Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Always my favorite group of Tulips in our Yard each year,  named  Purissima 
Hello  Blog Friends,    Since today is snowy and COLD here in Fairfield Glade  (as I write this on April 16),  I thought I would cheer myself up a bit and share some photos I took throughout the past few weeks in our yard,  of one of my favorite Spring flowers,  TULIPS....

We have trouble growing TULIPS here  since the Chipmunks and Squirrels  dig up the bulbs during the off-seasons and think they are 'nuts' planted just for them!!!   BUT---we still have a nice variety --so I hope you will enjoy seeing some of these little beauties today!

Same tulip as the one above ---but a different viewpoint

Same as the above Tulip --but from a different angle.

Love the colors in this one!

I love the way these are made--with points!!!!!

One of my favorite new Tulips this year;   Love the purple splashes!!!

A close up of the white/purple Tulip above!!!

A ROW of Tulips and Daffodils 
I will close showing you the combination row of alternating Daffodils and Tulips...  We found out that if we plant Tulips near/next to Daffodils,   the chipmunks and squirrels won't bother them...  There's something about Daffodils  which most wildlife do NOT like...   SO---hopefully,  if we are lucky,  this row will come back next year.   Tulips are Perennials ---and we shouldn't have to plant new ones every year....

Hope you enjoyed seeing one of my very favorite Spring flowers  today...   I love all of our flowers  --but the Tulips have always been a favorite --along with our Lilies (which don't bloom until May or June usually)..  However,  with our freezing weather this month --I am afraid that many of our young lilies have been or will be damaged by these freezes.... Today, for instance,  the temperature right now is only 32   (at 1:30 p.m.) ---and it is supposed to go down to 25 tonight...  This kind of freeze is NOT good for those newly growing Lilies....We'll just have to wait and see what happens since we have no control over Mother Nature...

Have an awesome week, my Friends...



Fun60 said...

Always love your show of tulips. My favourite is the pale, delicate pink one but very difficult to choose.

diane b said...

A beautiful collection of tulips. A good trick you have learnt to foil the critters. I hope the freeze doesn't damage your flowers too much.

Ann said...

Your tulips are all beautiful. I didn't know about planting them next to daffodils. Good tip. I woke up to snow on the ground here this morning.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

What a wonderful selection of tulip blooms you have.

Jeevan said...

Absolutely lovely capture and quite delicate blossoms of tulips! You are right; nature has its plan however preplanning we are and interesting to know that daffodils saves tulips from chipmunks

Enjoy the spring

Sandi said...

So lovely!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, the weather has been awful lately. The temps going up and down, we are expecting below freezing temps tonight. Your tulips are beautiful. I love seeing the row of tulips, so pretty. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

George said...

I'm glad the critters left us some tulips at least. Hopefully the freezing weather will leave us a few lilies as well. Isn't Spring in Tennessee a lot of fun?

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Betsy - I do love tulips too - they are my favorite flowers. They are all beautiful and will be again soon - I hope spring doesn't forget to come! Hope you are feeling better too.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I love tulips, too, Betsy. I think it's because they're one of those "happy" flowers that show up as winter is departing and spring is returning. Your photos of those in your yard are beautiful. Hope you're gaining strength with each passing day.

David said...

Betsy, Lovely tulip photos as usual! It got down to 30 here last night and we brought in all of our front porch and deck potted plants so they wouldn't be damaged. As for squirrels, we finally surrendered to ours when it came to our bird feeder. We junked the old bird friendly one and went with a new one from Audubon that is 'squirrel proof'. So far so good and the birds seem to have adapted. Happy Spring! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, thank you for sharing these tulip photos. Like you, they are a favorite of mine. Of those your displayed for us, my favorite wa the 3rd photo of a pale pink. It is so delicate.

I also very much liked the one you said you liked--with the purple blush at the edges. Peace.

linda m said...

Thank you for the breathe of Spring flowers. Anything here that was trying to come up is now buried under snow. Your Tulips are just what I needed to see right now. They sure are pretty.

Arkansas Patti said...

What a beautiful selection--I had many favorites but I too liked those pointy ones. Spring is taking so long getting here I hope we don't just go straight to summer.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Ohhh! Those Tulips are so beautiful.I love the variations in color.We used to have lots of them, but since I gave up several flower beds,I don't have them anymore. I've also been wondering how you are doing with you health? Hopefully much improved.

Barb said...

We're having a blizzard in Breckenridge, so I'm surely enjoying your tulips and daffs. I tried to plant tulips in the past, but they all got eaten. Perhaps I should try planting some daffs among them? However,here the spring bulbs don't bloom until late June and by that time some of my perennials and wildflowers are showing some color. Hope you're feeling better, Betsy. I deactivated my Facebook account so don't get your updates.

Connie said...

I love tulips! Yours are absolutely gorgeous.

Beth said...

It w as so nice of you to stop by my blog! And think of me!
Your tulips are awesome! I keep thinking I'll plant some but I don't have a really good place yet. Our yard is still torn up from the addition. Eventually we will have flower gardens. :)

Betsy said...

What a beautiful reminder that spring should actually arrive at some point. Your photos are beautiful.

Sally Wessely said...

Betsy, how cheerful and springy your yard must look. I love tulips. I so wish I could plant them, but the deer would eat them. I will just have to enjoy yours.

Linda said...

Your tulips look luscious! No wonder the squirrels eat them. ;-)

BeachGypsy said...

goodness gracious y'all are having some very cold and wintry weather that way! Hope it warms up for y'all soon, very soon! Love the tulip pictures, so pretty. I love the purple/white one the best! How are you feeling?

Betsy said...

I just love tulips and I have only one left from moles or voles getting them. I meant to plant them in rat wire but never did. Daffodils are like poison to pesky moles, squirrels etc.. Good idea you have and it looks like it definitely works. Such a pretty display. Good to see your post.........

troutbirder said...

Your tulip are gorgeous as always Betsy. Unfortunately here in Minnesota now blooms, actually nothing showing above ground yet. We got another 8 inches of snow yesterday...:(

Lowcarb team member said...

I always enjoy seeing your tulips.
You have some lovely colours and varieties.

I do hope your weather soon warms up ...

Take care and continued get well thoughts and wishes to you.

All the best Jan

Happytrails said...

What a beautiful array of tulips...they are so rich and vibrant in color. Hope that little trick with the daffodils works.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

If yall have trouble getting tulips it doesnt show with all these beauties! so many pretty colors. I do enjoy seeing yalls flowers

Lady Fi said...

Wow - what a dazzling show!

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Dear Betsy, I hope your week has gone well.
Your tulips are so lovely what wonderful colours.

Take Care my blogging friend, thinking of you.

All the best Jan

Small Kucing said...

It's always nice to see you posting flowers you have over there. They are so pretty. Too bad most of them not suitable for our weather here

Lady Fi said...

Your tulips are truly gorgeous! Hope your health is improving.

Shug said...

sure hope that the snow and cold weather did not damage all of your gorgeous plants. I've been keeping up with you on FB and love seeing all the beautiful pictures... Can you believe this weather? And, we have not even had it like you all have. About every other day, we have to wear a jacket. The other days, we wear shorts. Crazy weather.... hugs..

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Oh, Betsy, your photos are awesome! I love all of your tulips. What a beautiful flower garden!

Pat Tillett said...

Beautiful Betsy!
Your tulips are every bit as pretty as those at Biltmore. They just have more of 'em...

Kay said...

This is so impressive! Absolutely gorgeous, Betsy.