This is a picture from the Opry Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. I love this HUGE Poincettia bloom. It's quite creative, don't you think?
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Bill, Diane, Rob, Kathy at our home |
Diane and I have been blog friends for several years --and it was fantastic to meet her/them... I hadn't met Rob and Kathy before --but am now following Kathy's Blog.
The group were on their way to the Smoky Mountains for a few days. SO--they stopped by our home and spent a couple of hours here with us... We had hoped to meet them the next day in the Smokies to show them around that gorgeous area. HOWEVER, the weather didn't cooperate AT ALL... It turned bitterly cold and we ended up with ICE here on the plateau... Needless to say, we had to cancel our visit... BUT--while reading their blog posts, it appears that they enjoyed their time in the Smokies DESPITE the weather... I hope they will all come back in a different season!!!!
Here is a picture of me and my special Auzzie Friend, Diane (Adventures Before Dementia).... She's such an incredible lady ---and we really enjoyed seeing each other. George and I have now met 21 of our blog friends in person... VERY SPECIAL to US.
Here's a picture of Bill, Diane, George and me. Amazing when one meets a blog friend, it feels as if we have known each other FOREVER... It was magical --and I am so pleased that the four of these friends came to visit us!!!!! I apologize for our terrible weather the week they were in our area... Oh Well---I certainly cannot control that... ha
Finally, here's the latest update on ME and my terrible KNEE PAIN.
-Nov. 21----Hurt my left knee (same knee I had Meniscus Surgery on in 2010)
-Nov. 24--- To the Doctor (got pain medication and an anti-inflammatory med for the swelling)
-Nov. 26--- Thought the knee was getting better, but 'pulled' something AGAIN that night; The knee pain got worse and worse throughout the rest of that week.
-Dec. 1--Back to the Doctor (new pain medication --so that I can sleep, and an MRI set up)
-Dec. 11--MRI
As my Facebook Friends will tell you, I am trying hard to KEEP a good ATTITUDE through all of this... And--I do know that things could definitely be MUCH worse. But--I'll admit that it's not easy at times because of the pain. BUT--with prayers and love from people like you, and with God's help, I'll make it through all of this...
AND most of all, let me say something you already know.. Without George, I'm not sure how I could get through this especially this time of year. He is WONDERFUL --and has helped with so many things, such as decorating our Christmas tree, etc... We are determined to have a wonderful Christmas ---and even though I'm SITTING most of the time, I am sure that I'll look back on this month knowing that I truly do have tons and tons of blessings in my life...
I will keep you posted --but probably won't blog too much this month. I did have fun putting up my December header/blog colors/appearance, etc... I also have all NEW QUOTES on my sidebar for you to enjoy.
AND---I put a couple of Christmas photos on my other blog (click HERE for my Photo Blog) so check it out when you have time.
Blogger has automatically added Word Verification to my blogs now--even though my settings say NO. BUT--you don't have to type in the numbers. Just hit publish! Anyone else having trouble like this?????
Hugs and thanks for your thoughts and prayers,
HI Betsy Sorry to hear of your knee set back but hopefully you will get ease very soon. it is great tat George got all your decorations up for you and that you spent that lovely time with your blogging friends.
Hi Betsy, Praying for you. A big thank you to George for his support through all of this - you two are blessed to have each other. I will be checking out your sidebar and your other blog. Keeping you close in my heart.
With the love and prayers of so many brilliant people Betsy you will triumph once again and be dancing around the waterfalls.
I love your Christmas header! I'll dash across and check out the other blog in a minute too.
How wonderful for you and George to meet Diane and Bill! She has a wonderful blog, and you are so right blog friends and blogosphere is a very, very special place.
Hugs for a speedy recovery.
I can imagine this getting you down. You're such a doer and go-getter. I will certainly keep you in my prayers. Christmas is in the heart anyway so you just enjoy watching others celebrate with you and let them do the doing. Bless you. At least you can catch up on your blogging, huh?
What a lovely occasion to meet up with blog friends again. They came so far from Australia and that's very nice. Someday I will fly over from Malaysia too.
I had thought of you all day yesterday and now I hoped to hear you skipping ,not skipping activity. I have been grounded all week with heart stuff. Not a big fan of docs and meds. Have a big test tomorrow, age gets us all sometimes.
Sorry to hear the knee is still giving you fits. Hope you are back up and hopping real soon!
How wonderful to meet blogging friends. Glad they had a good time in spite of the winter weather.
So sorry to hear about your ongoing knee pain.
May your holidays be filled with love, peace and joy.
Love, hugs and prayers ~ FlowerLady
wonderful that you were able to meet more blog friends.
