Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

More of my Babies (and this time, it is not the Birds)!!

I've mentioned to some of you in comments how much that I dearly LOVE CLOCKS... I have three old chiming clocks in my home (all in my Great Room), and all three of them work. It's wonderful when they all chime at the same time (which is rare)... ha.... My job is to wind them and keep them running!!!!!

Today I will show you some pictures of my 'babies'---beginning with my favorite one pictured above. I received this clock (made in Germany) in about 1970 when my family and I lived in Maryville, TN. We lived in an apartment at the time and my neighbor was a lady from Germany. She had several German clocks in her home --and I admired them several times during our friendship. One day she GAVE me this clock---and to this day, this is one of my prized possessions. It's the type of treasure that you do NOT allow a mover to move... Everytime I have moved, I have taken this clock with me in my car. I wish I could see that German lady today and tell her AGAIN how much I love the clock that she gave me. Below are the other two clocks.

One reason I love clocks is that I grew up with this little Seth Thomas clock. It sat on the fireplace mantel in my childhood home in Big Stone Gap, VA for as many years as I can remember. SO---I don't really know how old it is, but it has to be at least 68 years old or older...

My Mom and Dad used to tell a story about me and this clock. When I was four years old, I attended a little pre-kindergarten program in our town. I must have loved going to 'school' ---so every morning, I knew that we couldn't leave for school until 8:45 a.m. One morning ----about 8:30, I got on a chair (so they say) and moved the hand on the clock to 8:45... Then I ran and told Mama that it was time to go... Oops---I think they caught me!!!!!! (Of course, I think this was just a 'tall tale'--since I was such a good little girl, I would never have done such a thing!!!!!!! ha ha ha)

This little Seth Thomas is special because it was 'rescued' ---from the trash can (if you can believe that). This one really has the prettiest chime sound of all three of them--and it keeps the best time. This baby was in George's family --and he remembers that his father-in-law at the time found this little clock in the trash can somewhere, took it home, cleaned it up---and here it is still working many years later. I am thrilled to have an old clock from George's family --in addition to my two. All three of them strike on the half hour ---and on the hour.

We have a huge Great Room (combo living/dining) in our home --so all three of these clocks live in that room. I keep hinting to George that we need a 4th clock someday, a vintage 'tall clock'---or as I have always said, a Grandfather Clock. Every time I see one in a museum, I get so excited... OH--how I'd love to have one in my home!!! BUT--I think George believes that THREE is enough!!!! Oh Well!!!

Have a great weekend.


Valerie said...

Your clocks are so beautiful. It's funny how an inanimate object can become such a part of your life.

When my oldest sister graduated from nursing school, she bought my parents a tall grandfather clock, that sat in the living room and made beautiful chiming music every 15 minutes - and then had the gorgeous do mi re so.... so re mi do pattern. It is interesting how when you live with these clocks - eventually you don't even hear them anymore unless you listen.

When my parents died - she took the clock to her home ( as was fitting) but I always missed it. So When Larry and I went to Lake Placid on one of our trips - they had a neat clock shop there. We couldn't afford anything big - but we did get a small mantle clock that chimes every 15 - and even has special songs on the hour (happy birthday, hallelujah chorus, silent night etc...) plus the traditional chime. It has become a big part of our kids lives now too!

I've always wanted a Cuckoo Clock though.
Oh well ... maybe some day!

I am right with you - clock sure are special heirlooms that you build your life around - always looking to it to ... tell you the time.

RoeH said...

Aren't clocks just neat? I always wanted my grandmother's clock she had. But when you're the youngest grandchild, you're not in line for anything. :) I always wanted a real clock from real Germany. *sigh* Maybe someday.

DeniseinVA said...

First of all what a gorgeous photo of your crocus. Love all that sharp detail so that you can really study them. Your clocks are wonderful Betsy. I have an old farm house reproduction - sort of semi grandfather clock - in our hall but it doesn't chime, more's the pity. One of these days I hope we can buy a proper one because I have this wonderful memory of the clocks chiming in my grandmother's house when I was a little girl. She had one on her wall that had two rearing horses on each side. I loved it even back then and remember those chimes as clear as a bell in my head. Cute story about you moving the hands to go to school. Have a great weekend.

Arkansas Patti said...

Love your clocks. I had one but in all my moves, it got lost. Kind of miss the hourly reminder that the day was passing.
Your site loaded quickly but does not fit my page now. All that is cut off is part of the header and by sliding the bar I can get it all. I'd leave it that way. I enjoyed it and it is no hassle to slide the bar. Besides, it may just be me.

Anonymous said...

I like your clocks, Betsy. When they chime, it must be a lovely sound. I like grandfather clocks too. I admire them whenever I see them. They sound beautiful when they chime. I have two special clocks in our home -- a mantel clock and a cuckoo clock. The mantel clock is an anniversary clock (gold base with glass dome), which Bob gave me on our first wedding anniversary. I purchased the cuckoo clock in the 1970s, when I lived in Germany.

penny said...

