Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Little River Canyon, AL

As you probably know (if you have followed my blog for awhile), George and I LOVE going to canyons... The small canyon near us is Fall Creek Falls, where I got my first kiss!!!! There are 6 waterfalls at Fall Creek Falls which we love, but the canyon itself is very beautiful. Another canyon we love is near Clayton, GA. That one is Tallulah Gorge and it also has several waterfalls.

This third one pictured above (the one we visited on Valentine's Day) is Little River Canyon, near Fort Payne, Alabama. The waterfalls always draw us to these canyons --but the canyons themselves are totally awesome. And with these new cameras (and those long lenses), George and I loved the canyon visit.

Little River flows through rugged, beautiful, forested landscapes into the 12-mile-long and 600-foot-deep Little River Canyon. Hope you enjoy a few pictures of the canyon itself today showing the river, the rock formations, and icicles. There will be many more pictures to come (birds in the canyon, kayakers, beautiful boulders, and of course---waterfalls).

We managed to get out yesterday --so we drove to Hendersonville to check on George's parents. Once we got off of the Cumberland Plateau, there was very little snow. And in Hendersonville, there was none. George's parents are doing fine---but like so many folks this time of year, they are ready for warmer weather. When we got back home last night, it started snowing AGAIN here. I wanted snow this winter---so I definitely GOT it!!!! ha



Valerie said...

What a beautiful place! The water looks so vibrant in color, I bet it's cold! It reminds me of more primitive times when perhaps the native americans were living three. I can imagine them walking thru the woods to the water below and thru the canyon itself.

Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong time period! Thanks for capturing it so well!

Anonymous said...

These canyons are in Tennessee? They really do look monumental and I suppose if you are at the bottom looking up they are monumental. There must be a lot of history there too. I would imagine Native Americans held these places in high esteem. And, your photos enhance that feeling for me. Spiritual yes.

pam said...

Ahhhh..first kisses. Good memories.

Jayne said...

Beautiful vistas Betsy! Hang in there... spring is around the corner. :c)

Arkansas Patti said...

Love the pictures Betsy. Those canyons are awesome. With your new lenses, you can just zoom in and don't have to actually hike to the bottom. Good move.

Beth said...

Those canyons are really beautiful and awe-inspiring, Betsy. I never would have guessed that Alabama had gorges like this...especially such gorgeous gorges! :-) You're really putting that new camera to good use---lovely photos.

Darla said...

I gasped when I saw these photos...very pretty! Glad the in laws are doing well. You sure have gotten what you asked for this winter...

Snap said...

Lovely shots, Betsy. I can imagine being in the canyon and hearing the water .. one of the most beautiful sounds to me!

Nina said...

Simply beautiful. I know it's been snowy and cold all over, I'm glad you were/are able to get out and enjoy the beauty of winter waterfalls and canyons. Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P

imac said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, who shares with us all, so that we cane see the splender of your visits.
You are really enjoying your new cameras I see.

Connie said...

What a wonderful view, Betsy! So pretty! The water looks so blue.

More snow? I guess you better be careful what you wish for. HA! Hope you are enjoying it. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

What great pictures! Again, I notice the bright blue of the water! Could you drink the water at these falls? The canyons could make one fall to their knees with insignifigance, in realizing their vastness. With the bare trees, the immnesness seems rather desolate. Are there ever birds near falls?

Bookncoffee said...

Betsy. Our snow melted YESTERDAY! You just missed it. It was nice while we had it. But I noticed the sun melted it away during work yesterday.

LOVE those pictures. The water is so blue. The pictures remind me of the Big South Fork gorge/river area. So pretty. I'll have to post some of my pictures on that again in my blog sometime. Might even make it a blog topper. ha. Have a good weekend.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Be careful for what you ask for!!!
Glad the parents are doing well, and I hope for their sake it warms up a bit for them.
Beautiful pictures Betsy...what a canyon!!!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: What a beautiful cut through the mountains. That river at the bottom is so beautiful and the water color is really something special.

Big Dude said...

Some spectacular shots there

I Am Woody said...

I love that area!! So beautiful!!

Susie said...

That does look like a great place to explore Betsy! I can see why ya'll like it so much.

Girl, you are getting your share of snow this winter, aren't you?!?!? Hope you enjoy it.

Kat_RN said...

Wow! This is my first visit, your photos are amazing. My Sweet Hubby and I love to hike. Can't wait till it is a little warmer up on the blue ridge. Maybe this summer we need to go a little farther to Alabama.
Nice to meet you.

Loran said...

You know that saying--be careful what you wish for, you might get it? Well, you got it! we're supposed to get more snow the rest of this week as well. Hohoho.

