Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, February 17, 2020

Son Mark is a "Happy CAMPER"

Why is MARK so happy on Valentine's Day??????????
Dear Friends,  As you can see from the picture above,  my son MARK is EXTREMELY happy these days... He absolutely loves the Smokies --and just being out in nature (whether he is hiking or driving his jeep,  or just sitting by a creek in his hammock)!!!!!

On Valentine's Day --he finally made a big purchase  (which he has been contemplating buying for quite some time).... He now is the proud owner of a POP-UP CAMPER.  He wanted something for camping that he can pull behind his 'purdy' Little RED JEEP...

He got a used one which had been used very little.   He loves it ---and was so excited that he invited George and me to come and see it.... Of course,  I don't want to miss an opportunity to see my sons....  So we drove to Maryville on Saturday  (2/15/20)  to check it out.     All I can say is "WOW".....  I am just SO excited for him/them.

He was still busy reading the manual and learning all about the bells and whistles...  This little beauty sleeps 4 easily and 6 if necessary.... There is a king bed on one end and a queen bed on the other.  There's a little stove and sink,  a small fridge,  and a table and benches which seat four. AND--the camper has AC/Heat, plus a small water heater.  To be an older camper,  this camper is in immaculate shape... He was lucky to get this one.. BUT--he has been looking for the 'perfect one' for him (and Bert and Robin) for a long time...

Besides "oohing and ahhing" over the new "TOY" ----we also just enjoyed seeing our kids for a few hours!!!!!   George and I took them to lunch --and they chose to go to Cheddar's.... Excellent choice --and we all enjoyed it...

Hope you enjoy seeing the pictures!!!!!   By the way,  they have invited us to go camping with them sometime.....  Hmmmmmm---sounds intriguing!!!!

There it is...  The new POP-UP CAMPER.  

Welcome to your new home,  Mr. Camper.... This one was taken when they first got home with it the night before.

Mark and another son, Bert (on left) showing the 'parents' the new TOY!!!

Mark and Robin are SO excited ---and ready to hit the road and do some camping!!

Come inside  and Mark and Robin will show you around...  We are looking toward the king sized bed in this picture.

Their little table with a bench on both sides

A small sink and stove  (They even have a small tank for hot water!!)

George and Bert are showing off the other end  --with stove/sink,  table/benches and queen sized bed.

They even have a TV out there now --which they hooked up!!!! 

After we left,  Mark hooked up the awning and brought out a couple of chairs...  (I 'think' that Robin even took a short nap inside!!!!!! ha)

My JOY---Being with 2 of my 3 sons!!!! 

Bert, George and Mark

Bert, George, Mark, and Robin

Bert, Mom, Mark, Robin

They are home!!!!!!!  (Taken on the evening of 2/14/20;  What a Valentine's Present!!)
I must tell you a story!!!!    Mr Fancy Red Jeep  whispered something in my ear which made me very very SAD!!!!!  He used to be the center of attention,  and the garage was his to enjoy--especially during these cold mornings!!!   NOW---he lost his 'home' and has to sit outside....    AND --- not only was he sad about being 'second fiddle' but he also has to pull that heavy thing around!!!!  POOR MR. JEEP!!!!!   Don't you feel sorry for him??????????   Tee Hee Hee!!!

Hope you enjoyed the happiness in our family on this special occasion!!!!   Mark is an outdoor person from top to bottom ---and I LOVE following him  (and Robin) on their hikes and 'adventures'...   Those two will REALLY enjoy the camper I'm sure!!!!

Have an awesome week, my Friends!!!


George said...

I can hardly wait to hear about the adventures Mark and Robin are going to have in their new camper.

Connie said...

Wow, the camper looks really nice. I bet they will have many good times in it. So nice that you got to spend time with your sons too.

David said...

Betsy, Looks ideal for Mark and Robin! I didn't know much about the workings and possibilities re: pop up campers. They should have a lot of fun. Our idea of camping is a nice hotel in the woods but different strokes for different folks! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

linda m said...

Those "pop up campers" are the neatest toys. So glad Mark got one. Also happy you got to spend some time with your boys.

Deb J. in Utah said...

What a fun new toy! I hope you and George get to go with your son to try it out! Such fun. Have a good week!

Betsy said...

Oh the adventures that will await them! We had two pop-up's when our children were small and absolutely adored them. The first one was really small but our second one was very similar to your sons. We took that trailer everywhere! The Oregon coast, Glacier National Park, Yellowstone, the Black Hills, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming and everything in between. The best part? We took very good care of it and sold it for what we paid for it after several years. Then we bought a hard-sided camper so we could go where the bears are. Otherwise we would probably still have the pop-up. They are so handy and lightweight.
I hope you and George get to go with them sometime.

Fun60 said...

I hope you take them up on the offer of going camping together. That would be quite an adventure.

Ruth Hiebert said...

From all the smiles, I can tell that it was a perfect choice. I do think you and George should join them on a campout.

Ann said...

No wonder he's so happy. That's a nice little camper. He'll have lots of great adventures ahead with that.

Chatty Crone said...

That was a nice camper - no wonder he is happy - I would love it.
Looking forward for new adventure stories.

Robin said...

We enjoy spending time with you and George every chance we get .. I am so thankful to be part of such an amazing family !! Love y’all ❤️ We are SUPER excited to go camping and can’t wait y’all to join us !!

The Furry Gnome said...

We bought a pop-up in 1986, and took our kids across the country five times over ten years. Three trips west, the longest to Alaska, and two trips east, all the way to Newfoundland. Those are our happiest family memories, by far! Hope your son's family enjoys theirs just as much!

Lady Fi said...

Oh, I love these joyful pictures! And what a sweet little camper.

Marcia said...

That camper is much bigger than I pictured it before I saw the photos.

We enjoyed the quietness of Blackwater Falls State Park though the river was very full from rain and snow melt and there was always its roar in the background. We ate all our meals at the lodge where we stayed (rm 218). If you eat there know that meal portions are very large. Second night we shared an entree - the meatloaf which was delicious. Even splitting entree they gave each of us a whole baked potato and full vegetables. Food was very good. Third night we ordered the smaller pizza and they made the larger. We sent home the remainder with the server for her kids.

Saw your Grand Tetons shirt in a photos above. We are going there for a week in June! Staying in a VRBO outside the park.

R's Rue said...


Jeevan said...

The camper looks absolutely cool and in popup mode it has generous space and compact while in idle! I too an outdoor person and have dreamed of camping and staying at caravans. Mark’s camper is smart enough to accommodate 4 easily and I’m looking forward to see you both taking the camper out with them.
Glad you enjoyed being with your sons

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy
The camper looks great and I'm sure they will have such fun and wonderful times using it.

My good wishes.

All the best Jan

Happytrails said...

Our first camper was a pop-up and oh boy did we have some kind of fun camping in it. I know Mark and Robin will really have some wonderful camping trips and make fantastic memories!! They sure have a great place to go camping!!

diane b said...

Its lovely to see all those happy faces. The jeep and camper look like a super combination for outside people. We had one similar when the kids were little. I hope you get to enjoy a camp with them.

Kay said...

Wow, Betsy! That is awesome! I guess I didn’t know what a pop-up camper was. It looks really comfortable and so much fun. I hear so much love and happiness in your words.It just makes me smile.

William Kendall said...

Our family had a similar one for many years.