Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cumberland Mountain State Park, TN

George and I celebrated our 105th MONTH-aversary yesterday. Since we didn't get married until 2001, we celebrate as much as we can (trying to make up for all of those years we weren't together). We had a fabulous day on the plateau --so we decided to visit one of our favorite local places, the Cumberland Mountain State Park. We had hoped to eat dinner in their lodge restaurant ---but found it closed... Sniff Sniff!!!!

SO--we walked around and took some pictures before leaving to find another restaurant. After taking pictures, we went to the Vegas Steak House in Crossville (a new restaurant for us) and were very pleased. (I'm always afraid to try a new restaurant.) We both got Prime Rib, baked potato and salad. Dinner was excellent --and we will definitely go back there again!!!!

Here are some pictures from yesterday!!! The picture above is a view of the lake looking toward the bridge. Don't you love the reflections? Below are more.

This girl is so happy to be married to this wonderful man!!! It was a gorgeous late afternoon at the park.

Here's another view of the lake... I was thrilled with the reflections since the water was very CALM.

We are enjoying our new cameras SO much. This picture of George was VERY dark --but I was able to lighten it some using our NEW Photo Shop Elements program. (Thanks Richard!)

The Canada Geese were looking for something to eat --but I had nothing with me. Shame on me!!!!!

This little guy was resting on ONE leg.... Maybe he was practicing for the ballet!!! Ya think???? ha ha

The Canada Geese didn't get all of my attention. These Mallard Ducks wanted me to know that they were there also. So --I just 'had' to take their picture too!!!!

We hiked to the other side of the bridge/dam (bridge is built over the dam) to get a picture of the 'waterfall' there. Guess what we saw on our path????? Obviously, beavers have been very busy in this area!!!!!!

This is the 'waterfall' on the other side of the dam... Even though it is not a 'real' waterfall ---we still like to see it, especially when there is so much water coming over the spillway.

And--here's the end of a beautiful day in Tennessee!!!!! We came out of the restaurant at the perfect time ---and were able to snap this picture before the sun went totally down... Thanks Be to God for our fabulous Month-aversary!!!!



diane b said...

Happy celebrations.You both look happy and red. The pictures are beautiful and no wonder with those beaut cameras. It was meant to be that the restaurant was closed so that yo could find a new one with good fare.
Keep smiling you love birds.

Beth said...

Happy 105th month-aversary, Betsy and George! I think it's so lovely and romantic that you two celebrate that way. And you're very fortunate to have such a nice state park nearby. That bridge is really pretty.

pam said...

Happy Anniversary! Beautiful pictures and a beautiful couple!

Jayne said...

You guys are so in love it makes me smile every time you post about another month's anniversary Betsy. You are lucky to have found one another, and it's obvious you live in each and every moment together. :c)

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Happy Anniversary Betsy and George !
What a gorgeous day we had in our fair State yesterday, and even nicer today...
Love the old bridge, it reminds me of England.
We are so fortunate to havae an abundance of lakes in our area, filled with all kinds of wildlife, that are both beautiful and entertaining.
You are the PERFECT couple.

Bookncoffee said...

Happy Anniversary. I know that park well. We stayed there once. The cabins were rugged but we had a lot of fun in the boats...I think it was a paddle boat. We had a good time there.

I LOVE prime rib and you are making me hungry to have some for breakfast. I love it with creamy horseradish. Yum.

Hope you all have a great day today.

Thanks for your blog comments. I appreciate ALL of them. All is well.


Dorothy said...

Congrats to you and George on your 105 MONTH-aversary!!!
You got some wonderful pictures and I know you had a great day!

Kelly said...

...you crack me up! 105 months anniversary! Congrats. You always have such a big smile on your face. It's obvious you are super happy. Keep on celebrating!!

Catherine said...

Such wonderful color in your photos. Glad the two of you are enjoying your new cameras. I can't remember if you told us what kind of cameras you got. I will have to go back in your posts and see.

