Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, March 26, 2010

Gorgeous Charleston Homes

When friend NEAL and his family visited the Charleston area recently, it reminded me that we were there in June of 2008 (for our anniversary) --and that I haven't posted very many pictures from that area yet. SO --today I will share with you some of the gorgeous homes we saw in the Battery area on our visit to Charleston, SC.

In the picture above, I was interested in seeing what I called the "Widow's Walk" at the top of this house. The term "Widow's Walk" began years ago --when women would stand there watching for their men to come home from sea. I found out that this room is now used for ventilation (free air conditioning since heat rises).

This beauty on the Battery is known now as "Two Meeting Street Inn". Wealthy merchant George Williams purchased this house for his daughter, Martha, and her new husband, Jeweler Waring Carrington, after their marriage in l890. The Spell family bought the house in 1946--and still runs this beautiful B&B.

After buying his daughter her home, Daddy (George Williams) bought this 'tiny' house down the street... ha.... It is known as the Calhoun Mansion, and has 35 rooms and 23 fireplaces.... Wooooooooo!!!

Here is one of my favorite homes in Charleston. I think the gorgeous porches attract me to it.

We took a tour on one of their mule-drawn carriages --and enjoyed it very much (since we learned so much from the tour guide). The guide told us that we could rent the entire 2nd floor of this house ---for only $4000 a month!!!! AND that was in 2008.... Wonder what it rents for now?????? Want it?

This beautiful home is located in a perfect location--near the 'point' of the Battery. If you have not been to Charleston, you may not know that the Battery is the area (park) at the end of Charleston peninsula that used to serve as defensive batteries to protect the city if Fort Sumpter fell.

I have many more pictures to share from Charleston and that trip we took in 2008, so watch for future posts. If you ever get to Charleston, be sure and visit the Battery!!!

Have a great Friday.


diane b said...

Gosh, what a lovely area. The houses are big and beautiful.

Connie said...

What beautiful houses. I've always loved South Carolna. Your photos remind me it'stime for another visit.

Valerie said...

Those are beautiful houses. Sorry I haven't commented lately. I have been reading, but it has been a crazy week for me. So very glad it is Friday!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Charleston is a place I've wanted to spend some time in for a long time. My husband lived there for a number of years and says it was his favorite place to live. Thanks for sharing the photos...now I know I want to visit!!!

Catherine said...

Oh my ~ what beautiful homes. I am loving the porch on your favorite home as well. Wouldn't it be wonderful to sit out there and sip on a mint julip? Indeed!

Hope you have nice weather this weekend Betsy!

xo Catherine

NatureStop said...

Hi Betsy,
It's been a while since I worked on the PC.Enjoyed your posts.Sorry will only be visting on and off cos both my kids(our little new addition to the family is only 19 days old) are driving me CRAZY:)


Darla said...

Nothing like seeing them in person huh Betsy...I used to live outside Charleston, still have family in S.C.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Mercy me! What gorgeous homes! I've not visited Charleston, and it looks like something I need to do before I shuck off this mortal coil! Just in case, I don't make it, thanks for sharing your photos. Love those porches!

June said...

Oh wow. Aren't they beautiful and comfortable looking places! So fortunate that they survived that awful "War of Aggression."

June said...

Hmm. Checking the dates again. Maybe they were built after the war...

Susie said...

Isn't Charleston a beautiful place?!?!? I've been fortunate to visit once. After seeing your pics, I think I would definitely like to go again.

Happy weekend Betsy!

EG CameraGirl said...

What a lifestyle! I wonder what people do with all that space. I'm sure I could get used to living like that!

PCovi said...

This place has always been on my list of places to visit! Oh man those homes are incredible!
3 days until we go to you know where :) Maybe you can venture out to Hardees and see us off. I haven't looked at a map...maybe we don't pass that way but I'm sure we do.

Small City Scenes said...

They are such beautiful houses aren't they. What did one do with so many rooms I wonder.
I thought maybe i would rent the upper floors for the summer--12,000--OK!! HAHA!!

We have many older houses (not in Charlston catagory) that have the widows walk. Maybe all places that live by the water do.

Thanks for sharing. MB

Sunny said...

What magnificent houses. My friend goes to Charleston every year, maybe she'll take me next time!
Sunny :)

Beth said...

Those homes are gorgeous, Betsy. I love all those big porches, especially those second-story ones. I've never been to Charleston, but your pictures make me want to go. Thanks for the tour!

Roses and Lilacs said...

What lovely old homes and so perfectly maintained. Wouldn't it be fun to live in one?

Arkansas Patti said...

They really are grand looking old homes. Makes one wonder what life was like living in one when they were new. So many stories there.
Love the porches.

Anonymous said...

Can't you just imagine what it must have been like for men to be all dressed up and visiting ladies on one of these porches. With the occasional carriage passing and the clip clop of the horses.

I must say that they really knew how to build houses in the South in those days and I don't think many homes up North could equal them.

We visited Savannah, Georgia a few years ago and they had some splendid old homes there build on lots forming a public square. I thought that was the most clever use of space I had ever seen. The center was then a park for the people and their children.

I Am Woody said...

Charleston is a lovely city. Love it. And Savannah:)

Randy said...

