Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Daylilies in our Yard this Summer

2009 has been a great year in our yard for both Lilies and Daylilies. We have had 20 different varieties of Lilies--plus 14 different varieties of Daylilies (so far). George thinks there may be a few more Daylilies which have not bloomed yet. Today, I'll show you some of these pretty Daylilies. Above is a group of Daylilies next to our garage. Below are more!

This beauty is named BRIGHT SUNSET.


We have more of these than any other, and they expand every year. I call them my DAD ADAMS Daylilies since my sweet father-in-law gave them to us several years ago.

I love this one. Her name is HUSH LITTLE BABY.


Want a bite of this one???? This is STRAWBERRY CANDY.


A Brown Thrasher visits the suet feeder. Since all Thrashers look alike to me, I don't know which is Mama and which is Papa ---or if there are more than TWO of them around. I have only seen two at one time... Soon though, there will be three more, since there is a nest in our Confederate Jasmine bush.

This is not a great picture---but while I sat outside watching the nest yesterday, I captured Mama and Papa --taking turns going back and forth, and back and forth feeding the babies. I could hear the babies cry when one of the parents would get there with a worm in his/her mouth for the babies. The parents were NOT happy that I was around ---but I sat far back and quite still for awhile --and they finally went about their business. But--they knew I was there!!!

Here's one more photo of one of the parents trying to hide from me. Both parents would holler out with a loud CHIP or CLACK sound when I got too near. I read where Brown Thrashers will come after anyone or anything that gets close to their babies. I certainly do not want that big beak to peck at me!!!! YOW!!

I hope to see the babies fledge---but if I do, it will only be because I was in the right place at the right time... Who knows????????

Have a great Wednesday.