Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Which One to You Want?

When we visited Little River Canyon on Valentine's Day, I couldn't help but notice three huge homes sitting along the top of the canyon on the 'other' side from where we were. I thought to myself: "What a neat place to have a home!!!! WOW---what a view!"

Today I'll share with you a few more pictures of that gorgeous canyon --and I'll show you the three homes!!!! You can pick a fav!!!!! Above is a beautiful picture of the canyon. Below are more!

Can you see that house sitting at the top of the canyon????? Wow..... Do you want that one????

Here's a close-up of the house---which I got with the zoom lens... I'm sure that 'tiny little house' doesn't cost much.... Ya think???? ha

Here's another home at the top of the canyon. What a view they must have!

Here's a close up of that house. Another tiny one, huh????

I think this is where I said: "Honey, will you buy us that home?" Wonder what George's answer was!!!!!!!!????????

I only took one picture of this beauty... This was when we were taking pictures of the kayakers below. I looked up--and there she was!!!!! WOW--what a house....

"Honey, I changed my mind... I want that last home!!!! Okay, Sweetie Pie???? PUH-LEASE!"

Here's one last picture of Little River Canyon. I can only imagine having a house (or even a teeny tiny cabin) on top of the canyon --with a view like this.... (How 'bout a tent?)

Well--did you pick a fav????? Maybe we can all go in together and buy one of them --and share it!!! It could be a Blogger House!!!!

If you want to see other pictures from our trip to Little River Canyon, go to the sidebar LABEL list and click on LITTLE RIVER CANYON. Or click HERE for one of the posts showing the canyon.

Have a great Tuesday.


Joe Todd said...

Don't you think they are probably just "summer homes" LOL.. Maybe by next year they will have steps built down to the river???? Looks like a great place to visit..

Beth said...

Wow, those are indeed lovely homes. (And your lens is amazing, Betsy!) If I lived in those houses, any picture you'd ever take would have me in it---out on those decks looking out into that gorgeous river canyon. I used to live in a vacation area (in a tiny house) that had homes like this. One thing that always amazed me was that I rarely saw the people out on the decks looking at their incredible views. I'd be LIVING out there myself!

And sure---I'm up for the Blogger house thing! I reckon the few bucks I could throw in would buy me about an hour there! I'll take my hour out on that deck. :-)

A Brit in Tennessee said...

What an amazing view down that canyon, just spectacular ! The river looks like it has been dyed a shade of green, maybe for St. Paddy's Day...lol
I like the log house the best, since I'm a log house fanatic, but would take the other one in a push ;)
I'm wondering if they are 'timeshares' or individual vacation homes ?
I'm getting so spoiled with your zoom lens, it leaves one breathless.
Great pictures as always, Betsy, and I will take that answer from George is somewhere in the smile on his face :)

Anonymous said...

uumm...hard decision to make. I love the view that first one has but I also like the log cabin tucked away from everyone and everthing.

Just imagine how much money they would have to make to keep a home like that in mint condition.

Too much for me...

Busy Bee Suz said...

I would have to go with number 3. I love the green roof and the wrap around porch. But I would not turn my nose up at the other two as well. I mean, if someone else is buying. right?
Great pictures.

Connie said...

Oh my! They are gorgeous! I like the last one the best, but I'm sure any of them would do in a pinch. HA! What an amazing view!

Dar said...

The Log Home, of course. It could be my 2nd log Get-Away...what a gorgeous view. The river is so turquoise, like the ocean. We could all be cliff dwellers.
Thanks for sharing Betsy....oh, can't get the Turtle Rocks out of my head. I even had a dream about them, that while you were standing on that one, it got up and moved, carrying you down the hill...so be careful out there, my friend.
Have a blessed Day

diane b said...

The canyon is magnificent. The houses gorgeous too. i like the last one too. What is the road access like to these places? Great shots again.

~mel said...

Your post reminds me of some of those homes we saw perched up on the hills in the Ozarks. I remember telling Dear Hubby I would hate to have little kids in those hills. Could you imagine playing kickball in the back yard??
Great post as usual. Thanks for taking us along!

Tabor said...

Lovely homes, Betsy, but too big for me. All I can think of the time spent cleaning, repairing and the money spent heating or air conditioning. Lovely idea though to pretend.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Wonderful houses!
Must be millionaires living there!! sigh..

