As you can see from yesterday's pictures, we ended up with about an INCH of snow, with one more day of snow possibilities to come. AND--since our high yesterday was only about 17 degrees (and lows in the single digits)---none of the snow we have gotten has melted. SO---- what does one do a winter day like this?????
The yard pictures were taken yesterday morning. Above is one looking toward the road (which has been scraped and treated) from our front porch. Below are more.
Here is the backyard --taken from the deck, looking toward the golf course.
Looking down the driveway in front; By the way, my Sweetheart got out there in this cold weather and scraped some of the driveway... Unfortunately, more snow has come and covered up what he did!!!! He told me that "I" need to do the rest..... "Sure", I said... "In whose lifetime????" Ha Ha

SO---what did I do on this cold day????? WELL---we enjoyed some homemade Chili... YUM!!!

AND---some homemade bread in our new bread-maker..... Another YUM!!!

No Snuggie for me.... I have a wonderful electric blankie to wrap up in!!!!! Of course, we also have a roaring fire going in the fireplace!
I texted back and forth with friend Judy off and on all day, while drinking some hot apple cider.
AND, best of all----I fed my birds, and watched them all day, and of course, took more pictures!!!! Here is a picture of Pete, my Red-bellied Woodpecker ---as he was pecking at that cold SUET....
These three finches are eating in the plate feeder---probably trying hard to stay warm.
I finally got a cute picture of a Tufted Titmouse. These precious little guys are at the feeders ALL DAY LONG... But--they don't stay in one place very long--so it's hard to get a good picture.
Another 'darter' is our White-breasted Nuthatch. These guys stay very busy also. Look at that long beak!!!!
I love our little Goldfinches. We have lots and lots of them this year. They enjoy the Nyjer bird food which I buy for them.
Finally, this little puffed-up Carolina Chickadee is trying to keep warm in the shriveled-up Rhododendron bush. Isn't he a cutie?
SO---this was my day yesterday (besides all of my blogging and emailing)...... What do you do on a cold, winter day???????
NOTE: Pictures 4,5, and 6 above came from the internet. The others are ones we took.