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Beautiful pictures Betsy! I am going to start asking A.J. to take me to see some waterfalls.

i get what you're saying about snow in the plateau and not in Hendersonville. The snow is funny...there's nothing in Knoxville, but Semour looks like a winter wonderland!

Cedar ... said...

Nice pics of the canyon, I'm always amazed to see cuts of sedimentary rock like that. Tells us that it was all under water eons ago. Ground is almost bare here,... you got our snow, Betsy! :)

Karin said...

What a fabulous canyon! Great shots too!! Glad that George's parents are fine! Have a great week-end! I'm back to work tomorrow!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Awesome! I love the ones with the water meandering down through the dormant trees. will we get one in the spring with all the new leaves? the first one is my favorite for today. all those rocks NOT stones are wonderful. and the water color, wow. It looks like you were standing way up high when you took that one

Anonymous said...

Really great views here & I love the color of that water! WoW!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Superb place for hiking!

Roses and Lilacs said...

It is a beautiful place. I used to live just down the road between Ft Payne and Guntersville.
Beautiful photos.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Beautiful scenes.I would love to spend time at this place.Hmm,I wonder how many memory cards I would fill up?:)

Betty said...

Your pictures are beautiful.I like the one with the ice,and the blue water is so lovely.
♥♥ Hugs ♥♥

Big Dude said...

Betsy - You may have already done this, but as I was looking through my latest issue of "Birds and Blooms", it occurred to me you may want to submit some of your photos.

The Blonde Duck said...

So gorgeous! It looks like something out of a movie!

The Blonde Duck said...

So gorgeous! It looks like something out of a movie!

The Blonde Duck said...

So gorgeous! It looks like something out of a movie!

Elaine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elaine said...

Hi Betsy,
Love your photos today....and it sounds like you've been enjoying your winter! I know my son and daughter-in-law have been thrilled to get the snow their first winter in Nashville! :)


EG CameraGirl said...

The terrain sure is varied in Tennessee! I had no idea!

Becca's Dirt said...

Betsy - This is so Majestic. Thanks for sharing.

DayPhoto said...

Colorado snow in Tennessee. Hummm. I don't think I'm jealous.

Love your photos! It's nice to travel with you.


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Beautiful canyon photos Betsy! Glad George's parents are doing well. Winter can seem like a very long season at times.

Have you been watching the Olympics? So exciting! I wish I could ski and skate like the athletes

♥ Pat

Diane AZ said...

The blue and green colors in the river are beautiful and it's so awesome to see the icicles hanging off the canyon wall!

Diane said...

The blue water with everything else drab winter colors makes such pretty pictures.

penny said...

Betsy, your shots of the canyon with you new camera are gorgeous. I can see everything so clearly. The turquoise color of the water is so crystal clear and beautiful.
Glad George's parents are do well, that is such a wonderful blessing :)

The Retired One said...

Fantastic scenery...just gorgeous! It is a photographer's dream there isn't it??? I can just see you there, all excited as you took your shots...great job!

Regina said...

Beautiful scenes and captures Betsy.
Thank you for sharing.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Plain Chicken said...

Beautiful photos! I wish I were there!

Catherine said...

Hi Betsy!

Too cute ~ first kiss near Fall Creek Falls ~ so sweet!

My first kiss was on the playground in Grade 1 from a sweet little boy...so sweet I married him 17 years later! :)

What wonderful photo opportunities living near such beautiful scenery.

Hope you are keeping warm!
xxoo Catherine

PS - I showed my son your comment about him looking like his mama. The poor kid gets told that all the time ~ hahaha! LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures but then all your pictures are just awesome. Glad you enjoyed your trip and that someone is enjoying this snow.lol.

Together We Save said...

Glad you made it safely. I can't believe it is snowing again. Wow ours is all gone, it was 50 degrees today. Make me long for spring. LOL

Stop by I have something for you.

Cheryl said...

Wow, what awesome photos taken with the new camera. I just loved all the ledges with ice hanging from them. And more snow? I guess this was the winter of "Betsy's snow"! Have a lovely weekend.

SquirrelQueen said...

Time doesn't seem to change in the canyon, it will always be beautiful. The river is such a beautiful blue green. Trivia, did you know Fort Payne is the hometown of the band Alabama?

Glad to hear you got a little sun today. Our day looked a lot like the photos I posted.


Anonymous said...

Breath taking photos!! I just vision God's hands molding the canyons.

So very sweet that George took you to the place of your first kiss. How romantic.

Take care-

Rose said...

Those are some awesome photos...and I would love to wade and play in that creek!

Unknown said...

Love the vivid blue of the river, such a great contrast and it looks so peaceful too.