Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Another New Bird at my Feeders

I think my backyard birdies got a little jealous --since I talked yesterday about some more of my 'babies' (my clocks).... Anyhow---it was a sunny morning on our back deck yesterday, so I decided to see if I could get some new pictures to share. I did ---but the good news is that I saw a new bird at the feeders, a CHIPPING SPARROW. I have seen these precious little birds on others' blogs and also in books--but had never seen one on my deck before. I got so excited trying to get some good pictures. I finally captured him while he was wandering around on the deck. Here are two pictures of him, plus some others which I took.

I included this picture of the CHIPPING SPARROW's back, so that you can see how pretty this little bird is. BUT--I do have a question for my birder friends... I know that there is either a sparrow or wren that fights with the Bluebirds for their nest. I hope it is not this little bird. Which one is it???? I don't want any birds around here who will take over the Bluebird nest.

I love watching the GOLDFINCHES get their beautiful yellow color back now that it is spring. I still have more Goldfinches at my feeders than any other bird.

Here's a great picture of a female BLUEBIRD eating suet in the morning sunlight.

I was amused by this picture. The 'fuzzy' bird in the background looking at the BLUEBIRD is a GOLDFINCH...I think those two birds were playing "Peek-a-boo" with each other... Cute, huh???

One of the cutest birds in the whole world I think is the TUFTED TITMOUSE. It seemed that these two were flirting with each other... They were taking turns flying to the feeders and taking a sunflower seed back to the tree. I captured this great picture of them.. The one on top seems to be waiting for the other one to 'feed' it!!!!! Ya think???

I am really spoiling my White-breasted NUTHATCHES. I put out peanuts for them --and they are always waiting for me to do that!!!! I didn't get a picture --but the Nuthatch did the funniest thing yesterday.. He was on the plate feeder --and a Goldfinch flew onto the plate. The Nuthatch stood up and spread his wings at the Goldfinch. He did that 2-3 times, and I assume he was telling the Goldfinch to "Go Away"..... The Goldfinch did not leave --and actually paid no attention to Mr. Nuthatch... Ever seen that happen???? Wish I had have gotten a picture...

I have a very hard time getting good pictures of our sweet little CAROLINA CHICKADEES--and we have a bunch of them. They dart in and out ---and chatter the whole time. I finally got a picture of one of them yesterday morning.

Finally, here is one of my resident RED-BELLIED WOODPECKERS. These guys are with us year-round ----and love the suet feeders.

Hope you enjoyed my Backyard Birds today... They love to show off!!! Enjoy your Sunday!



Diane AZ said...

Your new Chirping sparrow is sweet! I believe it is House sparrows aka English sparrows that raid bluebird nests. I love your bluebird and goldfinch peek-a-boo shot and the tufted titmice.

Reanaclaire said...

chirpy chirpy cheep cheep!! yes, i love these lovely creatures.. they r adorable!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are great shots Betsy. I like the one peeking around the corner at the other bird a lot. almost like looking in a mirror. My friend in GA has a woodpecker that is making holes in his roof. he is an avid bird person like you and has many houses and feeders for them, and is unsure what to do about the vandal woodpecker. he has two rather large holes in his roof and more on the way. what would you do?

Darla said...

It wouldn't surpise me if it were the Sparrow, I know chickadees love bluedbird houses too. Great photos Betsy.

pam said...

I don't have any chipping sparrows! I have a Carolina Wren, which looks similar. Congrats on your new bird!

diane b said...

Fabulous birdy shots. I love the one peeking around the feeder at the other on. It must be exciting to see a new bird appear. Hopefully he doesn't take over the blue powder puff's nest.

Dorothy said...

Betsy, we have those Brown-headed Nuthatches, Chickadees and the Bluebirds all checking out the Bluebird nest! I'm eager to see who wins. Great pictures today. We have a lot of those Chipping Sparrows and lately we have had Savannah Sparrows. Happy Sunday!

Mary said...

Isn't the Chipping Sparrow a pretty little thing? I hope I see one soon with the weather improving. Great feeder shots, Betsy.

Peggy said...

Beautiful birdies. I filled all the birdfeeders here at the farm and the birds just found them again. I am enjoying watching them so much and think of you each time.

