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Monday, June 30, 2014

How do Two OLD People Celebrate their Anniversary

Us at an overlook at Grandview,  at the New River Gorge National River, West VA-- 6/23/14
George and I celebrated our 13th Wedding Anniversary this past week---with a great trip to one of our favorite states,  West Virginia.... Our reasons as to why we chose West Virginia:  1. not too many people around (except for one day);  2.  mountainous area where it is not too hot;  3. area more rustic and not so 'touristy';  4. place where we could do some hiking AND see some waterfalls---PLUS a really special day (which I will blog about on another day)!!!!!

First,  I will show you some of the things we did on our actual anniversary date,  June 23rd...  Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.  Hope you enjoy seeing them!

George and his new Tripod
As most of you know,  George gave me an incredible photo of Whitewater Falls,  North Carolina (made into a huge poster to hang above our fireplace).  Click HERE if you missed that post.   SO----I'll have to show you what I gave him this year.  This is George's new tripod (A MeFOTO A1350)  It does everything one would want --except maybe cook dinner for us!!!!  It folds up to 15 inches --and he carries it in the case shown above in the picture.

George's new Tripod--which folds up to 15 inches

Beautiful view of the New River Canyon area
We hiked the Canyon Rim trail and stopped at several overlooks in order to get some great photos.  (We also hiked another trail to see a tunnel --even though the tunnel was closed.  BUT--we finished the day with about 5 miles total on our pedometers!)

This is George on the trail.  The trails were well-maintained overall.

Some very smart people had built steps among the rocks and rhododendrons in order for us to climb higher to the last overlook.    

Amazing area as we hiked to the TOP

We made it up those steps!!!!  George is on top of the world here!!!!

She's still smiling --after reaching the top of the world at Grandview!
Have you noticed all of the 'stuff' we carry???  We are prepared for sure:  our cameras and lenses;  my headband and 'sweat' towel;  my clip-on bug repellent thingie;  my jug of water;  AND a bag with other little things--protein bars, gum, tylenol, etc.... I was PREPARED!!!!! ha

Not only did we see deer along the way,  but we also enjoyed seeing many Rhododendrons and other wildflowers in bloom here.

How can an almost 72 yr old woman have more fun than this??????
After those long hikes,  we had some lunch and then we PLAYED!!!!!

Not to miss out on all of the fun,  George had to play also!!!!!!!   YEAH!

White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake from Olive Garden
Finally---after all of that hiking,  we were HUNGRY!!!!  SO--we drove into Beckley and went to one of our favorite restaurants,  the OLIVE GARDEN.  We enjoyed dinner ---AND we split a slice of that delicious cheesecake pictured above.  (NOT my photo since mine didn't come out).... YUM YUM YUM....  What a great way to end a wonderful day!!!   (AND ---I didn't even gain weight this week... I even lost a tiny bit!!!)

Can you see how HAPPY she is???????
I'll close with this photo George took of a VERY HAPPY GIRL ---enjoying a wonderful day and trip with the fantastic man in her life.... Thanks, George, for a marvelous Anniversary!!!!

Hope all of you have had a good week.  I will 'try' to catch up with your blog posts as I have time!!!!!  (There is always lots and lots of yardwork to be done!)
