Look at that gorgeous male Cardinal!! He thinks he is 'hiding' in the Rhododendron bush..... NOT!!!!! "I see you, you beautiful birdie!"
My little Yellow-rumped Warbler is still hanging around the feeders. He seems to be alone --since I have never seen more than one of them. However, he is getting his summer colors now.
The Warbler loved that big bite of suet!!!! Isn't he cute?
I have so many pictures of my Bluebirds that I have a hard time choosing a favorite. These little birds are just so gorgeous and they will sit still for their portraits!!!! Don't you love the beautiful color of the males?
Mrs. Bluebird wants us to know that she is just as pretty!!!!! She just has a little more gray than blue ---but I love both males and females. They have not started nesting yet---but they usually don't until April or May. Mine usually have two broods a year (late spring and early summer).
Two unusual birds were at the feeders this week---but I wasn't able to get a picture of either. On Wednesday, a big Robin (probably the one who came during the winter) returned for a visit. And then yesterday, a Northern Flicker stopped by --but didn't stay long enough for me to get a picture. Neither Flickers nor Robins come to bird feeders very often --so these were both surprises.
Birding is wonderful... I am so glad that my friend LINDA from PA has put out feeders and is now taking pictures of her birds... See how much fun this birding can be?????
Have a great Thursday.
suchovely birds. and what beautiful flowers in the header.
Not easy for the birds to play hide and seek with your camera! eh? :D
your header is stunning.
i love all the birds visiting and coming through but bluebirds are a favourite around here too.
happy springtime.
There you go again. Showing off your Bluebirds to make me drool. I wish you could tell them to come up here and stop in and see me. I have an official Bluebird house and will give them rent free lodgings and all the food they can eat. LOL
I love your bird photos, Betsy. That little warbler is so cute---he seems to really like that suet! We have lots and lots of robins this year, and it seems to me that they are bigger than usual (my husband says it is my imagination). Perhaps so, but maybe it's been a good year for worms with all this snow and rain?
You have some truly beautiful birds at your feeders Betsy. I have never seen a blue bird at mine. I think I would fall off my chair if I did :) Fantastic photos!
I just imagine the birdies to have a hard time hiding from you and your camera, lol...great captures and yes I love the Eastern Bluebirds.
So many sweet wee bird photos! Love it!
xo Catherine
They are all so cute. I think they appreciate you and your feeders just as much as you enjoy watching them!
Love your birds (and mine!)!!!!
Thank you for the plug, Betsy! I have a question for you. Do you use suet year round for your birds? I am using just sunflower seed. Bob says that sunflower seed will attract a wide variety of birds. I was thinking maybe another kind of seed will attract more though. What's your thoughts? I love your bluebird pictures!
Great bird pictures again! The bluebirds see me a mile off and fly away! I'd be happy to get even ONE picture! But our next door neighbors have a bluebird box, and we think there are a pair there, so we'll see! We have flickers, as well, and I'll try to get a picture this summer. They are ground feeders, unlike the other tree woodpeckers. I'm hoping this will make it easier to get a picture.
I sure would love to see one of those bluebirds in my backyard. They are so pretty!
the warbler looks like he was staring at you camera and posing. sweet little birds always posing for you. life of Riley for your birds.
Yes, birding is a fun and interesting hobby! You have quite a variety of birds at your feeders!
Girl, you know I love birding. They provide wonderful entertainment.
Looks like Mr. Bluebird had been having a little suet too!
I LOVE the bluebird pictures! I wish we could get them in our garden.--Randy
That warbler with the big bite of suet made me laugh. Looks like he is saying, "What are you looking at?" HA! Great pictures, Betsy! :)
All the little birds are wonderful but the peeking Cardinal and the little one with his beak full of suet are just great. the Bluebirds are so pretty. We don't see Cardinals or Eastern Bluebirds out this way. so a special thanks for showing them. MB
I love the little bluebirds...I wish we had them here! We have had many many grosbeaks and red winged blackbirds here lately!
I've always had a bird feeder in the yard. But it has never been in a place where I could see it. In our new house, I can sit on the sofa and see the feeder. I'm loving it! One morning there was a female cardinal at the feeder and 7 males sitting in the dogwood tree trying to gain her attention:)
I love the Cardinal. I have a pair that provided some welcome color through the dreary Iowa winter.
Wow - those pictures are awesome & so clear. The colors of the blue bird are amazing.
It's so relaxing to watch the birds at the feeders. I put my new bluebird house up last month so it would be ready if the ones I saw in December come back. I sure hope so. I'd love to have some bluebird photo opportunities like yours.
I wish I could attract a flicker to my feeders. One of my online friends has them regularly. He fills a little log (1" holes drilled) with a peanut butter mixture and they come to that. I plan to try it.
I love watching my birds too. I'm putting my hummingbird feeder back out this weekend. Do you have one out yet?
To me, the Warbler looks a little miffed! His eyes are so penetrating, lol! All those lovely birds you have and I'm stuck with pigeons, crows and magpies! Our fault for living in a concrete jungle, LOL!! Oh well, the robins should arrive soon. Bless you for sharing your gorgeous birds!
