Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, October 5, 2015

What We Saw while at the Tetons and Yellowstone -August, 2015

Beautiful female ELK
I have so many great memories from our latest Western Trip to the Tetons and Yellowstone in August, 2015... With so many pictures to go through and so many wonderful memories ---it is HARD to pick and choose what to feature on my blog.

Today I will share some of the wildlife we saw along with a few more 'purdies' for you.  Hope you enjoy!  Be sure to click on the pictures for enlargements.

Lots of pretty wildflowers in bloom, and this one also included a BUTTERFLY

BISON/Buffalo---having a 'staring contest' with ME!!!!  I think he won!

A MAGPIE --dancing a jig for us!

A close-up of some of the 'wheat-grass'-looking stuff!

Some PRONGHORN Antelopes

Some kind of fancy Dragon-Fly

A zoomed-in photo of a OSPREY nest --high on some rocks in the Canyons area of Yellowstone;  A man pointed it out to us since it was hard to see with the naked eye.

I don't know what this wildflower is/was --but the colors reminded me of Autumn (even though it was only the end of August).

A Beautiful Mountain Bluebird;  I love 'my' Eastern Bluebirds here at home,  but seeing these guys in Wyoming was a FIRST for me.

BISON-TRAFFIC-JAM;  On two different evenings,  we drove on this road (Mormon Row Rd) to see the HUGE herds of Bison (at sunset).... On this evening,  we also enjoyed a gorgeous evening sky!

My favorite capture of the entire trip:  a MOOSE
I saved the best 'til last since seeing a MOOSE was my goal before taking this trip... Not only did I see one Moose---but I saw two!!!!!  I was a very happy camper--as my Facebook friends can tell you!

WELL---I could go on and on --with more pictures... BUT--I'll stop for now!  Compared with our September trip here in 2012,  seeing the Moose was great --but we didn't seen nearly as many Elk as we did in 2012.  We did see more Bison --and getting to see the Osprey and its nest and the Mountain Bluebird were very special this year.  BOTTOM LINE:  Each time we visit,  we make more and more great memories.

Have a wonderful week.  After lots of rain and gloom here,  we are finally getting some sunshine this week.  YEAH!



Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Betesy Now your moving name intrigues me. How or where do you ge that Betsy? NOw this trip was really wonderful, you saw so many vried critters. If I had been there seeing the herd of Bison at sunset would has been the best thing and I loved your close up image. Love the Bluebird, wel really I just loved them all. Havve a great week ahead.

Small Kucing said...

Lovely pics as usual, Betsy. The Elk looks like it has seen a lot throughout the years. I love the photo of the blue bird :)

Ms. A said...

More wonderful photos!

Fun60 said...

How exciting. I didn't manage to see an elk or moose whilst in Canada so I am quite envious. Isn't it great to have all these photos to prod the memory and remind you of the terrific time you had and all that you saw.

Ann said...

Beautiful shots Betsy. I was just talking to my aunt yesterday and she was talking about her trips to Montana and about visiting yellowstone

diane b said...

You sure did see some interesting wildlife. I like the Bison

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Beautiful photos dear Betsy of God's magnificent creation and creatures, large and small.

What wonderful memories you have ~ FlowerLady

linda m said...

Those are some gorgeous photos you took. Every time I see all the wildlife and vegetation we have here in the U.S. I am amazed. You captures all go God's beauty so well. Thanks for sharing.

Big Dude said...

Great shots as always Betsy

LV said...

Great that you saw so many different animals. Most time you do not see many. You did a super job capturing them in all their glory. Trust you and George are doing okay.

Linda Kay said...

Your pictures are wonderful, and I love your header!

Connie said...

What great photos, Betsy! I loved the variety of all the different things you saw. I really enjoyed seeing the bison and the moose.

Marcia said...

Great photos. We never did see a moose in Yellowstone had to go to Alaska and to Newfoundland to do that. I do remember the bison on the roads. We always had our groceries with us because of the bears and we were camping. So one dinner time since the bison wouldn't let us by we pulled into a picnic ground and made potato soup for supper. It's one of those events that stays in the family lore and gets told and retold.

George said...

I agree that this trip was special, and you certainly captured some great pictures. I suspect, though, that you will want to go back again at some point in the future. (I do, too!).

David said...

Betsy, Beautiful photos! We love the Tetons and Yellowstone as well. We didn't see any pronghorn the last time we visited but we did see multiple moose, bison and elk. We came across a plethora of elk in Mammoth Hot Springs itself...just chilling and grazing. Love the 'evil eye' that buffalo is giving you! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Sylvia K said...

