Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"New" Camera for ME????

Two days ago, I sat outside trying to learn to use George's good camera. His camera has a 48x zoom and my little point and shoot one only has a 5x zoom. That is not good when trying to get good bird pictures. George is teaching me how to use his ---and these are some of the pictures I took while sitting outside. If I can learn to use this fancy camera, George will be happy since he will get to buy himself a new one!!!! Here are some of the pictures I took with my 'new' camera!!!!! Above is a gorgeous female Cardinal. Below are three Pine Siskin pictures.

"Maybe if I hide in the corner of this bird feeder, that ole' woman won't see me."

"Oh, she is still watching me. Wait a minute, Lady... I need to wipe my mouth."

"Well---if she's gonna sit there and watch me eat, I'm just gonna leave."

Well---now that I'm learning to use the fancy-dancy camera, I hope to get even more bird pictures soon!!!! I betcha can't wait!!!!! ha ha



Kim said...

Fantatic photos Betsy!! I think its time for George to get a new camera! That way you can have his for the spring migration! ;o)

SmilingSally said...

It will be interesting to see what George buys.

Shelley said...

Well George must have a nice camera! I definitely think you should keep this one! Love those siskins!

Cedar ... said...

Hmmmmm..... great shots for SURE! But why don't YOU get the new camera?

Neal said...

What kind of camera does George use....a camcorder? That's the only camera I know of that will go to 48x UNLESS you include digital zoom and that's something that can be done is software. Those are great shots....you did good. I can already hear you begging for a new camera. Why don't you ask George to get you the Hasselblad 503CWD camera. It only cost around $13,000. :)

Jayne said...

Well, look at you, fancy pants! Good job! Indeed, George needs a new camera so you can have his "old" one!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Rev. Betsy: I couldn't resist after George's revelation.

Lovely photos of the birds, you are doing well with the new camera.

Unknown said...

Very good Betsy! Love the first photo, tell George to go ahead and buy himself a new camera!!

Peggy said...

I love your bird photos! I have a nice camera with all kinds of features but I am so afraid to try them. I set it on automatic and just snap. My daughter is a professional and laughs at me. She tried to show me but I froze up. LOL

Jen said...

Well, Merry Christmas to you!! :D

dot said...

Betsy, you're doing good! Tell George to go ahead and buy himself a new camera.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Great pictures Betsy.
48X zoom? I would be able to see what my neighbors are having for breakfast!!!!
that is crazy. I thought my 10x was good...suppose not!

NCmountainwoman said...

Guess it is always the case. He gets a new camera and we get his old one. Very nice photographs.

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are beautiful and I love the commentary as well! Great job with your new camera.Such fine detail as well. It's our daughter who is the camera buff in our family.

ShabbyInTheCity said...

These are so amazing! I so need a good camera.
I love the husband facts below :)

Anonymous said...

Wow - these are wonderful Betsy. I need to get out in the warm temps today and take a few bird photos myself. It might be snowing by next week! Have a great day friend.

Dorothy said...

Hi Betsy,
Great pictures! Keep it and let George go ahead and get a new one. What kind of camera and lens is this?

Anonymous said...

Those are really good pictures. I especially like the lady Cardinal.

48X zoom? Wow! You will enjoy that camera! My little point and shoot only has a 3X zoom. That's why it's easier for me to get photos of butterflies than of birds. The Swallowtails will practically pose for me.

Mary said...

These are great! I can see the difference. Lots of zoom is wonderful!

Susie said...

Betsy it looks like to me you are "takin" to that new camera just fine. The pictures turned out great. That little pine siskin blends right into the feeder. He's almost camouflaged.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. A new camera is so much fun. I love the momma cardinal.

I Am Woody said...

Oh, yeah - another one succumbs to the magic that is an SLR!!

Anonymous said...

Your photos are fantastic. I look forward to seeing more!

Anonymous said...

Your photos are fantastic. I look forward to seeing more!

Janie said...

I'd love to have a new camera with better than my pitiful 3x zoom. However, I'm just learning to use all the features on this one. Kind of hate to start over...

Janie said...

Great bird photos, by the way. You should go with the change!

CountryDreaming said...

Wow ... You have a chance at a camera upgrade that allows you to take absolutely awesome bird shots ?!? Go For It! :-)

Connie said...

Hi Betsy! Just trying to catch up on your posts here. The pictures are great! Looks to me like you are doing a great job learning how to use George's camera. :D

Anonymous said...

We can't wait either! Love the dialogue you provide (still chuckling about 'let me wipe my mouth') and the head tilt on Ms. Cardinal is priceless!

Anonymous said...

Great photos of the cardinal and siskin...Now this will keep you busy. I also enjoyed the post below all about George....Michelle

Cicero Sings said...

Always a learning curve to a new camera but it seems ou are having no problem mastering the thing.

Gill - That British Woman said...

what super photos, you are very talented.......

Gill in Canada

Rose said...

LOVEEEEE that top picture...and BTW, can I come to dinner? hehehe

Betty said...

Beautiful pictures of your birds, Betsy, especially the one of the female Cardinal. She's a real beauty.

Denise said...

What great photo's! Glad you have George to help you with the camera.

Anonymous said...

You're soo sweet Betsy - I love it when you talk for the birds!!! hehehe & Congratulations on your "New" camera!!!

Diane said...

Sounds like a good idea to me. It's amazing the difference, isn't it.

Unknown said...

You give the camera way to much credit Betsy! It's not the camera, its the photographer!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Looks like you're getting the hang of it! I'm looking forward to more bird photos!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks to all of you for your comments today. We are getting ready to go out-of-town for a couple of days to do some 'waterfalling' --so I've run out of time today to answer everyone individually. SO--I'll try to answer some of your questions..

George's camera is a Canon Power Shot S3 IS... It has digital zoom. That's how he can zoom so far. It's a nice camera --and IF I can learn all of its bells and whistles, I 'may' learn to like it. I just want something to zoom into the trees, etc. when I see a big bird up there!!!!

My old camera is a Samsung S630.. I love it and it takes good pictures, but just doesn't zoom very far. If George were to keep the Canon, I'm not sure if there is a point and shoot camera that zooms as far as I want it to.. SO--it would be easier for George to be the one who gets the new camera. The Canon will certainly be new to ME.

George has a camera on his wish list. It is a Nikon D60.. It has been highly recommended--although I'm sure there are alot of great cameras out there.

Hope all of you have a wonderful Valentine's Day and weekend. I'll be back online on Sunday!!!!

Hugs to all,

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Great job, Betsy! Your photos are great! Tell George that I have the Nikon D40X and I love it! I don't even know how to use it to its full potential but it will take some great photos. I love the way it feels in my hands!


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Glad to hear that you have the Nikon and like it, Tammy. I told George. He may want to contact you sometime if he has questions...

Anonymous said...

The S3 is a nice camera. I'm partial to Canons, but I know the Nikon-Canon conversation will be resolved at the same time as PC-Mac.

I'm a digital girl thru-and-thru. My husband still prefers to shoot film, so no hand me downs. Go figure. Of course, he still has his vinyl albums, and I've heard those are coming back into popularity among music aficionados, so maybe he's just ahead of his time.

Anyway, I'll post some of my Alaska waterfall photos for you next week. I don't have a whole lot, but some are a little unusual.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks Wren... Neither George nor I have used 'film' in years. I love digital. This way I can take a bunch of pictures and just delete what I don't want.

Can't wait to see the Alaska waterfalls.

Leedra said...

These are really goood. Especially like the last one, even if he has turned his back on you.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra