Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cumberland Mountain State Park, TN

George and I celebrated our 105th MONTH-aversary yesterday. Since we didn't get married until 2001, we celebrate as much as we can (trying to make up for all of those years we weren't together). We had a fabulous day on the plateau --so we decided to visit one of our favorite local places, the Cumberland Mountain State Park. We had hoped to eat dinner in their lodge restaurant ---but found it closed... Sniff Sniff!!!!

SO--we walked around and took some pictures before leaving to find another restaurant. After taking pictures, we went to the Vegas Steak House in Crossville (a new restaurant for us) and were very pleased. (I'm always afraid to try a new restaurant.) We both got Prime Rib, baked potato and salad. Dinner was excellent --and we will definitely go back there again!!!!

Here are some pictures from yesterday!!! The picture above is a view of the lake looking toward the bridge. Don't you love the reflections? Below are more.

This girl is so happy to be married to this wonderful man!!! It was a gorgeous late afternoon at the park.

Here's another view of the lake... I was thrilled with the reflections since the water was very CALM.

We are enjoying our new cameras SO much. This picture of George was VERY dark --but I was able to lighten it some using our NEW Photo Shop Elements program. (Thanks Richard!)

The Canada Geese were looking for something to eat --but I had nothing with me. Shame on me!!!!!

This little guy was resting on ONE leg.... Maybe he was practicing for the ballet!!! Ya think???? ha ha

The Canada Geese didn't get all of my attention. These Mallard Ducks wanted me to know that they were there also. So --I just 'had' to take their picture too!!!!

We hiked to the other side of the bridge/dam (bridge is built over the dam) to get a picture of the 'waterfall' there. Guess what we saw on our path????? Obviously, beavers have been very busy in this area!!!!!!

This is the 'waterfall' on the other side of the dam... Even though it is not a 'real' waterfall ---we still like to see it, especially when there is so much water coming over the spillway.

And--here's the end of a beautiful day in Tennessee!!!!! We came out of the restaurant at the perfect time ---and were able to snap this picture before the sun went totally down... Thanks Be to God for our fabulous Month-aversary!!!!