Happy 105th Month Anniversary friend!

xo Catherine

Arkansas Patti said...

MONTHLY ANNIVERSARIES ???You guys really set the romance bar high. Kind of makes a normal, everyday marriage look sad. You are truly blessed to have found each other.
His new camera bag looks cool. Good choice.

Catherine said...

Yup - you did - Canon XSI. Lovely. What did George get though?

Kirigalpoththa said...

Happy celebrations!

Lovely pictures yet again!!!

amelia said...

How wonderful that you found each other!!

I love these photos. Lovely reflections and very peaceful.

Susie said...

The sunset looked like the beautiful ending of a perfect day for you two. Glad you were able to get out and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

I got a new camera in December last year. Do you want to return to every place you've ever been just so you can take pictures with your new camera? That's how I am :-)

Happy 105th-month anniversary...how romantic!

Betsy Brock said...

2001?? Why, you two are just newly-weds! LOL! glad you had a wonderful day. I enjoyed the gorgeous pictures!

Sunny said...

Happy Monthaversary!
What beautiful reflections and scenery.
You and George are truly blessed to have found each other.
Sunny :)

Connie said...

Fantastic pictures, Betsy! What a great way to spend your special day. :D Here's to many more celebrations ahead!

Diane AZ said...

Happy 105th Month-aversary to you and George! Great pictures, nice how you were both wearing red. I love all the reflections, waterbirds and sunset too. :)

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Betsy, what a beautiful place. And a good meal too:) I've been to Crossville many times but can't remember that bridge. If I was driving across it, maybe I couldn't see how pretty it was.

Unknown said...

Happy 105th month anniversary...May God bless you with abundant health and happiness,,,take care now

MadSnapper n Beau said...

now you made me hone my math skills, i had to figure our MONTHS which comes to 301. WOW we need to celebrate. love all the photos, especailly the ones of you and George.

Deb said...

What a beautiful park. Happy anniversary!

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a wonderful day for you both.
I LOVE the photo of the waterfall/dam.
Happy anniversary to you both!!

Snap said...

Happy 105 months! Wonderful photos ... and the waterfall (!!!) :D :D :D.

I Am Woody said...

Aww, I just love you guys!! Happy 105th month anniversary:)

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Great shots & that sunset is very pretty - Love the colors!

dot said...

It's nice to see a couple so happy and have so much fun together! Love the pictures, especially the sun set.

Peggy said...

You two are having way too much fun! LOL Happy Anniversary

Peggy said...

You two are having way too much fun! LOL Happy Anniversary

Glenda said...

Betsy, you two look so happy . . .and I like your red, matching sweaters! The reflections in the water are almost as pretty as the actual scenery! Of course, the sunset pic is gorgeous! Glad you had a wonderful anniversary, and I wish you many more!!

Pat - Arkansas said...

What a gorgeous place to visit on your 105th monthaversary! I think you and George celebrate your togetherness every day. You're a wonderful pair. Hugs!

Rose said...

Happy 105th!!! I like those reflections, too, but I LOVE that bridge...everything looks so peaceful in your pics. It sounds like a wonderful day.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Betsy, me again. I saw the cutest cake topper on Rosey's Memory Tome blog and immediately thought of you and George. It would be perfect for your 106th month anniversary cake:)


Have a wonderful day. Marnie

Small City Scenes said...

Wow Betsy the reflections are excellent. You could flip some of those and nobody would know.

That spill way looks unique. How old is it I wonder. Each stone upon the other.

The sun goes down on another happy day. MB

Kay said...

I'm so glad that your and George do so much together. I just wish Ben could walk more so he could do more with me. We do a lot together though. That is so cute that you guys celebrate each month's anniversary. Ben and I will be married 30 years on April 5th.

imac said...

