,  that road was still closed.

SO----we headed UP the mountain on the main road, Highway 34!!!  We stopped at all of the overlooks as we headed up the mountain.  We went UP-UP-UP... The picture above is George standing at one of the overlooks.

This picture shows how high we were getting.. We were running into more and more snow the higher we went.  AND--the temperature kept going DOWN... I LOVED it...  You can see the meadow below in the distance,  that I mentioned in the 2nd photo from the top above.   And---you can see the road we took up the mountain!!!

We climbed to over 11,000 feet ---and even though the roads and overlooks were clear,  there was still LOTS of snow around. See how they banked the snow along the sides????? Remember---this was June 25!!!!

Here's another snow picture taken from the car!!!!  Can you believe this much snow in the summer????  Wow!!!!!!

Finally,  I got to get out and walk in the snow!!!!! Talk about a 'happy camper'.... This picture was taken at the Forest Canyon overlook---at 11, 716 feet AND 57 degrees!!!!!

What a gorgeous place ---and so different from the desert where we had just been...  Hope you enjoyed these photos.   I will have a Part II--III--IV,  etc... upcoming!!!!!

George and I are VERY busy right now.. There just seems to be alot going on.  SO--we've decided to take a long BLOG BREAK.   I'm not sure what we'll be doing ---but we have plenty to do to keep us busy!!!!!   Hope you have a wonderful September --and I'll be back on September 26....

Hugs to ALL of you,


Ms. A said...

Betsy, these are gorgeous and I can't imagine having that kind of snow, especially in June! My neighbor moved to Estes park and lived for many years and ended up moving back here, because of all the snow.

Enjoy your time away. I hope it involves photos!

Twilight Man said...

The photos are beautiful indeed. You are so tough to walk on the snow in just shorts! It was so cold.

Neal said...

Those pictures sure look familiar. :) There sure was a lot more snow when you were there than when we were there even though we were there about a month later. I've been to that park many times but never get tired of going back.

Cicero Sings said...

What am amazing world we live in. So many scenic and climactic variations!

Fall is a very busy time so enjoy your blogging break and don't work too hard. Ha!

Ruth Hiebert said...

These are so gorgeous.That snow helps to cool me down,even this early in the ,owning.Don't overwork yourself,but have a good time. I look forward dot many more posts of those beautiful mountains.

TexWisGirl said...

enjoy your break, sweet betsy! and enjoyed these cool photos.

Anonymous said...

Mountain driving and walking is so exhilarating and you capture the experience beautifully in this set of photographs. I shall miss you during your blog break - but do have a blessed time, whatever you and your husband are doing. x

Christine said...

These mountains are very beautiful. Nothing like our beautiful Smoky Mountains! How neat to see snow in the summer.

I Am Woody said...

Just beautiful! And I hope you have a wonderful September:)

Lady Di Tn said...

Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos. Snow in June would be a very nice treat. Wishing you a nice break and look forward to your return. Peace

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh my goodness, it's just gorgeous there!!

Dorothy said...

Wonderful pictures! Snow in summer is a wonderful sight! Enjoy your break!

Snap said...

Have a good break. I love the Rocky Mts ... home, sweet home! :D :D

Jeanne said...

We visited Rocky Mountain National Park last year and it is a place you just can't get enough of! Your pictures are beautiful!
Have a good "blog break". We'll check back later,

Diane said...

The entire Rocky Mountains, which includes the Bighorns, received almost 200% more snowfall last winter than usual. There's probably some of that snow there yet! Nice pics Betsy. Diane

Rose said...

Have a happy break! Sometimes they are just needed...

Oh, and I did enjoy these photos...what a beautiful part of the world it is.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gads, you're gallivanting around in the snow wearing shorts and a T-shirt!!!! What impressive pictures, and I CAN see the road you came up on! That banked up snow wall on the highway is rather creepy, what if it falls onto the road on a car! DANGER-watch out for falling snow!!! Guess it was cold enough to snow, but not for the waterfalls to freeze? Can't wait for them! I will miss you, Betsy, so be sure and fit plenty of rest and fun into your blog break!

mudderbear said...

Take Care..and have a happy time. Thanks for the pictures. Love seeing you in the snow wearing just shorts and a tee shirt.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

absolutely stunning photos and a grand finale worth looking at while we wait for your return. LOVE the photos that include you and George. super shots all around

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Isn't it amazing how much snow is up there and it lasts so long!!! Sorry you didn't get to go up old fall river road. We drove it once but it was in September so it was clear. It is a treat and there is a little waterfall you can park and hike down to see. Thanks for the awesome photos. Catch you later this month!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Stunning pictures, what incredible views !
I know all about snow on the mountains in summertime, since we lived at the base of Pikes Peak Mountain in Colorado Springs, it's amazing to be sunning yourself and look to the peaks of the mountain and everything covered in snow.
Looks like you had a grand time !