Susie said...

They all look nice but I'll take the log cabin looking one. They did seem a little close to the edge tho.

amelia said...

I'll have the one with the green roof and wrap around deck!!

Aren't they just gorgeous?

Think of all the work to clean though although if you could afford this then you'd have staff probably!!!

Rose said...

I want the last one--with the wrap around porch!

Jen said...

First I want to make sure I get the imaginary maid too, before I make my choice. :)

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the last house. There is a house similar in style that we pass frequently when going to Erie, PA. The house has a lovely view of a lake. I always admire that house when we pass by. Nice photographs of the canyon!

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

I want to go with the third one. Can you help me please? I need that third one :) Really, what a place to live at!!!

Wednesday Wallpaper - Abandoned House in Greenery


Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

And I love the header photo you took a few days back, of the Crocuses. Do you have its seeds? Can you send me?



Small City Scenes said...

I guess I'd rather have a tiny cabin so I could go and stay awhile and then come to my 'real' home. Besides....where would I keep the horses and goats?

Are those houses up on stilts? I hope they don't slide down the hill. MB

Darla said...

A blogger house, that's funny.... I like the last one..

Cedar ... said...

Oh, it's definitely the last one! I'll send you my $2.98 for my share... hee hee.... it's all I can spare. And I don't even want to think about the taxes on a place like that. Wooooeeee,... must be nice to be wealthy!

penny said...

Begaers can't be choosers, so I will take any one of the three. I just hope it comes with a view of the beautiful waterfalls too.
Have a wonderful day, Betsy and thanks for the offer!

Janice K said...

That blogger house idea sounded pretty cool! Maybe it could be a time-share condo for blogger/birders. It seems like the location would be perfect.

The Retired One said...

I'll take that last one that had natural wood siding and the wrap around porch, thanks. ha It is fun to "house spy"! That canyon is gorgeous..we saw similar ones in West Virginia when we went east last year in the Appalachians....I wondered how folks GOT to their homes on those mountains. ha Maybe we can hit the lotto and buy a Blogger retreat house...that would be fantastic.

Shelley said...

Well you know which home I would want Betsy - ha,ha! I want that log / wood home w/ the great views! Wow - all these homes were spectacular! Views always make the home!! Hope you're having nice weather today!

I Am Woody said...

Couldn't exactly let the kids go play in the yard, huh?!?

Arkansas Patti said...

Have to agree with Tabor. However, an outhouse with a bed would be fine with any of those views. That is what you can't build. An outhouse with a wrap around porch that is.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I definitely want that last one,BUT,only if someone else will foot the bill. :) The view would be spectacular,but the price must be outrageous.Thanks for showing these and when you have made that purchase let me know,I'll start packing my bags.Ha! Ha!

Ms. ~K said...

Oh my! I would be happy w/ any of these beautiful home! But I wouldn't want to clean them!

Glenda said...

The houses are all gorgeous, but that view outshines them all! But if I could take my pick, #3 is my choice! I wonder, though, if we lived there year-round if we would appreciate the spectacular beauty as much. Maybe so!

Thanks for sharing God's beautiful world with us!

Kelly said...

...that wrap-around porch on the last one looks pretty good, but the screened-in porch on the second one is tempting too...... A blogger house--it better have a lot of electrical outlets! That would be a hoot!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Good morning Betsy. Love your header. That house is way too close to the edge! I wouldn't sleep a wink in it. I'd be worried every second that the ground would give way.

Beautiful photos.

Tipper said...

Wow those are some high dollar homes! I don't think I'd like to clean a house that big : )

The last photo is amazing!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: I'll go in on the green roof, so natural in the setting. I hope you can get quite a few people to split that 2 mil.

Mrs. JP said...

I think I'll just stay right here in the cabin that God has given us here in the holler. They view of the river below you was nice but (and I know this is silly) I'd be afraid that I'd slip and whoop! I'd have a close-up and personal encounter with all those trees on the way down.

Cheryl said...

I will take house #3 please. However I would take it in a much smaller version! You would love to see some of the huge homes that are here in our area, much like these but are summer homes only! I like to look at them and dream....by the way, great shots of the canyon and the beautiful water.

imac said...

