Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Different Views around our Yard in May

Here is a leftover post from MAY that I've had in the 'hopper'. I've given you all kinds of views in and around our yard,  showing off many of our flowers/plants/trees.   In May (before the roses and lilies bloomed),  I just walked around the yard and took photos of the entire yard from various viewpoints.  Hope you enjoy seeing our yard in May...  Most of the photos were taken on May 13.   Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.

The photo above is a view that I feature throughout the year---showing our total home from a street view.  When compared to the last photo I put on my blog (click HERE and look at the last photo) from this angle,  you can tell that spring has really sprung.  BUT----there's much more to see blooming from this angle  as evidenced by looking at my new June Header  (roses,  lilies,  daylilies,  azaleas,  etc.)...  The yard changes daily!!!!  SO--you'll see this view again --many times!!!!

Here is a photo from the other direction.  I was standing near the garage on the driveway ---and took this photo looking across the front yard toward the road.  You can see all of the growth on our rose bushes in May... I had a hard time waiting until they bloomed! ha

This photo was taken from the 'upper' side of the yard --looking across the yard from that angle.   The next photo will give you a good look at our English Ivy and Periwinkle ground cover.

We started the ivy and periwinkle several years ago with a few little sprouts...  Look at it now!!!!! George wanted some ground cover in the areas throughout the yard where mowing was difficult... The ground cover has definitely done the trick for us!!!

This view shows the upper side yard ---looking toward the backyard and deck.   The side flowerbed contains  Daffodils, Crocus, Hyacinths,  Tulips, Irises,  Lilies and Daylilies.  There is more of the groundcover (Periwinkle) here also.

I like this angle --looking through some of our many large trees.   I was standing at the corner of the house looking across the yard from that angle.

Now--I am on the opposite corner,  looking at the 'lower' side of our yard.  There is another rose bed in this area, plus our Daylily bed.   The big rock bed is in this area ---and a shady side yard toward the back where our large woodpile is,  and our compost.  (The roses are really blooming in this bed also now---and the Daylilies are about to bloom.)

AND----here is a view of this lower front yard from the opposite direction.   You can see the Daylily bed on the left and the rose bed on the right... You can also see the bench which George added for me several years ago so that I could sit out there and enjoy the roses and lilies.  To the right of the bench is our Clematis --which is just now beginning to grow up the telephone pole wires... I hope the Clematis blooms this year!!!!!  If not,  we'll take it out and start over with another one!

Here's a photo of the 'lower' back yard.  You can see the woodpile in the background  and our Periwinkle ground cover.  AND---you can see a tiny bit of our Rhododendron blooms.

Finally,  here is a picture of our backyard and deck.  There are Azaleas and Rhododendrons along the back ---and in the flowerbed on the right,  those are Irises blooming.

WELL--I took you all of the way around the house ---so you have seen all of our yard in May of 2013.   (I will give you a June look soon.) Much has changed since Fall, 2002 --when we bought the home...  I'll close with a picture from 2002.  You won't believe the difference!!!
What our home looked like when we bought it in 2002
One of the first things we did after buying the house was to put our name on the mailbox!!!!!! ha ha ....  We were so excited!   Hope you have enjoyed the TOUR...  Wonder what this house and yard will look like in 2024?????  Wonder if George and I will still be here to work in the yard??????   Well----we certainly hope so!!!!  But--it's in God's hands--not ours!!!

Have a wonderful day.  And please click HERE to check out a beautiful Iris photo on my Photo Blog today!!!!



eileeninmd said...

Betsy, you must have the most beautiful yard in the neighborhood. I love all your beautiful flowers and plants. All your hard work is paying off, enjoy! Have a great day!

Small Kucing said...

Taking care of the yard doing gardening must habe too a large portion of your day. They look great. Show how much love both you and George put into it.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Your place is lovely, peaceful and happy. You've done quite a lot since you moved in and you've done a wonderful job. The ivy and periwinkles sure did a great job covering areas.