Ah, a great trip through the park!! I haven't been there in quite a long time and your photos are the next best thing!! What a great time!! Thanks as always for sharing the beauty and the fun with us!! Hope you have a great new week!! Enjoy!!

Gail said...

You are an artist!

I have always wanted to visit here. Thanks to you I have seen it through your eyes.

The Furry Gnome said...

I opened your blog, and WOW, what a wonderful fall picture for your Oct. header! And then all those other great pix! Good work with your camera.

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh you hit the mother load with all those sitings. How cool is that. Love all the photos.

Arkansas Patti said...

That place and the marvelous animals are on my bucket list but just in case I don't make it, thank you for taking me along via your great photography. I have only seen some of those animals confined. How great to see them roaming free.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Amazing pictures Betsy. I like the Bison and Elk,but seeing an Osprey nest in nature is pretty special.I have seen the Mountain Bluebird and thy are gorgeous.GREAT shots.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You got beautiful pictures. What fantastic wildlife!
Yes we do camp up on our mountain... I have a post later this week showing our new tent.

Shug said...

Excellent pictures Betsy....I can just feel the excitement that you must have had, in every one of these photos....Gorgeous place to visit and I sure hope I get to do so one day...
hugs to you...

Betsy said...

I've enjoyed all of your photos and thoughts about your trip out our way Betsy. I think The Teton's and Yellowstone are two of the most beautiful places on earth. Thank you for sharing so many pictures with us and also for sharing your excitement of life along with them.

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Your photos are just so amazing, Betsy! I'm in awe! And I'm so glad that you shoot these magnificent animals with a camera than with a firearm.

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Your photos are just so amazing, Betsy! I'm in awe! And I'm so glad that you shoot these magnificent animals with a camera than with a firearm.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, You were really lucky to get to see that Moose in Yellowstone. I last saw one there in 1962. I have been there 4 times and only once saw a Moose! Have a wonderful coming week! Enjoy the magnificent Fall colors in the Hickories and in the Viburnum and others!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

You certainly have shown us some beauties here, Betsy; and I'm sure you have hundreds more in your collection. The elk shot is terrific, and the butterfly on the wildflowers. We've seen that osprey nest, too, but not always with an osprey in it. I love all your shots, but your moose is the icing on the cake.

Beatriz said...

Yellowstone....this is my dream when I'm in the US!
So many beautiful photos Betsy, you're very good at it huh!

Hugs Betsy!


Linda said...

Those are great pictures, Betsey! Looks like an interesting adventure!

Jeevan said...

Seems like a wonderful place to watch and capture wild species... must be great excitement and thrill to venture Bison herds. Here, in the Western Ghats Mountains of our, getting near a bison or passing a herd is dangerous and there are many incidents bison attacked humans. But the way u captured them seems awesome and the bison’s also seems pretty calm grazing. Glad u able to capture the Moose and its horn are very beautiful! I think there’s always surprise at the end going without planning and anticipation things to happen.

Enjoyed the post :)

MTWaggin said...

Your moose shot is amazing and so glad you got to see him! Your trip was truly amazing!

Sweet Posy Dreams said...

How fun! Seeing the wildlife is wonderful -- all so different from our eastern critters. Even the butterfly was new to me.

Lux G. said...

That elk is glorious. All these animals are lovely. I hope people would learn to appreciate and care for them more.

Lux G. said...

That elk is glorious. All these animals are lovely. I hope people would learn to appreciate and care for them more.

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, It's good to be back to blogging and to return to your site and discover the trips you have been taking. I was in Utah in September--on Antelope Island, which is in the Great Salt Lake. There I saw both antelope and bison but no elk or moose or osprey! One day I'll get to the Tetons and Yellowstone. You keep going place that I add to my bucket list! Peace.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

A moose! Wow. Still haven't seen mine. I keep trying though. Thanks for sharing. Yellowstone is a wonderful place.

Anonymous said...

Wow - amazing and beautiful!

Rohrerbot said...

That is amazing! I can't believe how beautiful this all is. I have yet to go visit these places. Congrats on the Mountain Bluebird!!

A Colorful World said...

Oh Betsy, all these shots are so wonderful! Love the female elk! But they are all so amazing! I HAVE to get to Yellowstone and the Tetons! I know we can't next year, but I'm thinking the year after. Going to try hard to get there! Thanks for sharing these wonderful images!