You have a wonderful collection of clocks. They are beautiful, Betsy.
I too am a clock lover and can never resist stopping to look for a new one. My husband is very tolerant of all the tic-tocing around our house.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the crocus are super duper great, them and the photo. clocks that make noise can not live in my house. these are very pretty but chiming is a no no here.

Jayne said...

I've always liked clocks too Betsy, and yours are beautiful. Love the new header photo. Spring is finally here!!

NCmountainwoman said...

Love the new spring header and no, it didn't take a long time to load. We also love old clocks and have them in several rooms. Yours are beautiful.

Rose said...

I love your clocks, too. That first one will always bring memories of a good friend along with being beautiful.

The page loaded quickly today, but was slow last night. I think that was my computer. I have to 'x' out of my sidebar for it to fit....but it doesn't cause a problem for me. I suppose it would depend a lot on the size of screen that people have. They sure do look like you could reach right in and pick one like this!

Karin said...

Lovely header Betsy! So close I could see the bugs! Beautiful clocks you have and such lovely tales about them! My aunt had a gorgeous cuckoo clock, so lovely to look at! I stayed at her house overnight occasionally and that cuckoo woke me up every time! Auntie just never turned it off and I found myself not liking that bird, lol!!

Beth said...

Your clocks are beautiful, Betsy. What a special gift your neighbor gave to you! She was probably very happy to find someone who would treasure the clock as much as she did. I also loved the story of you turning the clock ahead---you were a smart little thing, weren't you!! I, too, love clocks. One of my dreams is to someday own one of those cuckoo clocks from Germany that have real music boxes in them with the little woodchopper who chops wood. I had a Kit Kat clock with the eyes that roll and the tail that switches back and forth, but it stopped working. It made me happy, and I miss it very much.

Your crocuses are so lovely.

Richard said...

Love old clocks.

I think your header needs to be shrunk to about 900-950 px. so it can be enjoyed all at once.

Snap said...

The clocks are beautiful (looking and sounding)! I'm always interested to see what folks collect (three makes a collection, right?)!!! I have one granny clock and one mantle clock ... the mantle clock needs work ... on the never ending list. Love the crocus!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love the history of your clocks Betsy. It is so nice to have things in your home with meaning and a 'story' around it.

I love the header photo, but it won't fit on my screen, it is a bit large. (I have a 16" screen)
Happy saturday!

Small City Scenes said...

Tick Tock etc.

the clocks are beautiful and even more so because of the history behind them

My friend, Deena has several Grandfather and mantle clocks in her house. Her father makes them and they are beautiful.

You Crocus picture is very pretty but is too large for me to see it all. But leave is large--still pretty.


Diane said...

Great post, Betsy. I love clocks, too. I don't have very many right now. When I had my antique shop I had a lot of them and I loved to hear the ticking, it gave such a peace. If I forgot to wind one my customers would remind me! Diane

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Beautiful clocks.The memories that go with them are indeed special.As for the header,it's gorgeous.Now I need your help.How do you get to have a header that size?What blog template are you using?I get tired of the small size that is allowed for the header.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

THANKS for your comments on my LARGE header photo. I didn't think about it not fitting the screens of smaller monitors and laptops... SO--I have changed it back to 'normal' size....

Hugs to all and thanks for your comments,

I Am Woody said...

I've always loved cuckoo clocks:)

Glenda said...

Beautiful clocks . . . made even more beautiful by the special memories attached to them. Who knows . . . maybe you'll add a 4th clock soon!

Ginny Hartzler said...

A clock post, I love it! We have a similar little Seth Thomas to the second one, but it's gold metal. My mom used to love the wall clocks that you wound with a key and they chimed every half hour. She finally bought one and was so proud of it. But whenever we came to visit, it kept me awake all night long! I love them and would buy one if it automatically stopped chiming at night. But then again, at times, I just don't want reminded of the passing of time that often!

Diane AZ said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful clocks, Betsy. I love your stories about how you came to have them in your great room. I don't have any chiming clocks yet, but I adore them and cuckoo clocks too.

imac said...

You seem to have Time on your hands Betsy,lol.
Catch my Header next wednesday(wink wink)

HappyK said...

George sent me over to look at your header. It is a beauty.
Happy Spring!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Cute clocks and what a neat set. My mother had a clock just like the first one. She also had a bigger one. I always stopped them when I stayed overnight.

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi Betsy Sweetie...
I am your newest follower. I love this post. The German clock is such a precious gift of love. It is ashame that you can't find the precious lady today that gave it to you so many years ago. I know she knew it would be loved, and that is why she so generously gave it to you. What a beautiful thing Betsy. Just beautiful.

