Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas Morning in the Glade

Well----I guess you are tired of seeing everyone's Christmas pictures --but today,  I'm giving you some more pictures!!!!!!  I just 'have' to share Christmas morning at our home.  Above is our Christmas tree --and below are a few more.  Be sure and click on the pictures to see some larger views.

Here's a picture of my Santa ---checking out the presents under the tree.

George and I always exchange ornaments.   This year,  George gave me some ornaments from some of the places we visited this past June (Bryce Canyon,  Zion,  Grand Canyon and the one above,  Rocky Mountain National Park). They were awesome and brought back such great memories of a wonderful trip.

Some of the ornaments that I gave George were: a Michigan Wolverine football jersey ornament,  a cute little Gardening ornament,  a little cellphone which said "Merry Textmus",  and my favorite---a little train which said  Cass, West Virginia (from our fall trip on the Cass Railroad). 

Santa also gave us new coffee cups  (with a picture of US at the Grand Canyon)....  SO Special!!!!

Santa also gave both of us new hiking rain jackets ---which we needed.  As many of you know,  George and I end up doing alot of hiking in the RAIN for some reason... These new jackets (modeled by George) should help not only keep us fairly dry --but also our cameras.... There are zippered areas and little pouches to hide our treasures...SO neat!!!

Hope you enjoyed seeing a 'sample' of how good Santa was to both George and me.  I guess that proves that we were definitely not naughty in 2011..... Whew--as I'm wiping my brow!!!!!!!!

I'll close with one of the pictures of us --taken by using our tripod...   Hope you had a fabulous holiday season --and are looking forward to 2012...  We certainly are!!!!