Anyone would be ok for me.
Love your shots Betsy.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are all beautiful homes, but way to big for me. i prefer your hideaway in Arkansas over these. But if you want to give me one, i would take it and sell it and buy a little one and keep the rest as a nest egg.

Diane AZ said...

I love the wrap around porch on the last one. I think it would be fun to see the insides of all of them, to see how they're furnished and check out the views. Neat post!

Together We Save said...

Oh wow those are beautiful home and beautiful views. I can only say... that must be nice. If I could have a home anywhere I would have to pick Ft Morgan Beach. Beautiful, quiet, allows dogs... perfect for me.

Thanks so much for your kind words I do feel much better today. My actual bout with sickness only lasted a few hours but I slept most of the day yesterday.

Kay said...

What a prety place. Those people living on that ridge sure do have a wonderful view.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, my! I am way too afraid of heights to want ANY of those houses! Gosh, one looks like it's right on the edge, and what if it fell over? I do like the looks of the third house the best, it's lovely. But I would transport it to a low meadow! I'm even scared to death of the overlooks around here! You and George are Free Birds, but I think I'm a barn duck!! But I DO love living my life dangerously and vicariously through you and your blog. You can show me what I'll never see.

Diane said...

Pretty homes, aren't they, Betsy. Whenever I point out a home like that my husband says "We couldn't afford to heat it." Well, if you could afford a home like that I don't think you'd be worrying about the heating bills.


Adrienne Zwart said...

They're all beautiful, but I'd pick the third one. It seems to complement the surroundings better. I'm with you, I'd be happy with a little cabin if the porch looked out over this! (Can't say "tent" because I do not like camping in tents.) :)

Rosa said...

The views of either would do! Beautiful.

Pat - Arkansas said...

If I can have my druthers, I'll force myself to take the third home; what a beauty! Love those big wrap-around porches.
Your photos are wonderful, as usual, and the area is gorgeous!

nanny said...

Beautiful, beautiful pictures....think I would have to choose #3!!!!!!!The canyon is breathtaking and the water...oh the color of it, wow!

Chris said...

Hi Betsy, what a wonderful place. You are certainly getting to be expert with the new camera. Please can I have the third house?

Dorothy said...

Betsy, I think about a couple dozen of us need to buy that last one and take turns using it!! Beautiful canyon!

carolina nana said...

I'll take house #2 and oh yes please throw in a housekeeper while we're wishing.Since I've cleaned my little house today I'd surely need a housekeeper for that one!
Hope we don't have an earthquake,I have a feeling all 3 house might end up at the bottom of the canyon!!
Have a blessed evening

myletterstoemily said...

how about all three?

my husband and i stayed at
a bed and breakfast on a
bluff in tennessee just like

we were on our way to blackberry
farm for our 25th anniversary.

thanks for bringing back a sweet

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

I think George's answer was that little chuckle!!! I'm sure we would just rattle around in those homes...but it's always fun to dream...

Neal said...

Why don't you just buy all of them then I'll have a place to stay when I come and visit (which will be often). :) That is a pretty place. Seriously, I don't care about the big house but I would love to have our house sitting in one of those spots.

Anonymous said...

Lovely view, but those houses are too big for us, even if each sheltie and each tabbie had their own bedroom.

How about a little cabin?

Carletta said...

I actually looked at that first one and the view and thought if it was only a log cabin. :)
Guess which one I would choose? LOL!
That water is gorgeous from way up there. It pops in your photos. I think I need to put this Little Canyon on my bucket list.

SquirrelQueen said...

The last one is my favorite but I would settle for a tent to get that kind of a view. I would be happy sitting on the rock in your first photo, wow look at that view!

RA said...

I'm with you on the last house, Betsy. What a beautiful canyon! Have a wonderful day. Hugs and love.

RoeH said...

The porch with the attached house. I'm all for porches!

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

There's an award/tag-game for you on my Selo Commentarista Excelente Award post. Enjoy!

dot said...

As many times as I've been there I don't recall seeing the houses. I wonder if Randy Owens lives in one of them. lol. He is supposed to be a great lover of the canyon.

FireLight said...

Betsy, what a delight to find you have been in my homes state... I have always wanted to go; it's a good distance north of here (Auburn) ....A good friend of mine goes kayaking on that river!
I like the same house you do!