Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Our Lilies 2009

Today I'll share some of the lilies in our yard right now. There will be more to come, but this is a beginning. We have names for some of them ---but not all. (Sorry Suzanne!!! Tee hee).. But--even without names, they are all so pretty and smell almost (not quite but almost) as good as our Roses. Above is one named Freedom's Glow. There are more below. Be sure and click on them to make them larger.

One named Madonna; This is a very unusual lily--and very pretty. It almost looks like linen.

These lilies are named Red Twinkle. They are so pretty.

A close-up of Red Twinkle

This lily is named Regale. Compare it with Madonna above.

More lilies named Regale; I call these Easter Lilies since they look so much like the lilies we put in church on Easter to honor or memorialize someone.

I love seeing (and smelling) the lilies in large groups. I can sit on our swing on the deck and admire these beauties.

We had several of these in our lamppost flowerbed. This was the first lily that bloomed this year. Since these came in a collection, we don't know what her name is... I call her the Red Beauty.

Another beautiful lily, don't you thnk???? Maybe you could name this one!!!!!

Finally, here is another group of some more of our lilies. Aren't they just gorgeous????? I think there are seven different lilies in our yard right now... I will share more as they bloom.

Have a great Wednesday.