They finally scraped our road!!!!! NOW --do you want to come and sit on the BENCH with me????? ha |
Oh My Goodness.... This ole 'snow lover' woman has MORE snow pictures to show you this year... I knew that IF we could get the cold fronts and the warm fronts together at the same time, we would have the possibility of getting some snow this year... It's been a remarkably warm Winter overall for us with TOO MUCH RAIN.... BUT --even still, we managed to get another nice little snow on Thursday, 2/20/20.... This was our 'largest' (THREE INCHES) one this year so far... I know that's not much to many of you --but to us, it's a really nice snowfall!!!!!
SO---grin and bear it with me again today please... Each time I show snow pictures, they are a little different from the last one!!!!
The Trees were glistening!!!! SO pretty! |
This little car got stuck trying to get up our big hill. He had to back down and park in someone's driveway for awhile... |
One of our SHRUBS in front... |
The Side Yard; Look at all of the Daffodils coming up!!! |
Our Front Yard; Again you can see some Daffodils... There's one BLOOMING. Can you spot it??? As you can tell, most of our Daffodils have not bloomed yet. |
I love seeing the snow clinging to the big trees. |
Back Yard --looking out toward the Golf Course fairway.... Surprise!!! Nobody is playing Golf today!!!! ha |
Close-up of our Picnic Table; Don't think there will be any picnics around here though!!!! |
The Snow is 'protecting' our Rhododendron.. NOW --If I could just keep the squirrels from chewing off the buds... This is the first year that they have done this... Grrrrrr. |
The back corner of the deck, looking out toward the Golf Course. |
Darkness is upon us.... My new iPhone takes really good night pictures.... |
Totally dark out there now.... The deer were out... See them? |
One of the favorite things to do is to check outside early in the morning after a nice snow and search for all of the "Night Critter" Visits!!!! |
FINALLY, the next morning!!!!! Love the sunshine and blue skies --although it was still about 17 degrees when I took this picture. |
That's enough for now!!!!! BUT--I only took about 50 more pictures!!!! ha ha ..... Today, as I write this post, most of the snow is gone except where it is shady (like our deck)..... BUT--the temperature outside today should be about 50 degrees ---and rain comes back on Monday... SO---bye bye snow!!!!!!
Have a fabulous week my Friends!
It looks so picturesque.
We have had an exceptionally mild winter this year. I love this kind of snow that sticks to everything and covers it in a blanket of white. It really is pretty out there
I am so envious. Like you I love snow and so far nothing. Been a moisture and warm or cold and dry type of year. You give me hope that it may happen.
You have had more snow than we have had here north east of you. I'm envious. Lovely!
Such pretty pictures and especially the night time pictures. I guess we will not see any snow this season. Was hoping for some.
I am always scared kind of to see what critter prints are in the snow. My sister in law saw bear tracks in hers one year close to home and that was scarry.
Not as many deer this year and I am glad. Tick season is always bad here.
I'm glad we got one good snow for My Beautiful Bride to enjoy. I enjoyed it as well since I didn't have to shovel the driveway!!
Betsy, Very pretty photos! I'm glad that you finally got 'your' snow...and I'm glad that we didn't get it down here in the valley. I do like other people's snow pictures... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
Your pictures are so pretty. We still have snow on the ground with another possible 6 inches Tuesday thru Wednesday. I can't wait for Spring to arrive as the snow makes it difficult for me to go anywhere including going for my daily walk. You are lucky your snow melts quickly. Thank for sharing the pictures.
I'm so happy for you that you got some of the snow that you love so much. Your photos are beautiful. As for us, we have had bare ground for about two weeks now and I'm loving that. It's almost March and although I'm pretty much sure we'll still have a few snowfalls, I'm enjoying every day without snow that gets us closer to spring. :-)
The night one is very pretty! My other favorites are the early one with all the icy trees, and the big shrub!
Beautiful snowy scenes. Even though we get more snow than that and by now I am ready for spring, if we were to get a snowfall,I would be out there getting more pictures.
My snow dancing must only work sometimes ����♀️.. lol .. love the pictures ❤️
Beautiful snow!
So glad you got a nice snowfall, even if it was only 3”. What you need is 8 or 10” that stays around for two months!
Very pretty. my favourite shot is the night shot with the fence Betsy.
Beautiful snow pictures, Betsy! I'm glad you got some to take pictures of. I know how much you love it.
I know you have loved everything about all that snow. so much beauty in all of these pictures. It hasn't snowed here in a long time, but when it has in the past, I've really enjoyed seeing all the animal tracks across the snow. mostly squirrels, birds and the neighbors cat. Have a Blessed Day, Betsy!
So pretty! We're finally due to get snow today or tomorrow.
Dear Betsy, thanks so much for sharing your 3-inch snow with us! Lovely photographs. I couldn't spot the blooming daffodil, but I did see the deer. Peace.
Nice! You have to be fast sometimes to get snow pictures! It comes and goes so quickly.
The 15 pictures were enough to kindle my desire to watch snow live. Those were utterly awesome pictures, Betsy and I cannot thank you enough for the visual treat you have given. I loved the yellow daffodils in a perfect background and the deers sneaking in the darkness. I will be waiting eagerly for your next set of pictures. Thank you once again, Betsy! Please visit us at https://www.bloghasting.com/
Beautiful shots! I did see the deer.
Betsy, it looks so peaceful with all the snow, great photographs.
All the best Jan
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