Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fall Creek Falls State Park --4/21/10--Part I

George and I had a beautiful day yesterday at Fall Creek Falls. You will have to read yesterday's post (click
HERE) in order to know WHY we were there!!!!!! Today and tomorrow, I will show you a few pictures from our beautiful day! Above is a picture of the Cane Creek Cascades.. Below are more.

We always enjoy seeing the deer when we go to the park. This one stopped and looked at us --but didn't run away!!! I think they are used to people --especially ones like me who are taking their picture.

I was fascinated at the reflections in the water here. This is near the area where I got my first kiss in 2001..... We had to relive that moment you know!!!

Spring is a beautiful time to visit the park since there were lots of dogwoods blooming ---along with many beautiful wildflowers. These little blue flowers reminded me of the Bluebonnets I used to see in Texas. Aren't they pretty?

One of our favorite large waterfalls at Fall Creek Falls is one that is in a different area of the park from most of the others. This one is named PINEY FALLS--and we are viewing it from an overlook.

Here's the "Happy Couple" talking about all of our wonderful memories we have had together since that special date on April 21, 2001.

I'll post more pictures tomorrow . But --you need to know that we will be out-of-pocket for about 3 days while we head to West Virginia to do some waterfalling!!!! I will have the laptop--IF we have Verizon service. BUT--if I don't get to your blogs, don't give up on me. I will try to catch up sometime!!!!

Hugs to all,