DeniseinVA said...

Wow Betsy, all that snow and you in your shorts. They sure did have a lot of it out there didn't they? Loved all the photos. Have a great break.

Anonymous said...

Cool pics, Betsy! Sorry that you are taking a break from blogging. I'll miss you!!!

Lola said...

Wow, another beautiful part of a tour. Thanks Betsy. I'm seeing part of a world thru your lenses as I'll never see with my own eyes.

Becca's Dirt said...

Beautiful Betsy. I would love to visit the canyons and travel up that high. Thanks for sharing. Hope you enjoy your break.

Small City Scenes said...

Have a productive break and we will be here when you all return.

Love the mountain shots---looks like here. MB

imac said...

Enjoy your break Betsy and come back refreshed.

Arkansas Patti said...

If I lived there, I wouldn't get much done just gawking. Wonderful views.
Do enjoy your break and hurry back.

Carletta said...

Beautiful photos of mountain and sky!
I am AMAZED by the snowbanks. Unbelievable!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

You walked in the snow in shorts..BRRR, I would have worn a blanket. All the photos are stunning. What a beautiful part of the world. I have driven through Colorado but never really looked around. I can see what I missed here..At first I thought it was Montana as I loved it there so very much. xxx

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

The Rockies are indeed beautiful, and you've captured them well here. That must have been some road you were on as you climbed that mountain, and then the mountain was topped with a "mountain" of snow. Cool!

Enjoy that blogging break. You've earned it.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Busy busy busy... i hear you.
I love all these photos...gorgeous!!!!
I would give anything to feel temps in the 50's or 60's!!!

SquirrelQueen said...

I do love the look of those mountains and big skies. It looks like you and George picked the perfect time for you trip to the park. We are hoping to get over that way next year.

Enjoy your time off but don't work too hard.

Connie said...

Gorgeous photos, Betsy! I'm sure you were loving all that snow. I've never seen the Rockies. Loved seeing your photos.
I hope you have a nice blog break. :)

Karin said...

Have a fabulous time away! Loved all the scenery! Can't believe the snow in June!! Wow! Blessings to you both!

LV said...

Colorado will never disappoint you in finding awesome sights. I hope to be there on the 15th for a few days.

Sally Wessely said...

Love our Rocky Mountain National Park. Hey, the Chamber of Commerce ought to hire you. You bring great advertising to our beautiful state!

Enjoy your break. I will miss you.


JDS said...

Spectacular photos yet again. I love that there are high snow banks in late June! And I am looking forward to September 26th...

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

all those snow and you aree in yout Tee shirt and shorts.

Have a good break.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Betsy you know that Colorado is my favorite state beside New York! :) The Rockies are so varied and beautiful season to season.

Have a good blog break! I have been having a hard time catching up since I've been home as I'm also busy with wedding plans.

Angela said...

Wow! Those are incredible pictures Betsy! I love how blue the sky was and the mountains still covered with snow! My husband sometimes has to go to Denver for work. I wish the kids and I could go one time just so we could see the beauty of Colorado. I love it that the snow was still on the ground in June!


Adrienne Zwart said...

Besty, once again your photos are just gorgeous! The Estes Park area is one of my favorite places in Colorado, but we didn't get there on this last trip. It was neat to see your photos because when I was there in April of 2008, the pass was still closed from all the snow. We didn't get nearly as high up as you did, so I really enjoyed these pictures!

Barbara said...

Oh my breathtaking Betsy, I do remember those beautiful scenes, I did not have a good camera back when we lived in Denver, so my photos I took were never so alive as these. Love you dear friend, and hope your days are filled with lots of beauty, hugs Barbara

Elettra said...

Today there are 35 degrees in the city, your photos brought me some fresh!! Thanks!

Darla said...

Beautiful area Betsy. I do hope all is well with you and George.

nanny said...

My favorite is the one you can see the meadow below....
Have a great break....I seem to take one every week/ha

Don't work too hard.

From the Kitchen said...

Breathtaking--a true Rocky Mountain high!! When we flew over in early June, we were surprised to see how much snow there was.


Fred Alton said...

Trips like these absolutely take your breath away! Great pictures and an interesting read about the things you saw and did.