Sorry to hear your knee is still giving your trouble. As active as you are I'm sure that it's hard to be down for so long
Betsy, I'm truly sorry about your knee! Let that sweet hubby wait on you until you get back on your feet! He probably enjoys spoiling you anyway :)
Wishing you and George a happy Christmas!
Hope your knee gets healed soon and you enjoy the Christmas like you wished it to be. Glad u meet blog friend from the country of kangaroos. I too got to meet a blog friend from Australian very long back, although she emigrates from Sri Lanka. I really liked you header and it quite enhances the spirit of Christmas.
Wishing you lot of fun and happiness this Christmas :)
Hope you will feel better soon, Betsy. Your house always looks so pretty.
Your header and house looks great. It was so much fun visiting your lovely home and meeting you and George in the flesh. It was bad luck about the weather but it has probably enhanced our memories of the beautiful Smoky Mts.
I do hope you can have an enjoyable and pain free Christmas. It is nice that George can take care of you and the chores.
It won't be the pain you remember. You'll remember being warm and safe and being cared for by George. I prescribe a Christmas movie a day for both of you!
Love your new header and side bar quotes. So glad you got a chance to meet some more blog friends. It is amazing that people can become great friends thru
something so simple as a blog. Am praying for you and hoping you get some pain relief. Give George a big hug from me - he is so special.
Sorry to hear about your knee! Hope it gets under control fast and you can enjoy Christmas.
Knees can be a bummer but they get you where you wanna go. I love the little snowflakes floating down upon your blog.
I am so glad that you got to meet your blog friends on their trip through TN! So exciting!
Many prayers coming your way for your knee and the pain you are in!!
May your knee heal up quickly Betsy! I find it ironic that those weeks I have the most time to write, I have the least to write about... am glad you have the holidays to keep you busy!
How neat to meet some blog buddies, especially great from another country. That proves the power of blogging.It opens doors we would never have been aware of before.
I am so sorry your knee is not doing better. Do hope the MRI will hold the answer so the cure can follow.
Kudos to George for taking up the slack and taking such good care of you. You both are lucky people.
Keeping you in my prayers.
Betsy, so glad you were able to spend some time with blogger friends. I've been at this for a very short time, but look forward to possible meetings in the future. Hope your knee makes a remarkable recovery in time for Christmas. Enjoy the season.
NOT happy to hear your knee is still giving you trouble!! Sending up healing prayers for you my sweet friend. What a lovely visit; you two are so darn popular....everyone LOVES you both!
Have a blessed Christmas break - even though you're still suffering knee pain. I'm in the same boat - injured my knee 4 weeks ago and it's been slowly improving - especially with pain pills. Then day before yesterday I took grandson to an indoor soccer game, walked up a flight of stairs to the bleachers, and bang - it's worse than before. I go to see the Dr. on Friday. Meanwhile - rest, ice, elevating it and trying to keep off it as much as possible. Stayed home all day yesterday! So glad the kids facetimed me last night to be part of their family Advent devotion.
Glad you've met so many bloggers in person already! I've only been fortunate to meet Ruth!! What a joy and blessing she is!
Take care and heal well! Hugs, Karin
Sorry to hear the knee issues are continuing, but at least you got to meet some special friends beforehand.
Sending hugs to you Betsy! I do know about knee pain, though I've not had a torn miniscus - just arthritis.
There is a text block on your blog this morning for me to prove I'm not a robot. What is going on with Blogger? I don't find my post, and I reposted it. It will probably show up twice at some point.
xo Nellie
Good Morning Betsy! How fun to meet even more blog friends. You and George are such a special couple everyone wants in on the fun. We had ice here last week too. No fun to drive in so I stayed home as much as possible. I'm so sorry to hear about your knee pain getting worse. I hope you'll take this time to sit back, watch some holiday movies and let that wonderful husband of yours take care of you.
Meeting Diane and Bill was a very special treat, although I'm sorry our crazy Tennessee weather prevented us from spending more time with them. I'm sure we'll enjoy Christmas even with your bum knee. I love you.
HELLO---I have Word Verification OFF... Why did it pop up here?????? Dang it.. So sorry.
Love the wreath - gorgeous! Not sure about the verification - I do see it popping up all over right now. What can you do?
I'm sorry your knee is still giving you so much trouble. I hope the MRI will give you some answers.
Such a fun, colorful holiday post for the day, Betsy!! I'm so sorry to hear about the continuing knee problems!! I've had some for years and even had surgery when I lived in Mexico, but the older I get, the older and more grumpy my knees get!! Hope you and George have a wonderful holiday season!! Thanks for sharing the beautiful pics!!
