Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JANUARY . Hope you have an awesome and grateful month!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Early--EARLY Spring Flowers in our Yard

Hello!!!!  Welcome to March!  Our winter overall has been so mild --so it has made me excited about SPRING.   However,  I know that we 'may' have more cold weather before Spring truly gets here... SO???  As much fun as it is to see Spring growth,  it still scares me a little --wondering what kind of March and April we will have.......???????

BUT today,  I'll show you the first Spring flowers in our yard this year.  All of these pictures were taken on February 23....    As a matter of reference,  our first Daffodil bloomed last year on March 13....  This year,  they are 2.5 weeks earlier!!!!!  This is definitely the earliest spring I can remember --at least since we moved here in 2003.

Hope you enjoy our new blooms.  Above is some of our gorgeous CROCUS blooms.  Aren't they just so pretty????  Be sure and click on the pictures to make them larger.

We planted PANSIES last Fall --in hopes of having some color in the yard during the winter.  They have done very well this year.   Here's one pretty bloom for you to enjoy!

Our main ground cover all through the yard is PERIWINKLE.  In the Spring,  the Periwinkle blooms and we have lots and lots of gorgeous blue flowers..  Here is a picture of one of them blooming already!!!

Here's another patch of a small CROCUS plant which Dad Adams gave us in 2003.   This one blooms every year for us ---and reminds us of Dad and his love of beautiful flowers. He doesn't have a garden any longer ---but certainly had a beautiful one for many years.

This is the first bloom from our CANDY TUFT.  I couldn't get it out of the shade so I had to hold it up in order to get a picture... Soon,  we should have LOTS of Candy Tuft blooming!!!

Finally,  here is our first Daffodil blooms for 2012.  I love Daffodils (grew up calling them Jonquils since that is what my mother said)---and we have many many more to bloom.

Well---that is what we have to share SO FAR... I'm sure that I'll have many, many more posts as spring truly gets here...

Have a wonderful weekend.  I will see you on Monday.



Anonymous said...

Beautiful spring blooms, Betsy! How special to enjoy some of Dad Adams' bulbs in your yard. Hope you and George have a great weekend.

Mr. Bill said...

My favorite time of year in East Tennessee. Love your photos Betsy.

Joe Todd said...

Just beautiful..Happy March

Unknown said...

Looking good~ That is my favorite color Crocus!!

Brenda said...

Happy Friday, Betsy! Your flowers are amazing! I LOVE the splash of colors!
Enjoy your travels...

Harriet said...

Love your flowers! Hope you have a great weekend.

Sharon said...

Gorgeous flowers! Spotted my first true wildflower in the Smokies last Tuesday. It was either Hepatica or Bloodroot - they are so similar, I have to re-learn every spring which is which!!

Thinking of you this afternoon. We're both in for some nasty weather, but I think you are in a more difficult spot than me! Sincere prayers for all who must endure this again so soon after Wednesday's tragedies.

amelia said...

Love your periwinkle, that has to be my favourite!!
We just have white as far as the eye can see and no hope of flowers till May!

Latane Barton said...

Signs of spring. How we all wish for it, long for it and now here it is. Beautiful flowers.

Tami AKA My Kid's Mom said...

Beautiful flowers! None of mine are blooming yet and I actually hope they hold off a little longer. Would hate to have them bloom and then get a frost!
BTW - dil admitted to L&D - my grandson is on his way!

Neal said...

Those are really beautiful. Isn't spring a wonderful thing? I know we're not there yet but those flowers sure make me think we are.

linda m said...

Your Spring flowers are so pretty. I am beginning to worry that Spring is going to be rather volatile. I have already seen quite a few robins here in WI; along with red-winged blackbirds, starlings and grackles. Today we are expecting a severe winter storm with up to 6-8 inches of heavy wet snow. I feel bad for the birds that normally wouldn't be here this early in the year. No sign of any flowers yet here.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Jonquils and Daffodils aren't the same flower, but they are very similar. I do think the ones in your picture are Daffodils, though. That first picture of the crocus is just beautiful. Our spring isn't that advanced yet, but some trees are budding already.

Lynn said...

Beautiful Spring flowers. The first varigated crocus, purple and white is my utter favorite, but each has such beauty it was really hard to have just one favorite. Also I am "Dutch" on my dad's side and love tulips. Albany, NY always has their annual tulip festival in the Spring. Your tulips remind me so of that event.

Fred Alton said...

The flowers are out all around us here - about 70 miles south of you - and I love seeing them. Yet, it causes me some concern for the time when "dogwood winter" and "blackberry winter" hit us. Spring was early last year - and as a result I had no apples on the two trees in my yard. Since we can do nothing to change it - I'll just join you in the joy of watching nature fill up with God's beautiful flowers and blossoms. ☺

Glenda said...

I love the various colors of your "early bird" blooms. Beautiful! Spring - along with its allergies - arrived here in Louisiana much earlier than usual, too. But it's one of my favorite times of the year, and I enjoy new life springing up all around us!

Karin said...

So lovely to see your splash of color, as our ground is still covered with last week's 15 cm. of snow! Love your flowers!! I think the jonquil, daffodil, narcissus, and even the amaryllis are all related! Just don't mistake any of those bulbs for an onion, lol!! Could be toxic!

TexWisGirl said...

these are beautiful, betsy! nice to see them already, but like you, i'm a bit afraid some parts of the country are in for a brutal storm or freeze yet.