Such beautiful detail. Too bad they don't still build homes like they use to with all the fancy wood work. -- Randy

Anonymous said...

Those houses are BEAUTIFUL!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love Charleston. We visited this area a billion years ago...would love to take the kids one day as well.
Have a great weekend!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Betsy, I would love to visit Charleston, it looks like it has alot of history. These homes are just wonderful and fit the image Brits have of wealthy southern homes!

BTW thanks for asking on my implant, it gets a little better everyday but has been pretty painful. Definitely doing better now though thanks. Have a great w/end.

Diane said...

You have some gorgeous homes in your area of the country. We have some but they're few and far between. Blessings today, Diane

RoeH said...

I just LOVE houses like that. I'm sure I was born into the wrong generation. Well...except for denistry. And plumbing. I went through one here in Phoenix yesterday called the Peterson House. I'll be posting photos. It was nice and I could live there but it doesn't beat the Rosson House in downtown Phoenix. WWOWW!

Snap said...

Charleston is one of those cities that is on my *list*. I'll have to live to be 200 to get everything in on THE list! :D :D

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have always loved the battery in Charleston, the houses there and in downtown Savannah are the true South

Kay said...

Just beautiful.
I have always wanted to visit the "old" south and see the Confederate stuff. My husband has been back there (when he was a little boy on vacation), but I've never seen any of it.

DayPhoto said...

I would love to go there, so getting to see these is a great gift.


Femin Susan said...

That is an incredible site. Your house looks gorgeous.I would love to visit Charleston.

Cicero Sings said...

Gorgeous homes ... very stylish and elegant.

The Retired One said...

Wonderful homes! My two favorite style homes are Victorian and Log...they couldn't be more different but both are so charming. We lived in a Victorian for 14 years (not nearly as big as these in your blogpost!) but we loved the ornate woodwork and stained glass inside!!! And of course, I had to load it up with antiques. ha Now we did a 180 degree turn and own a log home, which we equally love. ha

Ginny Hartzler said...

Love these pictures! The PORCHES!!! I probably like them better than the houses! How about instead of renting a room, I rented a porch!! Probably cheaper, and more fun! The house Mr. Williams bought for his daughter is prettier than his own house! I'm glad you explained about The Battery, cause I would have asked. I really enjoyed your e-mail, and will reply to it this weekend. Today is busy and I'm slightly behind, as we're celebrating our granddaughter's birthday. Be looking for my e-mail.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

THese houses are beautiful,but I have to admit,I would rather have my simple home.
I guess I am just satisfied with less.Having said that,I would like to tour these mansions,they must be gorgeous on the inside s well.

Diane AZ said...

They sure know how to build porches in Charleston, they are all beautiful. Interesting about the "widow's walk" room too. Would love to see more Charleston pictures.

Pedaling said...

love, love, love checking out the different kind of styles around the country---these are great- i love the first pictured home the best...

Anonymous said...

There's just so many to take in all at once - They're all sooo pretty!

amelia said...

What stunning homes these are!! My hubby went to the south a long time ago when he was in Horticultural school and he said the plantation homes were just amazing! I've always wanted to see them and the whole area but I'll just have to put it all on the list...

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What a gorgeous mansion! Stunning! I love the long porches and all the intricate woodwork. Did you go inside?

Betsy, $4,000 a month in rent is not a lot in Manhattan -- and for a lot less room and beauty! This city is so expensive it's ridciculous.

Elaine said...

Oh, Betsy....you're after my heart today for sure1 I adore Charleston! What a gorgeous city. So many good memories.

Elaine :)

Rose said...

Betsy, they are beautiful...wonder how George would feel about stacking firewood for the Calhoun mansion?

Anonymous said...

Charleston has long been on my list of places to visit. What is the best time of year to go there?

Kelly said...

It's hard to beat the charm and sophistication of Charleston! I love walking those streets! Lovely photos of these beautiful homes.

SquirrelQueen said...

Love these beautiful antebellum mansions, the architecture has always fascinated me. The porch and balcony support on the second house is amazing. I've only been to Charleston once but I spent a lot of time in Savannah. I would love to see both cities again.

Velvet Over Steel said...

What great pictures and homes! Breath taking! So glad I found your blog! I love your attitude and style! :-) I will be back often!

Joy said...

I haven't been to Charleston, but boy these pictures make me want to be there. How beautiful. Love the palm trees in the yards.
I had no idea it was that beautiful there.
♥ Joy

Laura Lynn said...

First of all - love the Crocus picture!
I used to live in SC and loved visiting Charleston - truly a beautiful city!

carolina nana said...

So funny you should post this today,my daughter left this afternoon on a trip to Charleston.She is a marathon runner and is running in the Cooper Bridge Run tomorrow. I love to visit the old slaves market in downtown. Did you make pics of rainbow row?
HAve a blessed day Marilyn

Cheryl said...

Wow-what beautiful photos of a beautiful area. I would love to visit here one day.

Glenda said...

Simply gorgeous . . . especially the porches or verandas and the columns!

Splendid Little Stars said...

I totally love those Southern porches!

Mary said...

Whouldn't you love to see the inside of all those homes? How grand they look!