Your clock from your childhood mantel is precious. What a family heirloom to have all these years and share with your family today. I love the little roses on the face. Beautiful.

Thank you for sharing sweetie. If you get the time please stop by Country Wings. I would love to have you as a follower as well.

Country hugs...Sherry

Anonymous said...

I love your "babies." They truly are treasures.

We bought a very nice clock when we c completed our remodel of our family room. I love looking at it. It seem to make the room more "homey."

thanks for sharing the photos and stories of these treasures.

Shelley said...

I just love and adore your clocks Betsy! And I say yes to getting a grandfather clock! Tee hee - don't tell George. I've always loved these types of clocks. ONe of my great uncles had a huge grandfather clock that he would let me wind up when I came to visit him. I hope one day to add one to my cabin.
Hope you're having a great day! School is still going great - my semester ends the 1st week in May.

happily retired gal said...

Wonderful clocks! I love 'wind-up' clocks too ... have a Grandfather clock and a mantle clock in my living room and pendulumn wall clocks in most rooms throughout the house. I love the sound of the ticking and chiming ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Cheryl said...

All three of the clocks are beautiful. And its nice that each one has its "own" story. I especially loved the second clock, so nicely decorated. My grandmother used to have a cuckoo clock and I was always fascinated by it!

Neal said...

Whew.....I'll bet you just love switching to and from daylight savings time. :) Of course you have plenty time. :) What else do you collect? Poor George...he's going to be living outside in a tent by the time you get done with all your collecting. :)

LV said...

Betsy, I learn something new on each of your blogs. You and George are just jacks of all trades. My husband worked on clocks. I only have one that I kept. It is a Seth Thomas grandfather that the telephone company gave me when I retired. It is a very pretty one.

The Retired One said...

Very pretty, Betsy!!

I love clocks too...but my hubby doesn't like them ticking or chiming during the night...so we don't wind them. ha

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Betsy, I share your love of clocks, the older the better...
When we were newlyweds a fellow servicman had a clock business on the side, his home was nothing but ticking clocks, it was like being in a museum of sorts. We loved visiting their home, and listening and learning about all those old clocks, and as soon as we could afford one, we bought our first grandfather clock.
I love the stories behind your timepieces, I bet your home sounds so beautiful with the echoes of their chimes.
What other babies have you been hiding from us :)

dot said...


I hope that is a direct link but probably not. Anyway it's in the park and it's called Howard's Chapel if you want to google.

Your clocks are gorgeous!

Leedra said...

Jimmy must agree that 3 is enough because he received our 4th one back in September for his 40th service anniversary with General Shale and it is still in the box. I keep asking what if it is broke if we don't open it we don't know if it is ok. I did finally get him to take it Rockwood in hopes he would open and use it there. Nope, it is still in the box. I have one of the tall ones. Received a Grandfather Clock for my 35th service anniversary. It was freight delivered, and came with the appointment for the clock man to come and set it up. I also received a smaller one for my 30th service anniversary. They both chime every quarter hour, and count the hours on the hour. But my favorite is my cuckoo clock. Jimmy bought it for me our 1st Christmas together. Today Mason came up to me and said "Mason up please" he wanted to see Granny's cuckoo clock up close. He knows he can't touch it, so when I picked him up he said "Granny does it!"

Clocks....another thing we have in common.

carolina nana said...


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Betsy!

I enjoyed seeing your clocks and learning their history. Thye are beautiful!

Thanks for all your nice comments!I am so behind since coming back from Colorado!

When you have the chnace could you tell me in an e-mail what new cmaeras you bought recently and if you like them? MY daughter-in-law wants to invest in a good camera and I remember you got a lot of recommendations on which ones were good that I'd like to pass on to her. Thanks!

Connie said...

Your clocks are all very nice, Betsy, but I really think you need to add a grandfather clock to your collection. ;) ha ha!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Lovely memories from your beautiful clocks!!!

Sunny said...

I also love clocks and yours are just beautiful.
You could always set them to different time zones! Ha-ha!
Sunny :)

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...


Your clocks are so beautiful..I love all three of them..each is very different from the other. I know the chime is nice. I've only had one mantel clock and it was decorative and didn't work...but I loved it just the same. :0)

Thanks for coming by to see me..
I see we have snow headed our way again!! These past few days have been wonderful though.

Stephanie ♥

diane b said...

Your crocus header is lovely. Spring has come to your blog. I loved your stories about your clocks. Do they wake you up during the night?

Deb said...

Your clocks are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

SquirrelQueen said...

I love clocks like these and they are even better when they have a family history. The first Seth Thomas clock reminds me of one my grandparents had when I was a small child. I was fascinated by that clock and always wanted to help wind it.

How could anyone toss that cute little clock, it's a good thing George's FIL was around to rescue it.

Come on George, you can never have too many clocks!