Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Christmas, Friends, and Me

Happy December to YOU...  I love December and CHRISTMAS....  This year,  however,  I will celebrate it differently than most years...  But first I will share with you a couple of pictures from last year...  Above is one of our three outdoor wreaths in the front of our home  (Note the header photo at the top)...   Isn't this wreath pretty?

This is a picture from the Opry Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee.  I love this HUGE Poincettia bloom.  It's quite creative,  don't you think?

Bill,  Diane,  Rob,  Kathy at our home
Recently,  we met two more SPECIAL Blog Friends....  AND---these special friends are from AUSTRALIA.... How neat is that!!!!    We met Diane Bohlen (click HERE for her blog),  her husband, Bill (click HERE for his blog),  and their friends Rob and Kathy  (click HERE for Kathy's Blog). 

Diane and I have been blog friends for several years --and it was fantastic to meet her/them...  I hadn't met Rob and Kathy before --but am now following Kathy's Blog.

The group were on their way to the Smoky Mountains for a few days.  SO--they stopped by our home and spent a couple of hours here with us... We had hoped to meet them the next day in the Smokies  to show them around that gorgeous area.  HOWEVER,  the weather didn't cooperate AT ALL... It turned bitterly cold and we ended up with ICE here on the plateau... Needless to say,  we had to cancel our visit... BUT--while reading their blog posts,  it appears that they enjoyed their time in the Smokies DESPITE the weather... I hope they will all come back in a different season!!!!

Here  is a picture of me and my special Auzzie Friend,  Diane  (Adventures Before Dementia)....  She's such an incredible lady ---and we really enjoyed seeing each other. George and I have now met 21 of our blog friends in person... VERY SPECIAL to US.

Here's a picture of Bill,  Diane,  George and me.    Amazing when one meets a blog friend,  it feels as if we have known each other FOREVER...  It was magical --and I am so pleased that the four of these friends came to visit us!!!!!  I apologize for our terrible weather the week they were in our area...  Oh Well---I certainly cannot control that... ha

Finally,  here's the latest update on ME and my terrible KNEE PAIN.
-Nov. 21----Hurt my left knee (same knee I had  Meniscus Surgery on in 2010)
-Nov. 24--- To the Doctor  (got pain medication and an anti-inflammatory med for the swelling)
-Nov. 26--- Thought the knee was getting better,  but 'pulled' something AGAIN that night;  The knee pain got worse and worse throughout the rest of that week.
-Dec. 1--Back to the Doctor  (new pain medication --so that I can sleep, and an MRI set up)
-Dec. 11--MRI

As my Facebook Friends will tell you,  I am trying hard to KEEP a good ATTITUDE through all of this... And--I do know that things could definitely be MUCH worse.   But--I'll admit that it's not easy at times because of the pain.   BUT--with prayers and love from people like you,  and with God's help,  I'll make it through all of this...

AND most of all,  let me say something you already know..  Without George,  I'm not sure how I could get through this especially this time of year.  He is WONDERFUL --and has helped with so many things,  such as decorating our Christmas tree,  etc...  We are determined to have a wonderful Christmas ---and even though I'm SITTING most of the time,  I am sure that I'll look back on this month knowing that I truly do have tons and tons of blessings in my life...

I will keep you posted --but probably won't blog too much this month.  I did have fun putting up my December header/blog colors/appearance, etc... I also have all NEW QUOTES on my sidebar for you to enjoy.

AND---I put a couple of Christmas photos on my other blog  (click HERE for my Photo Blog) so check it out when you have time.

Blogger has automatically added Word Verification to my blogs now--even though my settings say NO.  BUT--you don't have to type in the numbers.  Just hit publish!  Anyone else having trouble like this?????

Hugs and thanks for your thoughts and prayers,