Lisa said...

Spring has arrived at Joyful Reflections! The birds are posing for you Betsy:)

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, you have some wonderful birds there and photos. I love the Chipping Sparrow and Titmouse shot is awesome.

Connie said...

Great bird shots, as always, Betsy! I love the detail on the chipping sparrow's back and that one of the tufted titmouse is really cute! Enjoy your Sunday! :)

The Retired One said...

I think the tufted titmouse was the prettiest bird and the woodpecker...I love watching the different birds returning in the spring! I think my mourning doves are nesting now, they have disappeared for a week and I read that they are probably already to get going on making little ones. LOVE, LOVE spring!

amelia said...

Such cute pics of the tufted titmouse!!!

We have a lot of chipping sparrows here but no blue birds so I can't help any. I know some sparrows are aggressive but I don't know which ones.

In my experience it's impossible to get rid of birds you don't want! I have a huge flock of grackles who bully all the other birds and I wish they'd move on but they don't. Every year they keep coming..

Any ideas???

Beth said...

Wonderful pictures, Betsy! I especially love the one of the tufted titmouse---I don't think I've ever seen one with such a big crest (or would that be "tuft?") We have right many chipping sparrows around here and I've never seen them try to take over the bluebird houses. So hopefully, yours won't either.

Regina said...

I enjoy them so much. Beautiful captures Betsy.

Two city birds was trapped inside my house yesterday.
I let them go:).

Enjoy the weekend and wishing you a lovely springtime.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Loved the pictures! The titmouse is so cute as are many of the others. I like that woodpecker, too. They really fascinate me. I have them in my trees a lot lately. One woke me up one morning pecking on my gutters!

imac said...

Real great captures of your visitors

Diane said...

Like your bird pictures, Betsy. The two peeking at each other was a great catch and I laughed at the Tufted Titmouse. He looks so surprised. Diane

June said...

These pictures make me feel so happy!
The "peeking" picture, and the tufted titmouse in particular...LOOK at that crest on that bird...looks as if he's spiked himself almost into oblivion! :-P

Here, it's the tree swallows who take over our bluebird boxes. Beautiful little birds in their own right, but they aren't bluebirds.

Cheryl said...

Love the photos today, such great, clear shots. In the first photo the little bird sure seemed to be posing for you. Have a lovely week.

I Am Woody said...

From what I read, the chipping sparrow is not a cavity nester so shouldn't bother the bluebirds:)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Fabuluos pictures! I love the way the nuthatches crawl down trees headfirst! Remember my chickadee pics from a week or so ago? Flit, flit, flit!! I'm amazed you got one that not blurry at all! But the chipping sparrow, YES! I've not seen one before, and on first look, thought it was a song sparrow! It does look just like one, but without the little yellow markings. Could it be wrens that fight for the bluebird houses? It seems like I've heard that before. And you haven't seen anything till you've seen an angry wren! The titmice are too cute! I think the feeding thing is a courting ritual. Your pictures of them are perhaps the best today.

Ms. ~K said...

Great birdie shots! We have a pair of Titmice who are courting and frisky these days...
Are you expecting snow tonight/tomorrow?

dot said...

Cute bird shots! I just got my feeders put up since moving so I'm anxious to see what will come.
I wonder if anyone has seen a hummingbird yet.

Carol said...

Sometimes it takes a picture to show you just how beautiful some of these little brown or grey birds are.


Unknown said...

What great shots you got Betsy, buyt my fave is that cheeky tufted tit, too cute lol!

nanny said...

Your pictures are wonderful! I am amazed at the number of goldfinches I have this year....and the number seems to double everyday....I love them!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Love the tufted titmouse...my hair looks similar in the morning.
I just noticed the bee's in your header photo. They are doing their job pollenating!!!

Anonymous said...

great pictures

I love it when my birdie friends return from their winter vacation.

Not bird feeder birds, but a flock of Canada geese flew over yesterday. I love to hear their honking. I guess they're glad the ice is breaking up on the lakes and they can soon find a place to nest.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

I do love all of your lovely bird shots Betsy...and that little tufted tit mouse is so cute. We've been talking about your mile long yardsale and just may get to come to it!!! I'll cross my fingers...

Snap said...