Great close-ups.
Those birds looks really charming.Wish I could have them around my house.
I love seeing pictures of the Cardinal and the Blue birds,because we don't have them here.
♥♥ Hugs ♥♥
The crumbs on his little beak is just precious. That Cardinal picture is beautiful.
♥ Joy
I read your story and I must say it is just like a Fairy Tale. HOw wonderful for you---now I know why you have that magical smile photo.
Lovely birds, all of them, but the Bluebirds take my breath away. We don't have them here, at least not where I've ever seen them, so, for now, I'll just enjoy your photos!
Thanks for the sweet bird pics, Betsy.
I went outside around 7 am today. It was frosty and cold but I could hear the robins singing their hearts out.
Beautiful birds indeed! If they won't come to visit me I can always count on seeing them on your blog, they love you and your feeders for sure.
That warbler needs an napkin.
Love your Blues. They are my favorite.
Right now, last years tenents are scouting out their old apartment here. They are such a pleasure.
I love Mrs. Bluebird. What an expression.
My mom (in FL) said she had to buy and extra hummingbird feeder because she has so many visiting her this year.
Hello!Beautiful blog.I invite You to my blog.I love the nature.Beautiful photos.
What fantastic bird photos. I just love them. You take such beautiful photos. I saw a bluebird returning to its last year next the other day. Bluebirds and cardinals are two of my favorite birds. Have a very happy week.
I so admire your bluebird pics since they are one of my favorites! I don't think I've ever seen a robin even near my feeders; they usually stay away in open grassy areas. We've recently had red-winged blackbirds, doves and brown-headed cowbirds joining our usual group of birds.
I never tire of bird pics, and you always have some great, close-up shots.
Beautiful and delightful as always!
Happy spring Betsy!
All of the little birds are so cute, I love seeing them. The Cardinal is gorgeous but I wish some of them would visit my yard sometimes.
That is amazing that you had a Robin and Flicker at your feeder, that is rare.
Your patience is a virtue for getting those great pics. Our mountain bluebirds came back to the river valleys this week, and heard the first western meadowlark earlier this week. Spring at last, spring at last.
Beautiful photos.
My blue birds have been to their house, but they are not building a nest yet. Maybe they are shopping around? I better get a sign out there "wrent free, for Blue Birds only."
Great pics, thanks for sharing--and YES-birding is great.
It's so hard to capture cardinals with a camera. Good for you, Betsy!
Some of the best "bird photos" I've seen .. Thanks for sharing
You do a wonderful job on capturing all the beauty of the birds. You must have got that new camera figured out.
Betsy, I always love your bluebird photos and these are wonderful!!! It is raining really hard here in NW TN right now, hope you have a great weekend!!!
Nice work, you are certainly putting your new camera to great use.
I love photographing my feathered friends although lately I've been so busy I haven't had time to watch the feeders much.I refilled them this morning and haven't had a problem with the seed on the ground any more,maybe what ever got into them moved on. Have a blessed day, Marilyn
The bluebird shots are especially nice!
That photo of the warbler with the suet on his nose is priceless! I love the cardinals, too. I have a lot of them in my yard. Great pictures as always.
I am glad that you still remember me. It's been months since I was a blogger.
I still remember the love for your birds and an awesome lot of stories about them.
I think birding brings a new and most enjoyable dimension to life.I know it has done that for me,and now the added element of photography,and life is good.
Your warblers are so sweet! I've never noticed any at my feeders. Mr. Cardinal and the bluebirds are gorgeous as usual. Thanks for sharing your backyard birdies. :)
That first blue bird shot is just fantastic! Blue birds are one of my favorite birds.
Betsy, have the bluebirds found your new bluebird house yet? They are the prettiest birds, aren't they? I loved seeing your birds.
Hi Bestsy,, just dropping by here and wishing you and the rest of the family a great weekend ya
Love the cardinal and the bluebirds. I'm always so amazed at the many birds that flock to your area. You are blessed.
I'm always getting here so late at night it's the next day already! :)
However, it is always well worth my visit to see some of the shots you are able to get.
I love that mouthful of food - what an awesome catch! And the bluebirds - one of my favorites and these are lovely shots!!
Hello Betsy,
Oh, they are sooooo cute!! I just love the birdies!! ♥
Thanks for coming over for a visit to see Miss Morgan's bed. :0)
Stephanie ♥
As always, I love your pictures! Can't wait to see all your Spring photos, this years flowers and the little "yard surprises"!
*Promise I'm not lost and I sure haven't forgotten you*
Biggest Hugs,
They are such a wonderful delight for my eyes, Betsy.
If you don't mind I will 'copy and paste' them on the trees in my yard. They will be the envy of our neighborhood.
You know my pick is always the bluebird, this time the next to last photo.
You have quite a few feathered friends...I love those bluebirds. And cardinals are always a welcomed addition anywhere.
Love your marvelous birdie pictures1 You're doing a marvelous job with that new camera of yours.
Hugs and blessings,
very cool photos!
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