Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

More Family Visits 5/20/18

George, me,  Diana and Mark at our home 
Dear Friends,   We had another marvelous Sunday  (5/20/18) with family.    Son Mark brought his good friend,  Diana,  from Texas to visit for the weekend.   Diana had never been to Tennessee ---so we all loved showing her a corner of 'our world'...  She LOVED it ---and I always find so much JOY when someone comes to visit for the first time and shows so much enthusiasm and appreciation...

Mark and Diana spent all day Saturday and Monday in the beautiful Smoky Mountains.   But on Sunday,   they came to our home for the day!!!!!!   After some chat time and snacks here at home,  we took them to the Cumberland Mountain State Park in our area for dinner...After filling our little tummies BIGTIME,  we took a walk around the lake before heading to Burgess Falls State Park  (near Cookeville, TN)...

Even Mark had never been to Cumberland Mountain State Park NOR to Burgess Falls State Park---so he enjoyed seeing these new-to-him areas not far from our home.   Burgess Falls is a series of waterfalls on the Falling Water River leading down to the BIG one,  Burgess Falls..,  We first enjoyed the Falling Water Cascades;  then it was the Little Falls followed by Middle Falls..   We continued down and finally got to the platform where we could see the BIG ONE,  Burgess Falls.   Burgess Falls is 136 feet high.  The trail on down to the bottom of the falls is closed now--so we just enjoyed that glorious waterfall from the overlook.  The loop trail is about 1.5 miles total.   We had a great day!!!

Here are some pictures from that awesome day!!!!

A Canada Geese Family at Cumberland Mountain State Park

Mark and Diana at Cumberland Mountain State Park

Mom had to get in the picture (Cumberland Mountain State Park)

I had to get a picture of Mark and Diana with the bridge in the background  at Cumberland Mountain State Park.  I think every member of our family has had their picture taken here at one time or another!!!!! The water level was low today --so the pretty reflections which we usually get can barely be seen.

Next we drove down near Cookeville and went to Burgess Falls State Park.  This is the Falling Water Cascades  on the Falling Water River...

Mark and Diana  near the Falling Water Cascades

I kept saying for them to step back ---back---back and that would make a better picture... ha ha ha

George got this great picture of  Diana and Mark along the trail.

This is Little Burgess Falls.  

Mark and Diana had to work really hard to hold that big rock up so that we could pass by on the trail!!!!!!!!   LOTS OF HARD WORK.. NOT!!!!! ha ha ha

Middle Burgess Falls

Look at this amazing tree;   Mark carried the umbrella to keep it from raining... It WORKED..... No Rain all day!

A beautiful RED CARDINAL  joined us on our hike.  Isn't he gorgeous????  Mark and Diana both said that the Cardinal was DEBBIE,  Mark's wife who died last August.  

Finally,  we made it to BURGESS FALLS...  We were all in awe while looking down at that amazing waterfall.

George's PHOTO of Burgess Falls;   Talk about amazing!!!!  Wow.

On more amazing picture George took of BURGESS FALLS!!!!

Diana and Mark at Burgess Falls
I cannot thank Diana enough for being there for Mark after Debbie died.   Diana was the best friend he could ever have during that time.   She is an amazing woman and I am so happy to meet her now.  I see many more trips for her to Tennessee ---since there's just SO much to see.

I have a IRISES post ready for publication --but FAMILY is much more important.... We have more family/friends coming to see us on the 26th and again on the 30th....   AND--we'll be going to NC for a reunion on the 27th....  SO--it's going to be a great upcoming week and more!!!!!



Dee said...

Dear Betsy, I so enjoyed this position of you and George, Mark and Diana. It took me back to the summer of 1971 when a friend--she'd left the convent a couple of years after I did--and I drove from Dayton (where I was working) down through Kentucky and Tennessee and then over to South Carolina and up the coast to North Carolina and then back to Dayton. It was a wonderful trip and Tennessee was as beautiful as these pictures show. Thank you for bringing back those memories. Peace.