Love the reflections of the bridge, and all the pics esp the sunset.
Glad you had a great meal too.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so glad you shared your special day with us. I have enjoyed it from beginning to end, it is kind of a photo journal of the trip. The reflections are actually prettier than the real thing!!!! And how about those reflections in the picture of the duck on one leg? Great! Even prettier than the reflections is the picture of you standing in front of them. Your face just radiates joy from within. How do you know it was a beaver? It kind of looks like someone started to chop it down and then changed their mind! But I guess that's a ludicrous assumption. Your dinner description is making me hungry.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Once again you folks know how to celebrate,and then God adds His touch to it by giving you a beautiful sunset.He must have been smiling down on you all day.
Do you have Elements 8? I'm guessing you do because of the Macs.

Bill S. said...

Beautiful pictures and reflections. You are so wonderful with all your sharings.


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love how you and George celebrate your months of marriage anniversaries, Betsy ..that is so romantic! ♥

I love all your photographs! Both you and George have good eyes for a great shot!

myletterstoemily said...

happy 105 months!

so sweet to see such a
happy couple.

loved the gorgeous photos
of your lovely state!

Jen said...

Happy #105 to you and George.
You guys seem to have a great time what ever you do!
Keep making memories and enjoy!

Tootie said...

Hi Betsy! I started out on George's blog reading about the damn and then came here. Your pictures are beautiful! What a nice peaceful place to go spend time together. :)

penny said...

Betsy you and George are a gift from God that he gave to each of you. You two are a perfect fit for each other.

This park is beautiful and reminds me of a park near us. Well, minus the wonderful waterfall and the geese. OK, and the bridge too.
Otherwise it looks the same. giggle, giggle :)

Dorothy said...

You look so happy, I've been married 9 years May 16...and wow am I glad I found Joe so I understand...as I'm 63 and living life with my honey great photos, have fun.

Dorothy from grammology

Cheryl said...

Happy 105 anniversary! You and George have such a sweet story together and wish you many, many more happy years together! P.S. The photos were spectacular, especially the last one.

Karin said...

With 48 comments before me, I'm just going to say DITTO from me! You two are so wonderful and so blessed! Awesome!

Diane said...

Beautiful reflections, Betsy. I think that dam is so pretty with the old stonework in different colors. Happy Anniversary. Diane

The Retired One said...

How cute you two celebrate that way..you crack me up.
Nice photos...we haven't heard the geese returning here yet, but the robins made it back!

Leedra said...

You know this is one of my favorite places in the area. Sold several cards using the fall colors around that bridge. It is so peaceful to walk around the lake when others are not there. I am sure it was a lovely time for you two.

RA said...

Happy 105th MONTH-aversary! You and George are so romantic. Celebrating this special occasion with beautiful mother nature is the best way. Have a wonderful day and even more blessed moments to come, Betsy :)

marmee said...


so happy that you and george found each other...it is perfectly fine to celebrate any day anyway you can. life is too short not to enjoy it. what a lovely time you had at the park with the birds and the water surrounding you.
lovely to share it with us.
happy springtime.

Tabor said...

Congrats. Have you every told the story of how you met?

SquirrelQueen said...

Betsy & George
Happy 105th Month-aversary!

What a pretty lake, it is so calm and still. You had a perfect day to capture all those beautiful reflections. You know I love the ducks and geese, great shots Betsy.


EcoRover said...

Congratulations on your anniversary--I like that idea of counting months! Now, if I could only remember when my anniversary is...

Lagean Ellis said...

I sure know how it is when life becomes full of reasons to celebrate...

Love your pics, especially that sunset! Oooh!


Connie said...

Are you taking photography lessons? Those photos are gorgeous. I love the bridge.

happily retired gal said...

Celebrating often and long make sense to me! Love your beautiful photos and wish you many more happy times together.
Hugs and blessings,
Small Reflections

Splendid Little Stars said...

You captured some wonderful scenes! Congratulations on your 105th!!!

CottonLady said...

Congrats on your 105th. Your photos are amazing. I love water and waterfalls.