Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, April 30, 2018

Tulips and Azaleas from Biltmore House and Gardens, Asheville, North Carolina, April 17, 2018

Us  at Biltmore enjoying the TULIPS 
Dear Friends,   Can you believe that it is ALMOST May????   Time is flying by ---but now,  maybe we will all have some warm weather, lots of sunshine  --and finally,  some SPRING!!!!!! April was a COLD month for us  (colder than Feb.)---and many of our plants have suffered so far...  They are waiting for some 'real' Spring also!!!!

On April 17, 2018  we drove to Biltmore to see their Tulip collection...    WOW---did we ever get there at a perfect time...   Even many of the Azaleas were blooming...   SO today I hope this post will make you SMILE.....  Sit back and enjoy the beauty!!!



TULIPS and some WHITE DAFFODILS still blooming



TULIP Opened Up;   Would you recognize this one as a Tulip if you hadn't seen the picture above???



Love this Purple/White TULIP  next to the dark Purple TULIP

The Inside of one of the Purple/White TULIPS



More TULIPS ----oh,  so many colors!!

My Favorite Color of AZALEAS

See the smile on the face of the girl who LOVES TULIPS and AZALEAS!!!

OOPS----not a Tulip nor an Azalea  --but a sweet little family of CANADA GEESE;  Look at those adorable babies!!!!

BILTMORE HOUSE AND GARDENS,  Asheville, NC  --4/17/18
Finally,   I'll include one of George's fantastic pictures which he took while we were standing in the Walled Garden --looking toward the Biltmore House in the distance.... We were definitely there on a gorgeous Spring Day,  and enjoyed every minute of our day there!

Hope you have an awesome day and week ahead....  I think/hope that we are going to finally get some warm weather here --and maybe,  I can get the deck furniture out of the basement and get it cleaned up!!!!   YEAH!!!



Jeevan said...

Wow! This is absolutely a treat to eyes, watching these dazzling blossoms of tulips… It’s wonderful to see tulips opening up and you’re right about the fully bloomed tulips as we mostly see in it closed versions. During a recent visit to a park as part of my vacation I remember seeing Azalea, which I had no idea until checking this post although I captured few snaps on the flowers. Glad to see u enjoying your favourite bloom at the Biltmore and you got fantastic shots…

Cute geese family :)

Ann said...

I would be smiling too. Those tulips and azaleas are beautiful. The one you asked if we would recognize it as a tulip, my answer would be no. That picture makes it look sort of like a daylily.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Wow! That's positively gorgeous. Your first photo of the tulips and George's final shot make perfect bookends for this set of photos.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Yeah you look happy so you are surely feeling much better now, Today we will finally get up to a decent temperature. Your visit to be with all those plants must be lovely a nd memorable.

George said...

We definitely picked a perfect day to visit the gardens at Biltmore. You got sosme fantastic pictures!

Arkansas Patti said...

Good to see you out and about at your--and my--favorite place that you visit. Hope you are feeling as good as you look. You and George certainly get your money's worth out of your yearly pass and what a lift if must have been--for us to--to see all that beauty and color.

Betsy said...

I can just imagine how happy you were Betsy. Those photos are amazing. I loved all of the flowers, but the one that made me smile most was the little family. We brought our deck furniture up last week and then promptly had three days of 40° weather! It’s still pretty chilly but hopefully warmer by mid week.
Blessings, Betsy

Ginny Hartzler said...

It is so good to see a post from you, Betsy! How are you doing? This is a stunning post! My very favorites are the header, and the second picture of all the yellow and orange tulips. Since I cannot get there, you come to me! Always with great beauty.

Fun60 said...

The colours are a real joy to see. Just wished we had some sunshine. Can't believe May is here already.

David said...

Betsy, Love the beautiful flowers at Biltmore! Who doesn't love to see a family of geese or ducks in the springtime... We had a rose breasted grosbeak at our feeder just a little bit ago and Laurie just rescued a fledged finch from an hawk who had driven the finch into one of our windows. The finch was stunned but Laurie took it to a safe spot to recover... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Sweet Posy Dreams said...

Beautiful flowers! Our daughter is in Asheville right now on her honeymoon. She texted me a picture of some darling forget-me-nots along the hiking trail.

