Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, February 24, 2020

Our 3 inch SNOWFALL ---2/20/20

They finally scraped our road!!!!!  NOW --do you want to come and sit on the BENCH with me????? ha
Oh My Goodness.... This ole 'snow lover' woman  has MORE snow pictures to show you this year...  I knew that IF we could  get the cold fronts and the warm fronts together at the same time, we would have the possibility of getting some snow this year...   It's been a remarkably warm Winter overall for us with TOO MUCH RAIN.... BUT --even still,   we managed to get another nice little snow on Thursday,  2/20/20....  This was our 'largest' (THREE INCHES) one this year so far...  I know that's not much to many of you --but to us,  it's a really nice snowfall!!!!!

SO---grin and bear it with me again today please...  Each time I show snow pictures,  they are a little different from the last one!!!!

The Trees were glistening!!!!  SO pretty!

This little car got stuck trying to get up our big hill.  He had to back down and park in someone's driveway for awhile...

One of  our SHRUBS in front...

The Side Yard;  Look at all of the Daffodils coming up!!!

Our Front Yard;  Again you can see some Daffodils...  There's one BLOOMING.  Can you spot it???  As you can tell,  most of our Daffodils have not bloomed yet. 

I love seeing the snow clinging to the big trees.

Back Yard --looking out toward the Golf Course fairway.... Surprise!!!  Nobody is playing Golf today!!!! ha

Close-up of our Picnic Table;  Don't think there will be any picnics around here though!!!!

The Snow is 'protecting' our Rhododendron.. NOW --If I could just keep the squirrels from chewing off the buds... This is the first year that they have done this... Grrrrrr.

The back corner of the deck,  looking out toward the Golf Course.

Darkness is upon us.... My new iPhone takes really good night pictures....

Totally dark out there now.... The deer were out... See them?

One of the favorite things to do is to check outside early in the morning after a nice snow and search for all of the "Night Critter" Visits!!!!

FINALLY,  the next morning!!!!!  Love the sunshine and blue skies --although it was still about 17 degrees when I took this picture.
That's enough for now!!!!!   BUT--I only took about 50 more pictures!!!! ha ha ..... Today,  as I write this post,  most of the snow is gone except where it is shady (like our deck).....   BUT--the temperature outside today should be about 50 degrees ---and rain comes back on Monday... SO---bye bye snow!!!!!!

Have a fabulous week my Friends!


Monday, February 17, 2020

Son Mark is a "Happy CAMPER"

Why is MARK so happy on Valentine's Day??????????
Dear Friends,  As you can see from the picture above,  my son MARK is EXTREMELY happy these days... He absolutely loves the Smokies --and just being out in nature (whether he is hiking or driving his jeep,  or just sitting by a creek in his hammock)!!!!!

On Valentine's Day --he finally made a big purchase  (which he has been contemplating buying for quite some time).... He now is the proud owner of a POP-UP CAMPER.  He wanted something for camping that he can pull behind his 'purdy' Little RED JEEP...

He got a used one which had been used very little.   He loves it ---and was so excited that he invited George and me to come and see it.... Of course,  I don't want to miss an opportunity to see my sons....  So we drove to Maryville on Saturday  (2/15/20)  to check it out.     All I can say is "WOW".....  I am just SO excited for him/them.

He was still busy reading the manual and learning all about the bells and whistles...  This little beauty sleeps 4 easily and 6 if necessary.... There is a king bed on one end and a queen bed on the other.  There's a little stove and sink,  a small fridge,  and a table and benches which seat four. AND--the camper has AC/Heat, plus a small water heater.  To be an older camper,  this camper is in immaculate shape... He was lucky to get this one.. BUT--he has been looking for the 'perfect one' for him (and Bert and Robin) for a long time...

Besides "oohing and ahhing" over the new "TOY" ----we also just enjoyed seeing our kids for a few hours!!!!!   George and I took them to lunch --and they chose to go to Cheddar's.... Excellent choice --and we all enjoyed it...

Hope you enjoy seeing the pictures!!!!!   By the way,  they have invited us to go camping with them sometime.....  Hmmmmmm---sounds intriguing!!!!

There it is...  The new POP-UP CAMPER.  

Welcome to your new home,  Mr. Camper.... This one was taken when they first got home with it the night before.

Mark and another son, Bert (on left) showing the 'parents' the new TOY!!!

Mark and Robin are SO excited ---and ready to hit the road and do some camping!!

Come inside  and Mark and Robin will show you around...  We are looking toward the king sized bed in this picture.

Their little table with a bench on both sides

A small sink and stove  (They even have a small tank for hot water!!)

George and Bert are showing off the other end  --with stove/sink,  table/benches and queen sized bed.

They even have a TV out there now --which they hooked up!!!! 

After we left,  Mark hooked up the awning and brought out a couple of chairs...  (I 'think' that Robin even took a short nap inside!!!!!! ha)

My JOY---Being with 2 of my 3 sons!!!! 

