Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Different Views around our Yard in May

Here is a leftover post from MAY that I've had in the 'hopper'. I've given you all kinds of views in and around our yard,  showing off many of our flowers/plants/trees.   In May (before the roses and lilies bloomed),  I just walked around the yard and took photos of the entire yard from various viewpoints.  Hope you enjoy seeing our yard in May...  Most of the photos were taken on May 13.   Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.

The photo above is a view that I feature throughout the year---showing our total home from a street view.  When compared to the last photo I put on my blog (click HERE and look at the last photo) from this angle,  you can tell that spring has really sprung.  BUT----there's much more to see blooming from this angle  as evidenced by looking at my new June Header  (roses,  lilies,  daylilies,  azaleas,  etc.)...  The yard changes daily!!!!  SO--you'll see this view again --many times!!!!

Here is a photo from the other direction.  I was standing near the garage on the driveway ---and took this photo looking across the front yard toward the road.  You can see all of the growth on our rose bushes in May... I had a hard time waiting until they bloomed! ha

This photo was taken from the 'upper' side of the yard --looking across the yard from that angle.   The next photo will give you a good look at our English Ivy and Periwinkle ground cover.

We started the ivy and periwinkle several years ago with a few little sprouts...  Look at it now!!!!! George wanted some ground cover in the areas throughout the yard where mowing was difficult... The ground cover has definitely done the trick for us!!!

This view shows the upper side yard ---looking toward the backyard and deck.   The side flowerbed contains  Daffodils, Crocus, Hyacinths,  Tulips, Irises,  Lilies and Daylilies.  There is more of the groundcover (Periwinkle) here also.

I like this angle --looking through some of our many large trees.   I was standing at the corner of the house looking across the yard from that angle.

Now--I am on the opposite corner,  looking at the 'lower' side of our yard.  There is another rose bed in this area, plus our Daylily bed.   The big rock bed is in this area ---and a shady side yard toward the back where our large woodpile is,  and our compost.  (The roses are really blooming in this bed also now---and the Daylilies are about to bloom.)

AND----here is a view of this lower front yard from the opposite direction.   You can see the Daylily bed on the left and the rose bed on the right... You can also see the bench which George added for me several years ago so that I could sit out there and enjoy the roses and lilies.  To the right of the bench is our Clematis --which is just now beginning to grow up the telephone pole wires... I hope the Clematis blooms this year!!!!!  If not,  we'll take it out and start over with another one!

Here's a photo of the 'lower' back yard.  You can see the woodpile in the background  and our Periwinkle ground cover.  AND---you can see a tiny bit of our Rhododendron blooms.

Finally,  here is a picture of our backyard and deck.  There are Azaleas and Rhododendrons along the back ---and in the flowerbed on the right,  those are Irises blooming.

WELL--I took you all of the way around the house ---so you have seen all of our yard in May of 2013.   (I will give you a June look soon.) Much has changed since Fall, 2002 --when we bought the home...  I'll close with a picture from 2002.  You won't believe the difference!!!
What our home looked like when we bought it in 2002
One of the first things we did after buying the house was to put our name on the mailbox!!!!!! ha ha ....  We were so excited!   Hope you have enjoyed the TOUR...  Wonder what this house and yard will look like in 2024?????  Wonder if George and I will still be here to work in the yard??????   Well----we certainly hope so!!!!  But--it's in God's hands--not ours!!!

Have a wonderful day.  And please click HERE to check out a beautiful Iris photo on my Photo Blog today!!!!