Buttercup said...

Beautiful! Since I won't be in Asheville I will so enjoy your visit. I am so happy that you were able to travel there. Glad you're feeling better.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Awesome beauty. I smiled when I read your comment about how time flies. Great minds think alike, as I just posted a new blogpost of flying and time.I love these flowers.Some tulips really don't look like tulips but all of them are gorgeous.

Chatty Crone said...

Tulips are ,y favorite - I would not have recognized the tulip that was open as a tulip. Glad to see you on a trip. Purple sunglasses?

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

These are absolutely beautiful! I hope to see some flowers at the Biltmore when we go at the end of May. You are so right about our crazy weather. You look good at the gardens, hope you are feeling great

BeachGypsy said...

Hi there Betsy, some real pretty pictures here! So many tulips! The azaleas have been done here for about 3 weeks now, and the tulips done since late january or early February I think. Everything blooms early here. Those baby geese are so cute! Are you feeling better? Do y'all have any trips coming up? Speaking of the Biltmore, have y'all tried the Biltmore Vanilla Bean cheesecake---it's in the frozen section? it's really delicious!

Lady Fi said...

Oh, how happy I am to see all your beautiful flower shots.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Wow! This is indeed a fantastic photo show. I love all the pictures of the tulips. What an awesome posting. I hope you and your husband are well and will be taking many more trips this spring and summer.

Susie Swanson said...

Oh my goodness what beauty to behold. These are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing with us. I sure hope spring has sprung. It has been a strange one for sure. Our little flowers have struggled as well. Lots of Love and Blessings.

Pat Tillett said...

Nice to see your smiling face Betsy. Also good to see you out and about.

I would bet that those flowers aren't tulips. No way! Oh well...
I always enjoy your trips to Biltmore. You always get a lot of beautiful photos.

Merlesworld said...

Wow such wonderful flowers tulips are rare here our climate is to hot and humid .

Linda said...

Wow, so much bright color!

Anonymous said...

WOW! No words to express the beauty of the flowers! I too will have a bright smile on my face while seeing these beautiful colorful flowers:)

Small City Scenes said...

The tulips are fantastic, Betsy. Don't they just make you so happy. Thanks for showing all

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, thanks for sharing all the beauty at the Biltmore estate. You must have been in "seventh heaven" seeing all those tulips--which I know you love--and azaelas. Winter has gone right into summer here with high temperatures and humidity. But it's so good to be able to go outside in a t-shirt and walk! Peace.

Connie said...

Oh WOW! So gorgeous. I love the big beds of orange and yellow tulips. All of these photos are so pretty. It must have been such a thrill to see them all in person. Happy spring to you, Betsy!

Kay said...

Oh wow! That is so beautiful! We should have joined you there instead of going to Keukenhof Gardens in the Netherlands.

Happytrails said...

Such an array of beautiful flowers, y'all were there at the perfect time. I especially like the purple and white tulip, it is a striking color contrast. We know the horticulturist there and he does a fantastic job. So glad you and George were able to be there and enjoy such beauty.

Betsy said...

those gorgeous tulips made me think of lollipops for some reason. maybe the vivid juicy looking colors. Azaleas are so beautiful.

Lowcarb team member said...

I certainly did sit back and enjoy the beauty, and I scrolled up and down several times to enjoy all of your photographs again.
I just love the Spring and the wonderful blooms this season brings us.

Have a blessed week ahead Betsy.
My good wishes to both you and George.

All the best Jan

A Colorful World said...

The tulips and azaleas are just stunning! I always love your Biltmore photos! Hope May is proving to be warmer, and you are both doing well!

diane b said...

Just an amazing display of beautiful Tulips and Azaleas. Nice old couple too.

Beth said...

Love this post! Such gorgeous flowers! I esp. love that purple and white tulip! It's been about 5 years since we went to Biltmore, but I still remember it well. We had a wonderful time there!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Of course, I am fond of the Canada Geese but gee, those flowers! Wow! So nice you got to return to NC to visit Biltmore. It is still on my list of places I want to see. Have a tremendous day and enjoy your gorgeous yards! I hope you get to see deer on the golf course, too!