Betsy, You are on your way to pass Big Dude and his meets with his blogger contacts...if you haven't passed him already! Sorry to hear about your knee getting worse. I had a similar issue with my hip 2 Christmases ago...but with modern medicine, most joint issues can be fixed! Wishing you the best... Big Daddy Dave & Laurie
I am thankful you have good health care, you have lost weight to heal better and you have a good attitude and a great helper. Not thankful about the injury and pain. Hoping you will heal better before christmas.
Hi Betsy, I will certainly pray for you to find the answer to your knee issues and to feel better. Enjoy the season in spite of your colder weather now. I am sure you will. We are cooler here where I live in FL this coming week. Have a great day today!
I am so sorry that that knee is keeping you from doing some of the things you enjoy.I must say,the wreath on your house is as pretty as the one at the Opryland Hotel.See you soon.
Empathize with your knee pain and pain at night is the worst. Hope the inflammation subsides. Glad that you have George for comfort and tree decorating. Love the story of meeting your blogging friends. Best to you and George.
Ugh - hope the pain medication makes life better for you!
So sorry to hear of your knee problems. For someone always "on the go" like you, this has to be frustrating along with all the pain. I will pray for you, and hope this is just a short inconvenience along life's way.
Your house/yard looks beautiful!
It's always nice to meet friends. Hope you get to feeling well before long.
I'm so sorry about your knee...hope it gets much better quickly! And meeting your friends Australia...WOW!
Oh Betsy,
I can imagine your anxiety in improving soon, because you are so dynamic and loves the outdoors!
As always, Christmas ornaments of your house are lovely!!! Hope you get well as soon as possible to see Santa Claus come flying in his sleigh and enter the chimney of your home!
Have the best Christmas you can!!!
<°))))< Bia
I love the gorgeous header of your beautiful house at night! Aren't we so blessed to have our wonderful boys? Let me know as soon as you find out! LOVE the big poinsettia, and your lighted wreath! Blogger is putting word verification on all the blogs. Because there are some awful SPAM comments going around. These are not as hard to read as the old ones, so I hope this helps.
Hi Betsy, it is wonderful you were able to meet up with Diane and her hubby! I am sure it was a fun time together.. I do hope you knee recovers soon. Take care! Have a happy new week!
Hi Betsy,
It seems lot's of Bloggers are having word verification right now too, it's not a problem to type the numbers at all! I'm so sorry to hear your knee is still painful, of course I will send lot's of good wishes to you and say a little prayer for your recovery - your home looks wonderfully festive and the Opry Poincettia is truly fabulous!it's also lovely to see you and George with your Blogger friends, how wonderful! and you know I love your sidebar quotes! take care x x x
I am very, very sorry to hear about the terrible pain you are experiencing Betsy, and you have my thoughts and prayers, especially with Christmas coming. On a happy note was thrilled to see that you had met Diane and Bill, also their friends. As you may remember we met them a few years ago and know them to be wonderful people, and a joy to be in the company of. I fervently wish that you, George, Gregg and I can meet up to the next time we go traveling. Take very good care of yourself and in case you are not on here before, Merry Christmas to you and George, and I hope the New Year will be PAIN free. Love, Denise xox
How neat that you're meeting up with bloggers from other countries now. Sure hope your knee issues get resolved soon. Take care and blessings to George who is stepping up to help you!
Hi Betsy!
Oh you have been having a lovely December it looks like. Good for you!
I don't know why that dreaded word verification is happening. I have it marked as "No" as well and I have seen it on a lot of other blogs that I know don't use it. It's very frustrating! I've googled it but can't find an answer. Booo Blogger!!
Sending you good thoughts and best wishes that your knee pain gets better!
xo Catherine
Sending prayers your way that the knee pain won't be anything serious and that you will be up and out of pain soon.
I hope you and George have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS
So sorry to hear you are having so much trouble and pain with your knee. What a blessing George is for you. : )
Wow you two sure have met a lot of blogger friends. You must hold the record!!
Pray you are better soon.
I'm so sorry about your knee, Betsy. Hopefully the MRI will help the doctors know how to treat it and that you will soon be up and walking again without pain. I will be praying for you! I know George will take good care of you. Take care!
Congrats on meeting more blogging friends! I hope the MRI will make things clear and you can get your knee healed up. I can relate with the pain, from my neck and back. I'm not looking forward to surgery.
Stay safe in your weather!
hugs to you,
Home again but we're suffering terribly from jet lag. Much more than we ever did in previous trips to the US, or Europe for that matter.
It was great meeting you and George in your house on the Golf Course. Thanks for commenting on my blog during our visit to the United States. We did enjoy your area, even in the cold.
Cheers and have a great Festive Season,
As I read your comment on my post this morning, it filled me with sadness. Your normal upbeat, thirst for life seemed to have deserted you so I'm assuming the pain is far, far worse than you are admitting. Hold on tight to George and be lifted by our prayers and thoughts and let's hope medical intervention will aid your recovery as quickly as possible. Much love from here in London.