LV said...

How fortunate that spring arrived at your place. We have nothing that looks like that around here. We are told, Texas is in for another summer like last year. Lord helps us!

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Beautiful photos Betsy.

You have been on my mind, hoping that you and George didn't suffer any damage from the terrible tornados that your area suffered Wednesday night.

Sylvia K said...

I do love your beautiful, colorful flowers, Betsy! Such a lovely promise of SPRING!!! Marvelous captures as always! Hope you and George have a great weekend! Enjoy!


Sandy said...

Great to see Spring coming. I do miss seeing that now that I live in South Fl, I really like your header with all the tulips. (o:

Janie said...

Your early spring flowers are looking beautiful, Betsy, but it is awfully early for the blooms. I'm thinking we will have an early spring, too, since we didn't really have winter!

Out on the prairie said...

Absolutely lovely, a lot earlier than here.

HappyK said...

They all are really beautiful. I am excited for spring to get here. Wish it lasted as long as winter.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Thanks for the bright flowers. Spring is such an exciting time of year. No flowers blooming here today. We are having a good old Manitoba blizzard. Lots of snow and now fairly strong winds.

Ms. A said...

I sure would love to have all that color in my yard... although the maintenance is bound to be time consuming. Hubby wouldn't mind the work, but I couldn't do it.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers Betsy, such a delight. It is gradually getting warmer, we have had a pretty good week weather wise. Yesterday was up to 15 degrees C but today it was down to 9 again...so I suppose it will go up and down for a while. Lovely photos you're showing today. Have a fantastic weekend!
Big hugs

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, I just loved opening up and seeing your header shot. Just wonderful.

Rose said...

That sounds like a Valentine's Day to remember.

Ann said...

such pretty flowers and what a treat to see them so early in the year. With as mild as our winter has been it makes me worry what summer will be like

Janice K said...

Spring does seem to be coming early this year. When we left Indiana about a week ago, our daffodils were in bud. They are in bud here in St. Louis also. I did see some some trees blooming here yesterday, and you can see small leaves forming on some of the trees.

Chatty Crone said...

You have a lot of wonderful spring flowers growing - I love your header picture - I could look at it all day and relax! sandie

Serenity Cove said...

It's always exciting to see those first blooms. No blooms yet here in Ohio, but things are coming up and I'm worried because it's just too early.
Love your new header!

A Colorful World said...

Gorgeous spring blossoms, Betsy! And I love that header picture! It's always a worry that winter will come to bluster around one last time and kill everything when you have an early spring show. But, I hope that won't happen and that spring has come to stay! Hope you guys are doing well!

Carletta said...

All of that already in your yard!
I have stems of daylilies popping through but no color yet.
Have a wonderful weekend Betsy!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Wonderful spring flowers! It's so good to see the spring flowers coming up.
Hope you and George have a nice weekend! And hope the bad weather misses you!!

diane b said...

Love your header with the tulips dancing in and out the trees. We call a Jonquil a flower that is like a daffodil but much smaller and has white and yellow petals. Lucky you to have spring flowers already.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Lovely flowers

Connie said...

It's hard to believe you have flowers out and blooming already, Betsy. It does seem awfully early. We are quite a ways behind you here. The daffodils here are just tiny green spikes poking out here so far. Have a nice weekend! :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

My favorite picture here is your gorgeous header of tulips, how I would love to tiptoe through them!!!! And I love the first crocus picture. YES, the weather is so scary that I am not looking forward to spring this year as much as I usually do. The warm weather brings too many frightening weather events.

imac said...

Real great to see all these flowers my friend.
Must say what a splendid Header my friend.

mamahasspoken said...

First of March and you have blooms? That's early but they are so beautiful!

Nava said...

Betsy--same here-- my mother called them Jonquils--I started mine from 12 bulbs from my son's yard. We have been up to 75 here in NW AR--will be down to 28 tonight. Thought about all my TN friends during storms. They came close to us too.

pam said...

Candytuft and Lenten Rose are blooming in my yard.

Beatriz said...

Hello Betsy!
We're finally saying good bye to summer here (very very hot at this time!) Unfortunatelly in Brazil we don't have all the 4 seasons well defined. Basically we have winter and summer. But we can see flowers all over the year in some regions. By the way, your spring is wondeful!!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

spring has sprung and you have proof, welcome home

Anita Johnson said...

I'm so excited for spring this year, this early warmth has been such a blessing. Yesterday, here in Wisconsin, we got 7" of snow...sort of disappointing, but it is melting already...I'm beginning to think spring might be just right around the corner....your flowers are a breath of fresh airlllhow exciting!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Gorgeous flowers- love all the color.

Leontien said...

Hi Betsy
Great flowers!!! we had some in our yard last week... they look very lovely but also very out of place!

I love the dog "quote"!!!
Big hugs from Indiana

Wendy said...

Wow!!! Love your early spring flowers!! They really are beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

Catherine said...

Look at your pretty spring Betsy! Well...I think you should package some of that sunshine up and send it my way...please??? ;)

Wishing you a beautiful week sweet Betsy!
xo Catherine

Annie Jeffries said...

Your header picture just took my breath away.

penny said...

It is so exciting to see the first lovely blooms of spring appear in the yard, isn't Betsy.
These are all delight to see, thanks for sharing.
cheers :)