Bert, George and Mark

Bert, George, Mark, and Robin

Bert, Mom, Mark, Robin

They are home!!!!!!!  (Taken on the evening of 2/14/20;  What a Valentine's Present!!)
I must tell you a story!!!!    Mr Fancy Red Jeep  whispered something in my ear which made me very very SAD!!!!!  He used to be the center of attention,  and the garage was his to enjoy--especially during these cold mornings!!!   NOW---he lost his 'home' and has to sit outside....    AND --- not only was he sad about being 'second fiddle' but he also has to pull that heavy thing around!!!!  POOR MR. JEEP!!!!!   Don't you feel sorry for him??????????   Tee Hee Hee!!!

Hope you enjoyed the happiness in our family on this special occasion!!!!   Mark is an outdoor person from top to bottom ---and I LOVE following him  (and Robin) on their hikes and 'adventures'...   Those two will REALLY enjoy the camper I'm sure!!!!

Have an awesome week, my Friends!!!

Monday, February 10, 2020

A Little More SNOW in Tennessee ----Yeah!!!!!

Our Home---Feb. 7, 2020
YEP----here's another little "Snow Post" from Betsy!!!!!  Geeessshhh!!!!   BUT--for this old 'snow lover',   this little snow was one of our prettiest in several years...  Yes--it was little,  and even you who live in snow-climate areas wouldn't mind this one!  We only got about 1.5 inches AND since we had had over SEVEN INCHES of RAIN before the snow came,  the ground was so warm causing the snow not to stick to the ROADS or Driveways or grassy areas at all much.   BUT--it stuck to the trees and shrubs and that made for a gorgeous little snow!!!   AND---even better news:  it was gone in 2 days!!!!

Today -I'll share some pictures I took around the yard that morning  (Feb. 7, 2020)  PLUS 4 pictures taken that afternoon as we ventured out to run some errands!!!!!  The drive down the Cumberland Plateau to Cookeville to go to Sam's was so pretty....

Hope you enjoy the pictures.  After looking at the possible weather for the rest of February,   it appears as if this may be our last snow this year  (unless we get some winter weather in March).... Our area used to get several deep snows in winter --but for the past several years,  we've gotten almost none.... Call it "Climate Change" or whatever... I just know it is very different these days.

Back Yard

The Rhododendron is being protected from the cold --by its "Snow Coat"

Don't think we'll be having a picnic on our deck!!!  (ha)

The Side Yard looking toward the front;  See the Daffodils 'trying' to pop up????

Shrubs in our front yard

Looking toward the 'lower' side yard

One of our shrubs ---up close and personal

Looking up at the snow clinging to the trees, near the Flag Pole

One more picture of our front yard

As we left home,  I took this picture of a beautiful evergreen tree in our area.

Passing by Mirror Lake in our community... IF you look close enough (right in the middle)  you will see the little fountain!!!

WOW---the trees were so gorgeous as we drove down the mountain.

Another picture from the car of the beauty all around us

Finally,  the errands are finished and we back home --only to enjoy the snow outside and a warm fire going in our fireplace!!!!!   What a Life!!!!
Well---hope you enjoyed our little snow and the ride we took you on!!!!!!  Now--the snow is gone and it's back to warmer weather ---with more RAIN coming this week... THAT--I can do without since we have had nothing but rain/flooding for it seems like weeks and weeks....Prayers for all of the people in flooded areas....East Tennessee has had its share of that!

Have an awesome week.


Monday, February 3, 2020

Just to Put some JOY in your Soul

One of our favorite Roses we have had in the yard for many years;  Meet MR. LINCOLN after some rain.  This is one of the most fragrant roses we have!!!!! 
Hello Blog Friends,   Welcome to February!!!!!   Can that be????  Mercy Me!!!!!   How was January at your home?  We had a very mild and rainy month.   I am hoping to finally get a little WINTER weather here in Tennessee this month...????!!!!!!!  This ole woman would LOVE to see some snow before Spring!!!!!!

On the other hand,   I don't know about you --but Winter  can become drab and dreary at times....   Do you miss the warm Sunshine and COLORS of Spring and Summer?   I am one who loves WINTER --but will admit that I am in the mood for some COLOR today!!!!

SO--here are some pictures of some of the beautiful ROSES in our yard this past July (which I never found time to post on my blog ).   I am blessed to have a wonderful husband who loves to grow Roses.   He 'babies' them and takes good care of them ---and I get to benefit the results,  by admiring them and smelling them when they bloom.  He brings a beautiful rose into the house for me almost every day during the season.   Thank You,  George!!!!

Hope you enjoy this taste of Summer today --as you admire a few of our 'beauties'..... All pictures were taken in JULY, 2019.    I also hope that seeing them brings joy into your hearts and souls....











NOW ---let me hear you:   "C'mon SPRING/SUMMER".......  I think I heard many of you hollering.

Me???  I'll WAIT---like all of us 'really' have to do  (ha ha)!!!!!    BUT---I certainly love to pull out the photos and remember the beauty which hopefully awaits me this coming Spring/Summer....

Hope you enjoyed the "Pretties" today!!!!!

Have an awesome week.