Happy Gardening ~ FloweLady

Linda P said...

It's interesting to look back at photos of a garden and see the difference from season to season and from year to year. You have created a beautiful garden surrounded by woodland with plants that you can enjoy each season. Happy gardening!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

You've truly made your home a haven. It's just lovely.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i will be 46 in 2024 ... so i hope it will look so great. i wonder if your neighbor are jealous of your green thumbs???!! ... because i sure am. ha. ha!! ( :

RoeH said...

If a house next door comes up for sale, let me know. I'd love to see your yard every day. And you wouldn't be a bad neighbor. We'd get along fine. :)

Dorothy said...

Wonderful pictures of your yard!! Yous and George have really made it a show place since your bought it in 2002!

diane b said...

Everything looks so green, colourful and beautiful. You have made a wonderful garden. It must have taken hours of back breaking work. Well done to both of you.

Marcia said...

Thanks for the tour. You've done lovely things with your yard and home. Isn't it fun to look back and see how much you've done to improve it?

linda m said...

You and George have done a wonderful job with the yard. It is one of the prettiest yards I have ever seen. Your neighbors must all be so jealous. I also appreciate all the hard work you two do to keep it looking so nice. Good job!

Amy Burzese said...

Betsy, I so enjoy seeing your yard photos. I know you two enjoy every minute of it, even the work. Keep it coming!

Big Dude said...

You guys have done a lot of landscaping since buying the home and I'm always impressed with how well you keep it.

Arkansas Patti said...

It was a nice enough yard when you bought it. It is spectacular now. You have to smile every time you look outside and what a thrill to drive home to that.

Sonia said...

What a gorgeous home and garden! I can tell you love it as it is so well tended! Aren't gardens just the best and yours is lovely. Enjoyed my first visit to your blog!
Miss Bloomers

imac said...

Certainly looks very nice, looks like a holiday place.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is all beautiful, and you know i love all those trees, i like the view that shows your back deck, so gorgeous. and i love the ivy ground cover and the stone wall.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

2024? yikes...i will be 80 that year so yikes again you are younger than me so sure you will be around...

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Your home and garden are a labor of love, tended with such great care.
The flowers are loking spectacular, considering the late frost we had this year, so much color popping everywhere.

Sylvia K said...

A labor of love indeed, Betsy!! So much color and beauty! I love it! Wonderful captures as always! I have no doubt you'll still be around in 2024!! Enjoy the remainder of your week!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm wondering if any of us will be around in 2024 the way the world is getting. I'm not going to worry about it, tho. It's all in God's hands.

Beautiful yard! I'll bet it's the envy of the neighborhood. Kudos to George and you for all the hard work going into making it so pretty!!

Lynda said...

WOW! I knew you did a lot of work in your yard in the nicer weather but you have done a LOT of work over the years. Before and after pics are great to show that. What I like about those pics of your yard is it shows the lushness and abundance of the green that we see in later spring, early summer before the summer drought hits.

DeniseinVA said...

It is impressive what you have done to your yard since you bought it. You can see all the hard work you and George have put into it, but it has most certainly been a labor of love. Have a great day Betsy :)

An English Girl Rambles

Rose said...

I love the 7th photo...love what you have done with that section. Actually, love all that you have done. It looks like a home someone loves.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You have so much beautiful land, and you have turned your place into a Botanical Garden! I do not know WHY I never noticed your house was green until this year, but it fits in with nature and is so very beautiful. The house looks like it just sprung up there magically!

Ms. A said...

It's beautiful, Betsy! All the hard work has definitely paid off... and I KNOW it's a lot of hard work to maintain it all.

Ruth Hiebert said...

You and George have transformed a nice yard into a spectacular showcase.Thanks for the tour.

Bruce Clark said...

Wonderful looking yard and I love your back deck area.

Unknown said...

Hi Betsy

Your garden looks so lovely and peaceful, and soon the roses starting to bloom :) I know how much you love them.
Enjoy the rest of your day.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

You have a beautiful home and lawn. I love your lovely plants and flowers. You work real hard to have such a fantastic place. It's really nice.