Ann said...

Sounds like a wonderful day. Love the photos and that waterfall is beautiful.

Linda P said...

I looks like a lovely day out. I'm glad to know that all is going well for you and the family.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, wonderful family photos. I love the park and waterfalls too. Enjoy your day and new week ahead.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a great time you 4 had and what fantastic photos of the beauty in that area. I loved the photo of Mark and Diana and the bridge reflections. The waterfall is beautiful!

Have more great times with the reunion coming up.


George said...

It truly was a wonderful day with Mark and Diana. I'm gld we made it to Burgess Falls without getting rained on. Mark's umbrella did a great job.

Betsy said...

These are beautiful pictures of your day Betsy. I’m glad Diana was able to make it to Tennessee and enjoy just a little bit of the beauty of your area. It looks like a wonderful day was had by all of you.
Blessings, Betsy

linda m said...

Amazing pictures of the family and the falls. So happy Diana was able to visit.

Jo said...

What a lovely post of your dear family and the waterfalls and hiking trails. I'm glad to see Mark looking so happy. Diana is beautiful. George's capture of Burgess waterfall is amazing. Blessings and hugs Jo

Arkansas Patti said...

Looks like all had a great time. Your boys sure look like their Mom. What a blessing Mark has Diana to help him through such a rough time. Those are the kinds of friends to have. Now we just have to get him to move closer to Mom like the rest of your sons.

Betsy said...

Good to see all smiling faces here. Ya know the rock Mark and Diana were holding back? It looked like it could be a little iffy on that 4 by 4 Mark is bracing himself on with his feet. I just noticed it looked like it was leaning but it is I am sure secure. I like what you said about the umbrella holding off rain, I will remember that one, good one. Lovely falls. You all stay so busy and always on an adventure. I need to get with the program.

Fun60 said...

Nothing better than a family get together in spectacular surroundings. Pleased to see that Mark has a very special friend to help him through the difficult times.

Chatty Crone said...

They are really a cute and happy looking couple. They possed for you really good too! Those waterfalls - spectacular. sandie

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Good friends are a blessing during times of sorrow. I'm so glad Diana could be there for Mark at his time of loss and that she was able to come for a visit and spend a day with y'all, seeing the sights. George's last photo of the Burgess Falls needs to become a canvas on your walls. ;)

Ruth Hiebert said...

beautiful people enjoying beautiful scenery.It just doesn't get much better than that. It is good to see Mark with that big smile on his face.

Connie said...

What an amazing waterfall! That is so beautiful! I'm glad you and George got to spend time with your son and his friend. It sounds like you had a fantastic day! I enjoyed seeing your photos.

Lowcarb team member said...

Such a wonderful post. Lovely to see all the happy smiling faces.
The scenery is spectacular.
Sounds as if you are in for an exciting time - enjoy it.

My good wishes

All the best Jan

Susie Swanson said...

What beautiful scenery and that waterfall is something else. glad you all had a blast. Happy Memorial Day!!

Sally Wessely said...

I’m so happy to read all about your wonderful time with Diana and Mark. The smiles tell the story. The photos of your wonderful neck of the woods made me wish I could get out that way. I hope we make it someday. Hugs.

Barb said...

What a beautiful area to hike. You got some great shots of the falls and of family. I love the one with Mark and Diana holding up the rock.

Lady Fi said...

What a lovely visit - I really enjoyed your shots.

KathyA said...

Lovely! So good to see you all!

Jeevan said...

George’s photos on the Burgess falls are awesome and you too got wonderful shots on the little falls! Looks Diana enjoys your company as well as the trip to mountains… Glad to see mark share a good friendship with Diana and you took pretty photos on them together. Hope you all had great, fun time and wishes for your further meetings with friends/family

Janie said...

Wow, the falls are gorgeous. So glad you had a fun time with family.