Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, March 9, 2020

Happy 78th to the Man I LOVE more than Life Itself!!!

One of George's favorite things to do is to eat SEAFOOD.  We had this delicious meal at Mt. Pleasant, SC  in  Dec, 2019
Happy Birthday to my Husband of almost 19 years.. To say these have been the BEST 19 years of my life is definitely the truest statement I could ever make.  He is my husband, my constant companion,  my lover --and most important, my BEST friend!!!

George Emery Adams was born in Gary, Indiana on March 9,  1942.  George was married for 32 years when his first wife passed away from cancer.  George and Elizabeth had 2 children,  Robert and Kelly.   Robert and family live in Oldsmar, Florida and Kelly lives in Nashville,  Tennessee.

George was a Math and Computer Science teacher for many years,  first teaching high school and then teaching college Math.   In 1997,  George left the teaching world and took what he calls  a 'real' job!!!! He became a System Analyst ---and worked in this part of his career until he retired in 2006.

George and I met in 2000 when we both took jobs and moved to Hendersonville,  Tennessee.   He moved from South Carolina and I moved from Texas.  We both feel as if God put us together  -- because once we met and started dating in March of 2001,  we fell head-over-heels in love --and were married on June 23, 2001.  Since then,  you seldom ever see one of us without the other...

I had been divorced for 20 years --and never EVER thought I'd meet the 'man in my dreams' --but when I did,  I knew I loved him almost immediately and knew that I wanted to spend my life with him.

We spent the first 10+ years of our lives together,  doing a lot of traveling, hiking,  and following our desire to see as many different waterfalls as we could possibly find... Our little Prius took us all over the place --including some back roads that would make you squirm a bit!!!!

Recently,  George developed Macular Degeneration and I got A Fib ---so our lives have had to slow down a bit.... Now ---as we 'age together' ---we find that we need each other for many other reasons than traveling or hiking.... What he forgets these days,  I can help him --and what I forget,  he helps me...  Life may be different --but the love and support is still as strong as it was in 2001, and even  more-so.

I am the most blessed person in the world,  and to you George,   THANK YOU for coming into my life and for loving ME!!!!!

Today I've picked out some pictures that were taken on some of our recent trips this past year...  I love taking pictures of my photography-loving hubby as he works so hard to get the best picture he can.... I always laugh and say:  "I take pictures but George is the real photographer in the family".  

Hope you enjoy the pictures.   Stop by and say Happy Birthday to the nicest man you could ever meet....

On the beach at Ocean Isle Beach, NC in Dec. 2019--getting the best shot he can looking at the waves as they hit the fishing pier!!!

To George,  there's nothing better than sitting on the balcony in our room at Skyland Resort  (August-2019) looking at the gorgeous views of the Shenandoah Valley below,  while sipping some HOT TEA!!

How about getting that special picture of this view of SUNRISE --from the balcony of our room at Ocean Isle Beach,  Dec, 2019?    

George LOVES his family.   We visited Robert and Melissa for Thanksgiving  in Nov. 2019.    George is an awesome cook ---and his son,  Robert,  is FANTASTIC....  

We still love to hike --but we seem to 'tucker out' more quickly these days!!!! ha...  This was taken on a hike while we were at Skyland Resort in August.

George is TALL (6' 2") but his grandson, Sean,  is even TALLER.   Handsome young man, isn't he?

George will 'climb rocks or mountains' to get that perfect picture!!! This was taken along Skyline Drive not far from Skyland Resort in August 2019.

Another little hike ---this one in Savannah,  GA  in Nov, 2019

I took this picture of my Sweetheart on March  7, 2020 --eating his favorite,  CARROT CAKE.   This was the first day of George's Birthday Trip to Blackwater Falls State Park in West Virginia.   
WELL---that's enough for tonight...  I'm sure I will have MANY more pictures upcoming after this wonderful trip to West Virginia... In the meantime,  we're going hiking ---and searching for some waterfalls.   Wanna come with us?????

Happy Birthday, my Love...   Don't EVER FORGET just how much I love you... Let's keep eating carrot cake and growing OLD together!!!!   Okay????



Ann said...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear George
Happy Birthday to you.

And many mooooore :)

Brenda said...

Happy Birthday George. Happiness to both of you. I love this story. Love Blackwater Falls also. Born a WV native . Left for thirty years-back in 1999-left in 2017. Moved 30 times but Almost Heaven has my heart. Love your blog.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Happy Birthday dear George!!

What a wonderful post about love and life together, with some great pics as well.

Love, hugs and prayers for the both of you ~ FlowerLady

George said...

The best birthday present I could have is another day with you. I hope I have many, many more!!

Big Dude said...

Happy BD to George and so great that you found each other.

Betsy said...

Happy Birthday to George! I hope the day is all that you both hope it will be. I'm so glad that God led you to each other at the perfect time in your lives. I enjoy reading your love story my friend. It reminds me of the words, "Grow old with me, the best is yet to be."

linda m said...

Have a wonderful Birthday, George with many more to come. God surely had a hand in you both finding each other.

Fun60 said...

A fairy tale come true. Your posts are always full of joy and happiness and a pleasure to read.

David said...

Betsy, Happy Birthday to George! It's nice to see someone that is actually a little bit older than yours truly stay so active and interested in life and his surroundings. To many of us older folks forget that its important to "keep on keeping on"! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Ruth Hiebert said...

Happy Birthday George. Growing old together is a special blessing. Keep on enjoying and cherishing each moment. I know you both do.

The Furry Gnome said...

Happy Birthday to George! And those Daffodils are stunning!

diane b said...

Happy birthday to your wonderful man. Hope he has many more happy years with you.

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, please wish George a "happy birthday" from me! I so enjoy what he posts on Facebook. His photographs are so well designed. And what you've written here is a wonderful tribute to the man who had given you such joy. The man who cherishes you, just as you cherish him. May you have many more wonderful years together as you both age. Peace.

eileeninmd said...

Happy Belated birthday to George! Loved the photos! I hope you are having a great day!

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh my, what a wonderful post this is.
Happy Birthday Wishes for George, and my good wishes to you both.

May you live, love and laugh together for many years to come.

All the best Jan

Linda said...

A delightful post. Happy birthday to George!

William Kendall said...

Happy Birthday to him!

Rose said...

Oh, Happy Belated Birthday to George! I enjoyed this post so much and enjoyed the pics, too.

Connie said...

Great pictures, Betsy! Happy birthday to George!