Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, March 2, 2020

Thinking Spring --now that it is MARCH!!!

Love and Peace Rose --8/1/19 (I love our 'Peace' roses since we have several different ones in our yard.)
Dear Friends,   WELCOME to MARCH....   Even though the only flowers blooming so far this month here in our yard are some of our many Daffodils,  BUT-- I am definitely thinking SPRING today!!!  I cannot wait to see more Daffodils,  our Crocuses,  our Hyacinths,  Forsythia,  and TULIPS....   Yeah---I'm so glad it is March!!!!!

Today though,  I'm taking you back to AUGUST of 2019 and showing you more of our Roses which bloomed in August. Our Hybrid Tea and Grandiflora Roses will begin blooming in May and bloom until mid to late Fall.

If you are new to my Blog,  then you may not know that my husband (George) loves one of his many  hobbies,  Growing Roses.  Roses are NOT easy plants to grow --but George takes great care of them... I call them "his Babies"....

I get to REALLY enjoy the roses both outside and inside,  since he brings a beautiful rose inside,  puts it in a vase ---and gives it to me almost every day during the season.  I'm 'spoiled' as you can imagine --and wish you could smell these beauties!!!!   Obviously, I love every single bloom!

If you would like to see more of our 2019 Roses in Bloom,  go to the label list on the right side of this post,  find Roses 2019,  click on it --and you can see about six more posts I have done this past year.

In the meantime,  grab a cuppa,  sit back and enjoy some of our AUGUST ROSES--2019.

Simply Magnificent Rose-- 8/18/19  (A new rose in 2019 in our yard,  and she was 'simply magnificent'!!!)

Welcome Home Rose -- 8/4/19  (This Rose is appropriately named since there have been several times when we have just returned home after a trip,  and this rose is always smiling and saying "Welcome Home" to us as we pull into the driveway!!!)  

Hypnotized Rose---8/2/19  (Always a colorful bloomer in our yard)

The original Peace Rose --8/1219  (This pastel beauty has been in our yard for many years and continues to always be a favorite!)

Octoberfest  Rose --8/4/19  (This one is also appropriately named since it features some early Autumn Colors.)

Beautiful Dreamer --8/12/19  (I love this unique pink color.)

Bella'roma Rose-- 8/2/19  (Here is another rose which has been in our yard for many years --and is always a beautiful yellow rose --with a 'dash' of pink.)

Milestone Rose --8/18/19  (We first saw and loved Milestone at Biltmore Home and Gardens, so we ordered it for us, and it has been a beauty in our yard for several years now.)

Tahitian Sunset Rose ---8/4/19  (This has always been a beautiful bloomer in our yard.)

Pinkerbelle Rose -- 8/3/19  (A new Rose for us this year,  and she has bloomed and bloomed.  Such a beauty --and I love her name!!)

Sweet Afton Rose-- 8/12/19  (I love the pale pink colors in this little rose.)

Acappela Rose---8/18/19  (I love this red/white Rose.  It is similar to another rose we used to have,  Ronald Reagan.   I miss our Ronald Reagan --but love this one.)
Well---that's enough for today...  I have at least one more set to show you,  but that will come on another week...

Hope you have a fabulous week ahead.   Our forecast this week calls for spring-like temperatures,  with MORE rain!!!!!  Hopefully,  our spring/summer flowers will love all of the rain we have been getting.



Ann said...

These are all so beautiful. I think I can pick a favorite today though and it would be Beautiful Dreamer.

Sandi said...

March already!

Beautiful roses. 😊

George said...

I'm glad you like our roses, and I hope they do well this year.

Betsy said...

With most of us still experiencing winter, or at least the cold temperatures winter brings, the photos of your roses were a very welcome feast for the eyes today. How blessed you are to have George and his beautiful hobby to enjoy.
Have a lovely Monday dear Betsy.

Dee said...

You have the most beautiful roses. It is always a treat to eyes to see all of them. I didn't know they would grow that beautifully in containers so I think your dear husband must have a fantastic green thumb!!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Tahitian Sunset & Love & Peace!! I probably pick Tahitian sunset every year! And just for shape alone, Simply Magnificent. And it really IS!! Seems like this would be a full time job for George!

linda m said...

They are all so pretty. I'll take them all.

Ruth Hiebert said...

What a marvellous bouquet of roses in this post. As I was scrolling through, I was trying to pick just one favourite ,but that proved to be impossible . So, I just think they are all my favourites . Perfect post, to read as I see the snowflakes swirling outside.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Well Betsy, this post certainly brought us a "breath" of spring, the rose are so beautiful

Shug said...

George grows the most beautiful roses ever..... we live about 10 miles from the famous Rose Garden in Tyler, Texas....but, I always find gorgeous roses right here on your blog.....

Marcia said...

Have a nice trip to Blackwater Falls. Try the sled run if you're adventurous! You'll get better photos of the falls from the handicapped pathway if the stairs on the other side are closed as they were when we were there.

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh Betsy, so lovely to see these colourful blooms.
Happy March Wishes.

All the best Jan

Connie said...

So gorgeous, Betsy! It is a joy to see these beauties!

BeachGypsy said...

Betsy--y'all okay up there?? Were the tornadoes close????? Hope all is well.

Linda said...

Beautiful blooms! George is quite the rosaculturist! (Yes, I made that word up.)

diane b said...

All so beautiful and you have one amazing man there.

William Kendall said...

These are beautiful.