Janie said...

Great photos of the Rockies! That was a lot of snow!
Have fun on your blogging break, Betsy.

Leontien said...

I hope you have a wonderful blog break and MY GOSH that is a WALL of snow!!!! i have been to the rockies once, in Canada (Jasper) and i thought it was one of the best places i ever visited!


Andrea said...

Hi Betsy, that wall-like structure made of snow is a sight in itself. I envy all your tours, and your so plenty of comments, always!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Great photos Betsy. The Sheep Lake meadow one is stunning! Of course George looks pretty good too :-)

Jann said...

Hubby and I recently drove thru the Rocky Mts. for the first time; we live in SD, just above CO. I was so thrilled! But I've had more than my share of snow over the past seven years and can't wait to move away from winter wonderland! Yikes! Really nice photos,Betsy.

Catherine said...

I was 45 minutes away from the Rocky Mountains in Alberta/British Columbia. I chose to stay in the hot city of Calgary and not venture out to where the snowy mountain tops were. I'm not ready ~ ha!

Enjoy your block break sweet Betsy!
xo Catherine

Anonymous said...

The views, the scenery - all so amazingly gorgeous! And snow glistening in the sunshine - so magical!

Chatty Crone said...

Another great trip and it was so funny - you looked so tan and in shorts - yet you were surrounded by snow. Have a good break. sandie

Ramakrishnan said...

Amazing pics and so beautiful.

Birdman said...

Those Rockies are amazing.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful photos, Betsy. You look like you're having a great time standing in the snow...in your shorts!! And just how close is George to the edge of that overlook? (You know I'm afraid of heights) Enjoy your blog break. We'll miss you!

Unknown said...

One of my favorite places! You still have to go to Crested Butte, Colorado some day and see Montrose, Ridgeway, Ouray, and those towns along the Million Dollar Highway. I believe it goes all the way to Durango or Silverton ( I can't remember which one is furthest south, and I'm too sleepy to Google it!)


Beatriz said...

Beautiful trip!
And you're great photographers!!!

Jenny said...

Snow in June! Although we've dropped down into the low 100's (brrrr) I'm still roasting...I'm heading that way. Beautiful scenery and cold snow! Woo hoo!

Glenda said...

Y'all are blessed to see so many magnificent places!!

Hope you have a restful but productive break!!

Wendy said...

Loved that photo of you wearing shorts in the snow!! Aren't the Rockies magnificent?? I've only been there once, way back when I lived in Vancouver, B.C. They are so huge!

Your pics are stunning and I'm so glad you and George are having such exciting adventures - and sharing with us too!
See you after your break. LOL!

Ann said...

playing catch up here today. Love all your photos, simply gorgeous. I got a chill looking at that snow :)
Enjoy your blog break

Cheryl said...

Oh what beautiful photos Betsy! I am so in awe of your wonderful trip. I just cannot get over the amount of snow still on the ground in June. And I spotted a big cloud heart in the next to last photo...wonderful, wonderful photos. Thank you for taking me along on this trip!

trump said...

Snow in the summer time just seems to blow my mind. Those pictures are breath taking and are some of the best I've seen yet on a blog!. Well done. Richard

Shug said...

You just can't beat the "Rocky Mountains"

Always so majestic...You always take the best pictures...So very clear and you capture the best....

diane b said...

It is a beautiful area and I wished we could have gone to Colerado on our trip. Betsy you are nuts standing in the snow in 14*C in shorts and T-shirt. I love you, you crazy woman. have a great break.

trump said...

I would really love to take a trip there one day. Richard

Kirigalpoththa said...

Breathtaking beauty! One of your best set of photos!!

Snow in the summer..??

I still can't believe...

penny said...

Its hard to find words to describe the beauty I see in your beautiful photo, Betsy. I wish I had been there too, but alas I'm happy to be viewing yours. Thanks for sharing.

Enjoy your break Betsy. I too took a break but simply couldn't stay away for long.


note, I started a new blog. I hope you will join me when you get back to blogging again.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh my goodness glory girl, your beautiful pictures just pull me in. I can almost feel the crisp air radiatin' outta the screen.

Thanks so much for gettin' me off the Pondersoa and tag along with ya.

God bless ya'll and have a beautiful weekend sweetie! :o)

trump said...

Happy fall to everyone, and yes i still had to come back and look at these pictures again!. Richard

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Hi, Betsy! Hope you and George are doing well!

Susie Swanson said...

What beautiful pictures and that header is gorgeous. I can always count on you to make my day..Hugs, Susie