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

I love seeing your beautiful yard in all seasons, Betsy! But these photos are especially lovely!

Anonymous said...

Lovely from every angle! I know it's a lot of work and I appreciate you both sharing with us. Everything is just gorgeous. I would love sitting on the deck.

Nellie said...

Beautiful yard, Betsy. You have some nice shady spots, too. We have practically no shade here, but we have set out a rhododendron. I hope it makes it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I sure do like your yards! Nice job with your flowers and plants. Your efforts help the Glade a lot in looking nice. I have a lot to do before we tackle anything yard-wise here. A lot of the outdoor work is provided by the association but I still have plans for improving the patio area. Have a super good Thurs. tomorrow.

Miss Debbie said...

Quite a lovely change! I'm sure your neighbors are glad you moved in!!

Shug said...

wow Betsy....a huge transformation. do you all have a greenhouse to keep some of the plants in, that are lining your driveway? Before long, you are going to have a smaller version of the Biltmore grounds....BEAUTIFUL!!

Grandma Bonnie said...

All that work in your yard has mad your home so inviting and beautiful. I bet that bench is a nice place to sit and read. Do you think the English Ivy or Periwinkle ground cover would grow well under evergreen trees like blue spruce and Australian pine? I have a hard time mowing on the hill under those trees with all their needles.

Chatty Crone said...

Your yard is so gorgeous I bet when you put it up for sale it will go asap and almost sell for the yard itself. sandie

Farida said...

You have a spacious lot, Ms Betsy! I would enjoy spending my afternoons under those shade while enjoying a cup of coffee :D

Take care!

Andrea said...

I've seen your house and yard in different seasons, even before the green house paint, but I've never tire of looking at them. I guess that last backyard shot is my favorite, as it really looks like the old American style house. And i love the vastness of your area, and i feel like working with you in your garden. Oh how nice to have a cup of coffee looking at the endless landscape beyond.

Beth said...

You have such a lovely home. It is so pleasing to the eye. I bet it feels so good to return to it after one of your trips. If I had a third of your flowers, I would feel rich--someday I will have a yard where I can plant lots of flowers.
I esp. like the next to the last photo --the one of your deck. That must be a bit of heaven sitting out there or sneaking photos of all your birds. What is esp. nice is that you and George know you're blessed and are thankful to God. Refreshing, dear friend. ♥b

Anonymous said...

You have such a lovely garden.

HappyK said...

Such a beautiful house and yard. : )

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh it is beautiful. The difference truly is amazing.

Janie said...

Your yard is just lovely, Betsy. I can only imagine how much work you and George must put into it to keep the flowers blooming.
Your neighborhood looks beautiful, too.

Connie said...

Your yard is so pretty, Betsy! I know it takes a lot of work to make it look so beautiful.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Ok, can I borrow George? I'll bring him back, I promise! HA HA I need a planter with a green thumb. All I can do is grow pine trees and knock out roses.

Sally Wessely said...

Are you sure that is the same house????My goodness, you two have really transformed the place. See what love, hard work, and green thumb can do. Loved the tour.

Serenity Cove said...

What a difference Betsy!
The people who lived there before you must not have liked flowers. You have done a great job transforming that yard. Just beautiful!

Sharon said...

I know I've said this several times already, but I just love the new paint on your house. That green blends in so beautifully with the greens on the trees and grass. You guys did really good picking that color! I'd have a hard time doing anything productive around there as I'd never be able to tear myself away from that deck!

Betty Manousos said...

i am really jealous of your yard. LOL!
your yard is just pretty! and your flowers. your house is lovely as well. great job on your plants and flowers.
everything there looks heavenly!

love your header, too.

big big hugs!

Donna said...

Thank you for the grand tour! I know it's been a labor of love!

Twilight Man said...

I really enjoyed the tour! Your house is fabulous with all the greens and tall trees! It is considered heavenly homes in my country!