How fantastic that you met Diane B, as her's was the first blog I followed. I would love to meet up one day. Keep loving and smiling xx
i could have swore i comment on this post ... that is so weird? i don't see me though. odd. i wonder about blogger these days? i see a word verification on your blog too? it apparently is happening on every one's blog i am commenting on lately?? i know that my settings i don't want that so i would think the same about you too??! i wonder? have a great Christmas - keep us posted on the knee/leg going on's. ( :
So much fun meeting other bloggers.
I wish you get better soon and can enjoy your Christmas without pain. I know how hard it is. Me too is experiencing pain all over my body and strugling with my everyday life, but still making the best out of it.
wishing you a very merry Christmas:)
Betsy, wishing you a relief soon on your knee. Knee and back issues are very hard to deal with. Even with all your pain and suffering, with the good Lord and George watching over you, you will do just okay. I loved you Christmas card. Appreciate you thinking of me. I am not sending any this year. Take care my friend. I do not have Facebook.
Hey there,
NO stress. Just relax and enjoy the holidays and heal thy self:) We all go through these things and it's always one day at a time:) Hope that everything eventually feels better and when you get antsy, have George drive you around:) Happy holidays!
Nice decorations !
I am so sorry to hear that you have the bad knee pain and hope you are able to manage it and get relief from the pain. Since I have bad knees, I certainly understand what you feel! Getting one replaced was the best decision I ever made as far as knees go. The other has sort of settled down and isn't bothering me now. However, I still have this bad disc pain in my thorax back area. Getting old isn't for sissies, for sure! I'm petty much resigned to just living with it at this point, which is not making me very happy, but what can you do? My prayers are with both you and George and I hope you feel better soon. Have a wonderful Christmas anyway!
So not surprised that you hit it off with Diane and Bill - I think you two couples are amazingly alike! :) Take care of that knee, rest, recoup and thanks for the comments on my blog as always.
Hi Betsy! You always share the best things! What a great time you had with your friends. wonderful memories. I enjoy meeting blogging friends but have not met as many folks as you and George! Keep up the great friendships. It is a lot of fun! Hugs, Anne
I do hope you feel much better and are free from your knee pain soon! Sending prayers and well wishes ♥ Thank you for sharing all of the fun photos, and also enjoyed getting to read of all your sidebar :) The things you've posted there brought a smile to my face.
Blessings and hugs,
dear betsy, so sorry to hear of your knee, i hope it feels better really soon!congrats on meeting those wonderful blogging friends. how awesome!
i hope you and george have a wonderful xmas.
take care,
big hugs!
I've been thinking about you all week...I hope your knee is better! Mine is actually swollen right now..guess it's how I've been walking to avoid my foot pain.. Oh my...this aging thing is something. I do hope Betsy that your knee is better. Y'all stay warm...big hugs..
Best of luck to you tomorrow with the MRI, Betsy. I hope they can find out what the problem is and get it fixed for you so you won't be in pain anymore.
It was lovely that you could meet up with your blog friends. I'm so sorry that you're in so much pain and I hope and pray that you'll receive the treatment you need to relieve the problem and the Lord meets all your needs, both of you,
at this time. Lots of love from Linda P.
Sorry about the dreaded knee and the upcoming MRI. Hopefully the pain will finally go away.
I had a knee transplant 2 yrs ago and believe me it will get better. I have no more pain. Whew!!!
I do hope you don't need surgery though.
Merry Christmas to you and George.
I love your wreathe in the header- it is beautiful. And tell us what the MRI showed. I hope you are feeling better today.
Many bloggers are complaining about the unwanted word verification. William Kendall gave me a tip: Change comments to Embedded and the Captcha goes away!
Also, Teresa in Texas pointed out that you can just submit a comment without filling in the numbers and it is accepted.
I hope your knee mends quickly. Glad you have a great husband to help you.
Thanks to all of you for visiting. And thanks for your wonderful comments about my knee/leg problem... Hopefully, I can get this taken care of soon..
Merry Christmas.
For the knee I got a new one. Works great.
For the eblog:
In Settings- Comment you click NO for Word Verification, the go to the top of Options, click on Comment Location and select Embedded. The go to top and SAVE
Keep getting better so you can enjoy more of those great friends you have.
Betsy, I love your new look on the blog. You are so creative. As far as meeting blogging friends goes, I think you must have the prize in that department. How fantastic to have blogging friends all the way from Australia come to visit! They look like such nice people.
I'm sending you prayers for that knee. I do hope that you start to feel better soon. XO
How wonderful to meet your blogging friends. I've been surprised that the bloggers I've met are just as wonderful as they are on their blogs.
I'm so sorry you're suffering, Betsy. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers as well.
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