Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, September 21, 2015

SUNSETS (6 different evenings) in the Grand Tetons National Park

If you read my last blog post (last Monday),  you will know that George and I traveled to the Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park from August 17-28,  2015.

We had fantastic weather ---and were able to enjoy sunsets (from various places in the Tetons) on SIX different nights.... SO--this week I plowed through all of my sunset photos and tried to pick one or two from each evening to share with you.  Amazing how things can look so different from one evening to the next ---along with being in different locations...

Hope you enjoy the pictures today.  Click on them for enlargements.  The picture above was taken at Oxbow Bend on 8/24/15.   I love the reflections in the Snake River.

Our first sunset the night we arrived (8/19/15);   This picture was taken from Gros Ventre Road (as we were headed to Mormon Row Road to see the Bison).  How do you like my 'creative' tree???????

I love the sunbeams in this one... This was taken at the Snake River Overlook on 8/22/15.

One of my favorites showing sunlight over the water;  This one was taken at Lake Jackson on 8/24/15.

Another picture similar to the one at the top of the page --but on a different night;  This was taken at Oxbow Bend on 8/23/15.   That is a gorgeous place to see the sunset in the Tetons.

Another gorgeous sunset taken from the Snake River Overlook on a different evening (8/21/15)

This was taken on our last evening (8/25/15)--and as you can tell,  there were more clouds on that evening.  But the moon is shining brightly.  This picture was taken near the 'famous barn' at Mormon Row.

I will close with another favorite of mine taken the first evening we were there... This was taken on 8/19/15 at the Gros Ventre Road (near Mormon Row Rd).. 
Hope you enjoyed seeing all of our sunsets... We were on a late night to bed schedule that week---so we didn't get up in the mornings in time to see the sunrise (maybe next time).  BUT--oh how we loved the sunsets!!!!!  That is God's Handiwork for sure.
