Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, September 7, 2020

LILIES in our YARD --Part II

Dear Blog Friends,   Happy Labor Day!!!   This is a National Holiday in our Country celebrating all of the hard-working laborers.   Growing up in the coal mining areas of southwest Virginia,  I always think of all of the men and women who work in those mines. They are definitely laborers.  Today we honor them --and many, many others who work hard each and every single day, many of them doing difficult jobs which many of us wouldn't choose to do.  God Bless our Laborers.

Today I am featuring Part II showing the  beautiful Lilies in our yard.   Part I was featured on 8/3/20.  IF you missed that post (or would enjoy seeing it again),  click Here 

As you know,  I love our LILIES.  We used to have many more of them planted all over the yard.  BUT--the deer would destroy them before we could even enjoy them...  SO a couple of years ago,  George put some of our favorites in containers and brought them to the deck.   So far,  that has worked well for us... I can enjoy them from inside and also from the deck ---and the deer have stayed away!!!!

Above was another collage that I made.   Below are some of my favorite pictures of specific groups of Lilies.  If you put your mouse over each picture,  I added the names and dates when I took the pictures.

Hope you enjoy seeing these beautiful flowers.

I miss seeing them now --as the summer is winding down with only the ROSES and a few re-blooming Day Lilies and Irises in bloom in the yard now.... 

If you are on Facebook with me,  then you know about our hard day Saturday.   IF not,  WELL--here is what happened:  We woke up during the night early Saturday morning to find water gushing all over the place in our large bathroom.   A pipe had burst under the sink!!!!   George got the water turned off --but the damage was done.   IF that was not bad enough,  the stress and anxiety of that happening put me back in A Fib...   Being in A Fib is worse than a bathroom leak... The leak can be repaired  (and has been) --but A Fib cannot....There are no cures!  VERY frustrating!!!! 

BUT--despite our hard time that Saturday,  God provided us with an amazing  "Autumn-Like Day" here... When I walked outside on the deck that morning,  I just had to take a minute and smile -- and thank God for this wonderful blessing.  As I have said many times,  when we experience the RAINY Days (hard times) in our lives,  God provides a RAINBOW of hope for us.... Thanks be to God.

I am looking forward to a better week ahead....   I will close with another Facebook Post I wrote recently when talking about the love of flowers.... Think of all of these LILIES above.  Flowers are amazing.  They bloom no matter what is going on around them.  They get along with all of the other flowers.  Their message is to send love, joy and peace to ALL.   Maybe we humans should be more like flowers.... God Bless us ALL.