Wow! What a selection of feathered friends you have. Beautiful!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Betsy!
Sparrows like this one are almost the only birds that come to my bird feeders! They are hardy little birds. I never see blue birds here, so I don't know if the sparrows would take over their houses.

The tufted titmouse is adorable!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

What fantastic shots Betsy !
My favorite is the Tufted Titmouse with his "Punk" hairstyle :)
Love the Bluebird and Goldfinch playing hide and seek at the suet feeder.
I think the regular house sparrow is the one who will steal the bluebird nest.

Karin said...

And I thought a sparrow was a sparrow - didn't know there were so many different kinds of sparrows! What do I know, lol! Always learning something new here! Such adorable birdies! Love them all!

penny said...

Betsy, you header photo is gorgeous and it makes me smile every time I see it. You are so lucky to have all these wonderful birds to watch coming and going all day long.
I had to take my feeders down because the Mocking birds who inhabit our yard all year long, are building their new nest.

Rose said...

These are great photos...I thought the tufted titmouse had a look of surprise!

Your header fits nice now....it really is beautiful!

Janice K said...

That picture of the Tufted Titmouse is really something...Maybe he was frighted or angry because his topnot is standing up why higher and straighter than usual.

The Carolina wrens are such sweet, hard-working birds. That face-forward picture is really good.

Anonymous said...

You are seeing a good variety of birds in your back yard. We now have four 'bird feeding stations". We have two feeders in our back yard and two feeders in our front yard. We have a finch feeder sock hanging from a hook on the side of our shed. There is a feeder with sunflower seeds hanging on a hook that swivels in front of our spare bedroom window. There is a suction cup bird feeder with sunflower seed attached to Bob's computer room. The fourth feeder is next to a rhododendron bush, which is near the suction cup feeder. I hope soon to capture some pictures of birds at our feeders!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I enjoyed you birds.The Tufted Titmouse looks comical,almost like he is yelling at the other one. I don't think that the Chipping Sparrow will harm the Bluebirds nest,as the Chippers nest in small shrubs.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: What a fun group of birds to have at your feeder. Something took my suet feeder. Do you think a raccoon?

carolina nana said...

Happy Sunday Betsy,
Nice bird pictures,I'm on strike with the bird seed today because something scratched the seed out of the feeders on the ground. More than I have seen before so I am making my little feathered children clean up their mess today! It has been a rainy day anyway and everyone seemed happy to eat of the ground.
Have a Blessed Evening'

Glenda said...

Love, love your bird pics! You get the best close-up shots!! We have the same birds - except for the white-breasted nuthatch; I've never seen that one! I spent quite a while today watching birds as it snowed here! Snow on the first day of spring here in LA!! It didn't stick, but it was unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

RE: Jonquils! I had to chuckle at your comment on my page - My mom is from St Louis & she's always called them jonquils, but nobody else around here calls them that, so lots of people make fun of her, including us - We used to - We don't anymore! Now I call them jonquils too!

Loran said...

So many cute little harbingers of springs are wonderful to see!

Small City Scenes said...

So neat to see so many birds that call your home the Daily Diner. I like the Chirping Sparrow and the look on the Tufted Titmouse face is hilarious. Thanks for sharing with all of us. MB

Kelly said...

Yeah!! I'm glad you capture a Chipping Sparrow at your feeders. I love these little birds as well. Ours don't arrive until later in the spring. It seems when our American Tree Sparrows leave, they are replaced with the Chipping Sparrows. Both are lovely little birds!

RA said...

Wonderful shots! I don't know anything about birds, but I love watching them. Have a wonderful week, Betsy.

SmilingSally said...

You sure get a wide assortment, Betsy.

Joyful said...

I love all your bird pics. You seem to get a lot more varieties than I ever see on my patio.

Kirigalpoththa said...

That is a new bird for me too! Lovely photos as always!

happily retired gal said...

What a DELIGHTFUL array of little feathered visitors you see ... the chipping sparrow looks much like the sparrows we see here in So Cal. Luv the tufted Titmouse!
Hugs and blessings,
Sacred Ruminations

SquirrelQueen said...

The Chipping Sparrow is so cute but still not as adorable at the little Tufted Titmouse. I love all of your little bird visitors.