Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, February 3, 2020

Just to Put some JOY in your Soul

One of our favorite Roses we have had in the yard for many years;  Meet MR. LINCOLN after some rain.  This is one of the most fragrant roses we have!!!!! 
Hello Blog Friends,   Welcome to February!!!!!   Can that be????  Mercy Me!!!!!   How was January at your home?  We had a very mild and rainy month.   I am hoping to finally get a little WINTER weather here in Tennessee this month...????!!!!!!!  This ole woman would LOVE to see some snow before Spring!!!!!!

On the other hand,   I don't know about you --but Winter  can become drab and dreary at times....   Do you miss the warm Sunshine and COLORS of Spring and Summer?   I am one who loves WINTER --but will admit that I am in the mood for some COLOR today!!!!

SO--here are some pictures of some of the beautiful ROSES in our yard this past July (which I never found time to post on my blog ).   I am blessed to have a wonderful husband who loves to grow Roses.   He 'babies' them and takes good care of them ---and I get to benefit the results,  by admiring them and smelling them when they bloom.  He brings a beautiful rose into the house for me almost every day during the season.   Thank You,  George!!!!

Hope you enjoy this taste of Summer today --as you admire a few of our 'beauties'..... All pictures were taken in JULY, 2019.    I also hope that seeing them brings joy into your hearts and souls....











NOW ---let me hear you:   "C'mon SPRING/SUMMER".......  I think I heard many of you hollering.

Me???  I'll WAIT---like all of us 'really' have to do  (ha ha)!!!!!    BUT---I certainly love to pull out the photos and remember the beauty which hopefully awaits me this coming Spring/Summer....

Hope you enjoyed the "Pretties" today!!!!!

Have an awesome week.



Fun60 said...

I love roses especially the scented ones. It has been so mild here this winter that the plants don't know what to do. I've had daisies, roses and geraniums flowering this winter but no snowdrops. I even saw lambs out in the fields a couple of weeks ago. The world is warming up at an alarming rate.

Ann said...

I'll take any season over winter. I hate the cold and the lack of color and sunshine. It always makes me incredibly happy when everything starts turning green in the spring. Your roses are all gorgeous.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Thank you! Such lovely pictures. You have one good man to tend those roses so lovingly and make sure he brings their beauty into the house to brighten the inside as well. We have had a mild winter as well - rain down here in the Valley, but lots of snow in the mountains. This morning however, we awoke to several inches of the white stuff. Roads are a mess. We are on a two hour late start from school so have a little extra time to peruse blogs this morning and check in with friends. Thank you for this lovely post. Your roses are beautiful! Have a wonderful week!

George said...

You got some beautiful pictures of our roses. I'm glad you enjoy them, and I hope we have as many beautiful roses this year.

David said...

Betsy, We're enjoying this nice mild winter and if we didn't see any more snow this year, it would be fine with us. So...hoping that you have a nice snow fall up on the plateau while we just get rain in the valley. The best thing about a cold winter is that truly cold weather does knock down the bug population. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Betsy said...

I certainly needed that dear Betsy. Although we had some warmer temperatures this past week, snow is returning tomorrow according to the forecast. Golly, I hope they're wrong! The browns and grays outside are so depressing about now. I'm ready for green and color.

Gardens at Waters East said...

ROSES - yes they bring me joy. Beautiful

Ginny Hartzler said...

Eternal flame and Bella Roma for me, thank you very much! I can imagine you are NOT enjoying this winter, because there has been no snow to speak of. Just dreary and rain. I think this is the warmest winter we have ever had. I really miss the sun and flowers, and LIGHT. But today it is nearly 70! Is it there? I love it! BUT it is not natural!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Betsy, these bright blooms were just what the doctor ordered for me. At least I think he would have ordered that. Anyway, they are gorgeous and I love everyone of them.

Chatty Crone said...

I don't mind our winter here, but I have to say those roses made my day - love the one in the header - GORGEOUS!

The Furry Gnome said...

Beautiful roses, but July still feels a long way away.

diane b said...

Lovely roses as always. We had a red January.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Well you have brightened a dull day here Betsy Thanks

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Those roses are gorgeous. You must have an amazingly beautiful garden.

Lowcarb team member said...

Such a lovely post Betsy …
A joy to see these beautiful roses.

Enjoy the week ahead.

All the best Jan

Connie said...

I enjoyed all the beautiful colors here today, Betsy! Your roses are so lovely.

Linda said...

Lovely roses! Spring is coming.

William Kendall said...

They certainly are pretty!

Kay said...

Oh gosh! That’s so beautiful. I do love roses.