Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, June 24, 2019

Day Lilies in our Yard ---and an Update

Our largest Day Lily Bed 6/9/19
Dear Blog Friends,   First of all,  I have an apology for many of you...  The past couple of weeks,  I was spending a lot of time reading your posts and commenting..... I knew that my comments were just disappearing --but I thought you may have had Comment Moderation on....   SO--I kept on commenting and commenting....

Finally when I commented on a good friend's blog post,  I knew that she did not have  her comments modified....  Guess what?  My comment disappeared again....  She didn't get it.   Then I started doing some research  --and realized that my comments were all disappearing in La La Land.   SO SORRY---I had worked so hard for several days, and probably lost about 20 comments. 

I finally switched to Firefox (from Safari) --and everything seems fine now.   Somehow Google wasn't recognizing my name on Safari --and I could never get it fixed...  Firefox seems fine --so far...  Maybe it's the ongoing battle between an Apple product and any other product....  We love Safari due to its great security --but I could never get it to recognize me in Blog Land!

SECONDLY --- I am on my 10th day since my CARDIAC ABLATION....   And --I can honestly tell you that I am doing very well.... I had a scratchy throat for awhile (due to the Trach they used to put down in my Esophagus).....  And --other than being tired (which is normal after that procedure),  I really feel good.  I am breathing NORMALLY--and my heart rate is really good!!!!!  YEAH...  I do know that it's not over yet  --since I have from 3-6 months of healing.   I keep telling myself that my poor heart was cauterized (burned) --and it will take awhile for it to heal itself....  SO---I'm being GOOD  (believe it or not--ha) and not over-doing..... Thanks for all of your good thoughts and prayers for me... They meant so much!!!!

If you follow me on Facebook you know that our Day Lilies in the yard are blooming BIGTIME now.  We 'walk the yard' every morning  (or when it is not raining) ---and take pictures....  I keep records of my pictures --and realized today that we have about 65 different  Day Lily plants blooming so far.   AMAZING.   We have more Day Lilies now than we do Roses.   And I have begun to love them as much as I do the Roses.    SO-----today I'm featuring JUST a few of our Day Lilies.   I have chosen 15 ---all of which were taken from 5/29/19 through 6/10/19....   Sit back and enjoy!!!!!

Carefree Peach 5/29/19

Yellow Bouquet  (Double DayLily) 5/29/19  (Reminds me a little of a Daffodil)

Charles Johnston 5/31/19

Dancing Shiva 6/1/19

Bahama Butterscotch  6/2/19

Lullaby Baby 6/6/19

Pure and Simple 6/6/19

Blushing Summer Valentine 6/9/19

Tiger Time 6/6/19

Micro Burst 6/10/19  (another double Day Lily)

Plum Perfect  6/10/19

Judith  6/1/19

Warrior Prince 6/10/19

Double Eyeful  6/3/19  (a gorgeous Double Day Lily)
Well --that is enough for one post!!!!   Do you have a favorite????   Out of this group,  I think my favorite is the last one,  Double Eyeful...  It is such an interesting  Day Lily..

One final thought today:   Yesterday  (June 23, 2019) was our 18th Wedding Anniversary...  What a blessing for me to have met and married  George Adams....  Thank You, Honey,  for taking such good care of ALL of our Flowers --so that I can enjoy them and share them with friends/family.  As we begin our 19th year together,  let's pray that we can enjoy MANY more years to come! If you would like to see a Blog Post I wrote  in 2009 about our wedding (including pictures),   click HERE.

Hope you all have an awesome week ahead...  My Challenge: Go outside this week,  take a long walk ----and enjoy all of the beauty that God has given us.
